Jow Forums
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International #934
How can one man be so incompetent?
How will he be remembered Jow Forums?
Trans women are women too
How much is rent in your country?
This is considered white in my country
I know we haven't always been the best of friends. But if you live in this hemisphere, I feel genuine kinship with you...
How do you feel about foreigners who obsess over your own culture, e.g. weeaboos
What actually existing name do you call the average person from each country?
Countries that should have their internet turned off
Which non-nigger country's people are the ugliest on average?
Do people in other countries have a nostalgia for the times before 911 or is it just an American thing?
If the world had a capital, what city would it be?
This calms the american
North Sentinel Island
Why is japan so degenerate and disgusting?
Does your country have any areas where the majority of its people come from another country?
Jow Forums
Wtf is this?
Is it true that having a British accent makes it incredible easy to sleep with American girls?
Is it popular in your country? Do you read it?
Average Mexican man. Thoughts?
Who is your country's brother? pic related. united in autism
I need to become well versed in modern kpop to fit in at my korean class, which is 90 percent fangirls...
Why norteamerifats still use 110V?
Is it just me or does America actively suppress the development of other nations? Their actions against South America...
Saudi Arabia's wahabbi government has destroyed 95% of historical sites from Muhammad's time with fears that it will...
Finn user come back please i want to be boyfriends with you
Where were you when Argentina saved the white race?
>20 protesters
How did a large % of my country get so brainwashed and lose all respect for law and order?
Death cult
Is she EVER gonna die?
How do we fix gypsies?
Everyday Carry
Sverigetråden - Nattmystråden
Why are Americans mad that Europeans and Japanese don't want to buy your shitty ugly cars?
What do you call this in your country?
Remember 9/11?
Insult the Nationality above you
/heiabettchen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Culture Pals /cp/
Colonialism ultimately resulted in several vibrant new cultures
Aryans of the East
Ugly language
/v4/ + friends
If your country was a one piece character
There are youtubers who earn a million per month
I am the one on this board with the most meme ancestry. You literally cannot make this shit up
I’m going to bed tell me a bedtime story
What do people in your country think of my country and its people?
Why doesn't Iran annex Tajikistan and Afghanistan?
Come inside from walking the dog
How the fuck are there so many mexicans in states like this one?
/ASEAN/ 2020 edition
Why does Japanese attract the weirdos?
Hercicamente Defendido Por Cuauhtemoc Cayo Tlatelolco En Poder De Hernan Cortes
Why did my grandparents go to this shitty monkey country
I've been redpilled and hate white women now so
What sets us apart?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Finn user come back i want you
1 Your cunt
Which country has had the biggest influence on American culture?
Has any girl ever looked at you like this?
Sverigetråden - SDupplagan 2
Did you know
Do they treat these fairly in your cunt?
I don't see what is wrong with genocide. If subhumans are being killed off I don't see a problem
Based TÜRKS are banned while macacos have carte blanche to shit up the board
/lang/ Language Learning General - Diversity Edition
I miss her
Med bvlls
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Hi swedish posters
Anzu is getting THICC
Westermoskee, Amsterdam
Even if our murder rate is comparable to latam, here it's just niggers killing niggers so I doesn't matter
Is the rest of Latin America as gay as Brazil? I always see countries like Mexico or Argentina with macho culture...
Are there any locations in America where American citizens are safe from being shot?
You're country
Named Mohammed even though you're not a Muslim
Is this map accurate?
Tfw if everyone over the age of 18 should automatically be added to the national donor registry is being discussed in...
ITT Jow Forums cursed pics
Post misunderstandings about your country and clear them
What would it take to turn the Hagia Sofia into a sovereign territory similar to Vatican City...
Ukraine is a country
Iblis apears in front of you
It would take like 15 seconds for me to break the door with sledgehammer and get inside
Who is your favourite Japanese person? For me its pic related
Seriously, how come the most attractive men in the world are all white guys? What’s their fucking secret?
Poland is unironically FUCKING BASED and REDPILLED (prove me wrong [you can't])
This is now one state, what next?
What would happen if american and russian populations suddenly changed locations?
/ita/ - il filo segreto
Sverigetråden - SDupplagan
I hate Sw*den so much I want to nuke Sw*den off the face of the planet...
Ahh home sweet home
ITT: tongue twisters from your languages
Tfw no finnish bf
You're country
Asian, happa or pajeeta ?
