christmas with deano
Other urls found in this thread:
stop doing drugs
never started
Context: a match on bumble has 24hrs to respond and once per day you can add
24hrs to this
Don't much like the cut of her jib here
real thread
Reported for low quality post
white canada has a yellow history
got 10 points from pogba in the fantasy today lads, looking good
Fuck up cunt.
reported for reporting the reporting of a post
dont get why deanos love gav and stace so much its shockingly bad
Albanians are subhuman
All in here
how do i shake the feeling of like a total charlatan fraud who is always on the verge of getting found out:
>professionally feel unqualified for my job - even though i'm good at it
>conversationally feel as though everyone is well advanced compared to me
>feel as though i forget everything from uni, whereas everyone else remembers everything.
*illuminates you*
Are you cunts retarded?
Do deanos read the beano???
Never tried weed and will be trying a bong tomorrow haha
that is edgy as fuck
literally the edgiest one I've ever seen
I am a NEET
me everyday
Didn't take the anti depressant for two days & had a melt down this morning.
ugly mongoloid subhuman financed by her daddy
are you? these threads have been up for ages
prepare for the best wank of your life. trust me lad, there's nothing like wanking when you're stoned. it's literally better than sex.
cant believe Gary got away with it desu
*poos on you*
Don't worry sweetie we all appreciate that you made a thread
I want Emma Watson to fart whilst sitting on my face.
Do the self service machines in Tesco take 5 pence?
get bad anxiety if i drink more than a few pints so i dont drink
i believe so
Wish I had irl frens.
Rope your neck in you spastic mong.
get anxiety when I drink
get anxiety when I don't drink
my mate says the same thing
how the fuck can you be anxious after drinking? it makes no sense to me at all.
i drink 4 pints a day minimum but thats normally the maximum
Get anxiety when I smoke marijuana.
Look up imposter syndrome, its quite a common thing
black mirror went shit after it went from Channel 4 to Netflix
you would understand
if you had anxiety
Is that the one with Rowan Atkinson?
Love Techno
Simple as.
alcohol literally increases anxiety
>mfw 50m today gets you half a sturaro
most epic thing to ever happen to me
techno is boring can’t wait for it to die out
Roe Atka, as us fans call him
Imagine being so lonely you spend all your time on Jow Forums
>You're still on for Stacy's party tomorrow night, user, right? Her sister thinks your cute and I told the boys from football practice that you'd come up with a rad spotify playlist cause you seem to know most about music, ha ha. You're not gonna let me down again, bro, right?
How do you respond?
fuck off, no it doesn't
it makes no sense at all. how could it possibly cause anxiety? i'm confounded.
i have anxiety too, alcohol and benzos are the only things that stop me from feeling anxious.
i think you two are just fucked up.
just think the hillsborough thing is a bit sad really
>i have anxiety too, alcohol and benzos are the only things that stop me from feeling anxious
also md (I love md)
if you live in an area where new immigrants actually live you'll see what "benefit" they add to society
standing round on street corners 7 days a week, dealing drugs and being violent is great
>6'0 vs. 5'11
got downvoted on reddit again
In ancient britain only the most noble and virtuous men were sacrificed to appraise the gods. It means all of you have inferior ancestries.
increased anxiety is one of the hangover effects of alcohol, it effects everyone to some degree
tried playing oblivion earlier and got to that bit where you have to go in to oblivion and kept dying dunno what you have to do
the sins of the father are not the sins of the son
Is that Sage Northcutt?
my ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same?
Except for you, Emma. You are pretty noble.
dont give a fuck about hillbro or football
just sick of dickheads judging/stereotyping me from where I was born and how I speak.
from a neutral scouse perspective, you english give us a lot of reason to dislike you. Within 5 minutes of meeting most of you there will be the sterotypical comments or accent imitations clearly intended to insult
Honestly i dont care about Hillsborough one bit, infact i kinda see it as a good thing because scousers died. And from what I understand from people is that Northerners have lower IQs and therefore more prone to violence
most overrated game ever due to nostalgiafags
weird reply but alright
you have to just leg it, basically run past all the enemies, find your way to the top of the tower and steal the orb.
if you try fight them all you will almost certainly die
fair enough when you're hungover, but there's no way anyone could feel anxious when drunk. i cant even imagine being anxious and drunk at the same time.
imagine all the millions of people across northern england in bed with their wives in their own houses with mortgages and jobs while you post this on Jow Forums at 2.40am
anyone tried lambs navy rum?
that or captain morgan's dark rum?
can you throw up from weed?
Carlsberg>literal urine>Heineken
It was karma for Heysel
any else just watch lets plays instead of playing games anymore
lambs is alright, but heavy and will do you in
wouldnt bother with the morgans dark, may as well just get sailor jerrys
Sports > gym > drinking > drugs
Yes, sir.
If you get drunk as well. I've done it many times, dunno why.
yeah i used to do it all the time
"whiteying" they called it, because you go pale right before throwing up
need to take the techno pill lad
My psychologist used to tell me that all the time too.
Just bee yourself lads
why does nobody know how to use > and
how do I avoid throwing up on weed