Why is America so shit?

Why is America so shit?

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American education

America's pretty great if you have money

too many non-whites

this tho

Fuck off mong

>America's pretty great if you have money

Americans companies worth 27 TRILLIONS dollars.
Just 10% of american population owns 90% of the financial wealth.
Being the top 10% of americans must be something beyond the imagination

America is magnificent. If youre smart. Stupid people will always find shit to complain about. If youre born american and youre even reasonably smart, the world is your oyster

My dad is a multi-millionare, pretty comfy desk

>Americans companies worth 27 TRILLIONS dollars.
owned by jews who don't reside in america tho


Where the top 10% lives?
You people don´t fear the poor or criminals?
For example: Manhattan has a lot of Ultra-High-Net-Worths, but NY has a lot of scumbags. The millionaries don´t fear the criminals in the city?

I live in a 95% white region in my state, my high school had 1 black guy and 1 Mexican, the rest was white.

In each state the whites segregate into their own areas in the suburbs.

Like anywhere else theres good areas and bad areas

this, i had the same experience

pretty sure any country is pretty great if you have money

desu shit like this is just wrong. some people on opiods really fucking need them and medical science has no solution for a lot of the reasons you'd need em.

Nah its not the same. I've been to some wealthy neighbourhoods in the U.S. Its almost like disneyland.

>pretty comfy desk
are you IKEA'D or something?

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But muh precious baby would still be here if those opioids didn't find themselves into his bloodstream

Not trying to be contrarian but
>The world is your oyster
is a meme.
It is a fleeyting emotion of contemporary value, not to be taken on eternal value.

It was a spelling mistake English teacher scum

Yes, this is my cousin, Galliote.
He is the president of one of the biggest soccer teams in Sao Paulo
He has millions in net-worth and lives in a safe neighborhood in Sao Paulo

Attached: Mauricio-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 96K)

well. maybe. some people do legit abuse them and it ultimately does fuck their tolerances up.

i do think this opiod war is going to fuck over people who really need them though.


At least I'm not a weeb outcast teaching English to Japanese school children

What is the comfiest part of Brazil user? Have you been in a Favela?