Am i the only one who likes finnish boys *wink wink*
Your cunt
Life in Barca
For me it's malta
/deutsch/ fast /nachtschicht/
/deutsch/ - /nachtschicht/
You Groove You Lose - Jow Forums version
Why can't Japanese people speak proper English? Even after studying English for years they have a funny accent
This is the ideal nation. You may not like it, but this is what perfection looks like
3rd world feels
What were your friends like when you were 12?
Why are most of you losers single when you live in an age where you can communicate with people from any part of the...
Are you happy with your country's leader and bonus in Civ 6? Your country IS important enough to get in, right?
Shouldn't the UN do something about the public shaming of Americans by their government?
1. Cunt
Which side wins in an all out hot war with no nuclear usage allowed and no outside assistance of any type?
*cracks* Simo Häyhä, Now THERE was a soldier
/ita/ - il filo
There are """""countries""""" with less than 8 million people in them
Countries that are full of prieto manlets
How will your country react when he finally wakes up?
Why are med footballers into fascism ?
What’s the deal with Ukraine? How did that civil war resolve?
This mistake will finally be over by the end of tomorrow
What is your opinion of Bulgarians?
Which one would you rather live in?
/fr/ - le fil franc
Can they be stopped?
Sverigetråden - Debattupplagan
Guys I hear footsteps in my house and someone turned the kitchen sink on I live alone and I don't know what to do...
Atleast I'll get arranged marriage to a virgin girl
Where're my alcoholics bros at?
/Anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
What do you think about Europe - MENA mixes?
Two minutes later the thread got deleted
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave :))
Jannys delete passports thread
Ugly language
I-i need a cock i-in my mouth
Tfw no maltese gf
Which side wins in an all out hot war with no nuclear usage allowed and no outside assistance of any type?
Does your city have a metro system
This is me and all other americans
Has there ever been a society on Earth where Darker skin was favoured to Paler skin? Japan, India...
How and when did Jow Forums lose its virginity?
Are asian girls with big asses the god tier of women ?
Why aren't you free Jow Forums?
Your cunt
Literally started Finnish nationalism
Guess the name of the poster above you
Whites on Jow Forums:
This will be easy
Jow Forums is making me lust for nordic boys and this is not good because i already have a boyfriend and i don't want a...
Post YOUR passport
Did you grow up around anyone famous Jow Forums?
What was the Swedish Empire like?
French abortion fags BTFO
The country of jordan is not white
Sverigetråden - Nostalgiupplagan
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkόν
No culture
Do you have retard stoners in your country?
Why do East Asians have a superiority complex over Southeast Asians? They're literally the same people
Remember Charlotsville?
Thoughts on the new Doom?
Choose again . right or left
Does your cunt have native reserves (aka people that live in the nature, reject government but love demanding gibs)
Im loosing my hair
I don't like France, but I like French girls
Would you marry at 20 years old, Jow Forums?
I just said "based and redpilled" IRL
Name a more pussy-whipped nation than Americans
This a half-Tunisian, half-French girl. Would you agree that we are doing the world a favor by bleaching North Africans?
Tfw R1b admixture
Native swedes
Why the British tourists cause mayhem whenever they go? From what I learned, they are hated everywhere
I am a German citizen of Turkish origin and I love Germany and thus will stay here forever...
ITT We say nice things about Portuguese People
Tell me about special dishes for special day in your country
Why Russian women desired by European men, but Russian men aren't by European women
/v4/ + friends
Sverigetråden - Antigrisupplagan
Redpill me on this cunt
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: Wealth divide in your cunt
Have you ever noticed that it's basically only thirdie airlines that have crashes or other serious accidents?
Is Greece nordic?
What happened with Alex Time?
Castle thread
1. Your cunt
American cars don't sell in Europe because Euros tariff the fuck out of them to protect their own donestic...
Tfw euros on this board can easily find mena girls like this as the EU allows millions of refugees onto the continent
Gaijin served by another gaijin
The Siddi
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread
Estonia is becoming too stronk and powerful, how do we stop them before they annex Finland, Baltics, and Russia?
What does Jow Forums, especially posters from the e*ropean union think about it?
Sweden has a huge housing crisis and is nearing financial collapse
Why is Asian art such shit?
Wake up
/ita/ il filo
1. Country
What are your thoughts on the leaders of the free world Jow Forums?
I saw ANOTHER Japanese girl with a Pajeet
Oi m8, you got a loicence for that skin colour?
1) Your cunt
Wake up
Sverigetråden - Swedditupplagan
Polish culture
Local bookstore. Envy?
/deutsch/ Rotes Italien-Ausgabe
Thunderstorm just started. Hold me Jow Forums
Why isn't germany divided like this? :/
If your girlfriend's foot were this long, how would you feel about it?
