Why are you racist?

Why are you racist?

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Im not

shitalian subhuman

i'm not through
why are you saying things about me again?

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I live in America

I find most non-whites are hideous. I want to surround myself with things that are beautiful.

I hate everybody these days. Race barely comes to mind.

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Because i believe there's nothing wrong with wanting your kids to look like you and to carry on with your european ancestral linage

>tfw no oni gf

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Because Indians are so fucking ugly and keep killing and raping Muslim qts in Kashmir.

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>tfw no angry oni gf with glowing red eyes

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i wouldn't be racist if wh*toids didn't exist 2bh

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But Argentina is white, or so the legend goes.

Fuck off, demonigger.


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>Because i believe there's nothing wrong with wanting your kids to look like you

They will always look like you unless you adopt.


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I'm not racist, i just hate niggers

Wow self-loathing is not healthy.

Blacks and Jews aren't races, they're completely separate species(es?)

Blacks = Homo Erectus
Jews = Neanderthals

Don't undermine years of Argie progress on Jow Forums, user.

Oni is Japanese for Demon.......

Fuck off, oninigger!!


because of you guys here on Jow Forums

People who are not white here :
Arabs - usually hostile, usually bad education.
Arabic Jews - less hostile but still hostile, bad education often.
Eritrean runaways - basically NO education and live illegally not recognized by the country usually, pretty hostile usually, takes part in theft.
Ethiopian Jews - they're not as bad but still meh, no visual appeal and lots of children which equals meh education.
Imported Asians - basically Asians coming to send money to their family because of better wages or to marry an old guy and move here permanently, possibly leeching off him.
They're not really good for much and all of them usually smell bad and have mediocre hygiene or worse.

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Im not, I just wanna forcibly make everyone be equal.

Am I a racist if I find humanity as a whole repulsive?

There's nothing wrong with casual racism, it could save your life but I wouldn't call myself a racist. I try to look at people as individuals

im not
except against the ch*nese which arent a race theyre a species of bug

Because in the past 50 years my country has turned into a shithole and I'm supposed to thank the people who made it this way.

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because i am forced to go to work with people who look nothing like me and don't talk like me.
because i am forced to live in a neighborhood where no one talks to me and i have no connection to them because they have no history in the place where i live
because i am forced to watch my childhood neighborhood become a hive of crime and degeneracy
because i am forced to accept these people as my fellow equals when they don't think like me, look like me, or act in a similar manner to i do
because i am forced to watch my leaders cater to these different people and bring shame upon myself because i was born with a sin due to my skin color
because i know that these people will one day take over my land and run it into the ground like the places they came from and there is nothing i can do
because i am forced to sit by as my brainwashed peers of my skin color lecture as to why i need more diversity in my life when i got along just better without it

i never wanted to hate anyone, i still don't want to hate anyone, but there will be a day when i wake up and to find that my home and land is no longer mine. If i don't get angry and take a stand with a bunch of other people of my similar backgorund we are going to disappear into the dust and be forgotten. My forefather's blood is in this soil, they fought for ideas and their way of life and it is going to disappear soon. That is why i am """""racist""""""

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Because I notice trends and understand statistics

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because i have to deal with niggers every single day

Blaming immigrants is easier than blaming yourself.

bc gypsies and niggers are self-centered, aggressive and rude people, and the only way to live in harmony with them is by being aggressive, assertive enough towards them and keep them away from you

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i never hated gypsies until i lived in the balkans and got to meet them in person

they are leeches