Are they Nordic?
Why isn't the West's love for Japan unrequited?
Why haven't you gotten yourself a nice foreign gf?
How do I impress a devout Catholic girl?
ITT: People(not countries) you hate
World's best Starcraft 2 player is from Finland
Name the US states
Why do americans put their shoes in fridge?
How are they considered in your country?
Your country
When will we enter EU and NATO? We are fully prepared. Ukraine has good economy, low corruption now...
This is my gf. She is from Lebanon
Are Spaniards considered white in your country?
Why korean stalking for Japanese?
I really hate washing the dishes
Population of Nigeria in 1950: 38 m
Why are central Europeans in particular statistically such perverted disgusting freaks?
Why do you hate Norway?
Worship and glorify the military, give it nearly a trillion bucks every year
Can you do the Asian squat?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
In Sweden, the washing machine is always in the bathroom...
So, how will the China-India dominated world looks like in few decades, as the UE/USA are losing steam?
/hell/ - Νήμα (φιλ)Ελλήνων
Boomer reddit trump tards that keep infesting Jow Forums and spreading to other boards
How do we save Romania?
/balt + ausnz/
Jordan is not white
I literally have no self control
1. you're cunt
Where is the border between first and third world countries?
1. Your country
How to count 1 to 100 in ur language?
I will always be fat
Russia Will Comeback As The Superpower By 2020!
/TÖTET SIE ALLE/ ehemals deutsch
How do you like your coffee Jow Forums?
Kurva anyátok
Just once I'd like for a girl to approach me
What did Britain mean by this?
Why are the Nordics such commie shitholes? Why did they embrace any form of communism like “democratic” socialism...
Who are the best and worst tourists in your country?
Be br*Tish
So this is it huh? My last chance of meeting somebody
Always was
Imagine if we had a crossover board for Jow Forums and /lgbt/... but without the l, b, and t
Daily reminder that “mulattoes” are black. that includes dominicans, too
Is russia still a superpower? some people say they really poor while others say they are better than the usa
Korean food is so bad that they barely served it in Seoul. Most of the street food i saw their was Japanese. KEKED
You wake up in Stockholm
As a latin american, i have seen the state of my and other latin countries...
I haven't eaten in 12 hours
Why yes I am Swedish how could you tell
Do you bully Brits when they come to your country?
I unironically think that Islam can fix black-Americans degenerate mind-set
What is it like being a normal country?
I want nordic cock
Why cant the world just decide on one universal outlet type?
Why aren't you muslim?
Sverigetråden – en upplaga med bröd
English-speaking person asks what your name is
One (1) chance at life
The ultimate race
1) Your cunt
Whiter than you, Mohamme-
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Why do Asian Americans all look like this
Why is life so boring?
Your cunt
Do foreigners know about Rick Steves?
Really made me think
Are teetotalers considered weird in ur country? People who don't drink tend to be the topic of gossip here
They are fucking BASED and there's NOTHING you can do about it, whiteboy
Spanish Thread / Hilo Español
Where can I find a girl like this?
Is Korean food the best?
If Jews are so smart, why don't they dominate the PISA ranking?
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread -バイク edition!
How would you rate this city?
Honestly, what's the worst state in the USA?
What are some anons you recognize from this board?
Why are Americans such uptight fucking faggots about alcohol?
Internatinal drinks
What sets us apart?
Traffic Circles
THIS is the fabled kinder egg that euros gloat about? LMAO
Any foreign shows or books about invading modern Russia?
Average new zealand girl
Jow Forums is a BOYS ONLY board and g*rl trespassers will be shot on sight! F*males do not belong on the internet...
1. your country
Fuck haiti
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Canadians have to struggle to pay for Spaghetti?
How do you call this in your country?
What are your honest and unfiltered thoughts on Mexico and its people?
Arabic dialect tiers
How embarrassing would it be to have to learn your grandparents native language as an adult? from someone else
Iberians and white people
Don't tell me this little girl is taller than you
Why do africans look so different from each other?
Costa Rica safe?
I want to have sexual intercourses with a yellow cute
Why do Europeans wear tight pants?
How did Haitians beat the French?
Jordan is not white
Sexiest sounding language:
How would a Chicano be treated in your country?
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Finland is nordic
1. Your cunt
If you had to leave your country for 10 years and choose one of pic related and you were not allowed to leave for this...
This is how japan thinks amerimutts look like
I hate the EU
/HITLER/ in /deutsch/
It's another thread where an American leftist brings up Scandinavian welfare states as proof that communism could...
Do you have a happy life?
The absolute madman
Any pr*testants here?
Hilo ibérico. Español o portugués. Latino-américa invitada
How accurate is this?
Thoughts on Sweden?
/danmarktråden/ 7.0
قريبا edition
Why won't these countries just join Poland?
Do you like thicc girls or slim girls?
I live in a shitty part of the desert where Egyptians...
Soy is bad for y-
Is this just an American feel or did you guys from other countries empathize with Rich too?
You guys are joking when you call him a murder for offing a commie, right?
How does it make you feel that America will be a Hispanic and Asian country in 50 years?
Always thought the oval office was pic related
/nachtschicht/ - /deutsch/
Why the fuck does alcohol taste so bad to me? I see roasties and chads do whole shots like it's nothing...
Do you want to find love in Israel?
They're going to be ok, right?
Be american
Who is the most well known person from your country?
Do people watch football in your cunt?
80s music thread
Would you racemix with a French person?
15cm and thin penis
/cp/ - Culture Pals
Great country
Your country
I have a dream
I fixed the world
So how do you think is going to win this Jow Forumsernational fight? UK or US?
Why is everyone so obsessed with Southen Italians...
NON-WHITE moors larping as aryans
Write a haiku about the above posters country
If you are gonna tell me we are not the craziest country in the world, I am going to punch you in the groin
How was life like in 1400?
Sverigetråden - Paladin upplagan
How accurate is this graph?
/fr/ -le fil de la France
You have 10 seconds to act as Norwegian as possible
/fr/ fil de la francophonie
Ancient Germanics
/ita/ - il filo
Are finnish girls hot?
Are they meds?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
I don't like the mainland because it feels like you'll be surrounded by non-whites at any moment
/luso/ - fio lusófono
ITT: countries that you hate and you think deserve to be wiped out
Lira has lost 40% of it's value since january
Never had major war
The overall fertility rate for Israelis was 3.11 children per woman...
I'm putting together a team
I have an IQ of 108, is that low?
Is it true that they are actually Arabs?
Why doesn't Canada have any friends?
This is my gf, post yours
/sino/ - /华/
Indo-European thread? Indo-European thread
"Why yes, I am a 100% RUSSIAN BULL. How did you know?"
ITT: Shade countries whose native populations would pass as locals in your country just by looks
Let's eradicate these guys
Can we have a day without hearing about F*nland?
Your country
Your country
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread
Things you love about your country
What is it like being tall in Mexico?
Why does Finland hardly produce pop stars unlike other Nordic countries?
Are you sad to know that this flag will disappear little by little from this board as the country is on track to go...
Asian insects:
So what is this Qanon thing in the US?
Why do Muslims hate Westerners and the West so much for mistreating and constantly call them racists and whatnot yet...
Europeans live with their parents until they're in their 30's
Stop! Why are you not living a simpler, pagan live?
Can we just export them ?
I dream of a unified germanic europe
These two groups of countries go to war with each other. Which side wins?
How does Chile deal with its recent invasion of niggers ?
Why don't girls come on Jow Forums anymore?
Are Europeans truly white?
Say something good about us
Easiest place to get laid in Europe outside of prague and poland?
/lang/ Language Learning General - Learning Swedish edition
/ita/ il filo di umaru
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Why yes I do suffer in first world!
Is america even a democracy?
Can any Indians confirm this? Have you had a successful toilet revolution...
1. Your country?
I am posting from Spain, yet I get a bulgarian flag
Would you want to have finnish gf?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
/Hilo Latino/
Why does Irene love gypsies?
Yes, I'm what you might call a citizen of the world
Every morning i make a soup out of:
America, you have a problem
/hell/ - Νήμα (φιλ)ελλήνων
How have you learned difference between Slovakia and Slovenia?
Does your country have Paris-Syndrome?
Can we all just get along
American urban planning
The reason why Finns drive the oldest cars in Western Europe is because nobody can bother to change their cars because...
Why the fuck people from this area act like they are the real Finns? Especially here on Jow Forums...
Can we agree that countries that consume mostly Vodka have no taste?
Stop having children ffs!
Does anyone want to be my bf? I'm a caring, relaxed and non-SJW man. Just don't be fat, asian or brown
Which is better and which would win in a fight?
ITT:post cool flags
ITT We say something nice about Finnish People
Which country should i claim asylum?
Why is the USA such a shithole?
I have had enough of the wagecuck life. I am gathering a crew
Which European region is superior to the others?
If meds are so superior then how come Southern Europe is less economically stable than Northern Europe...
29 year old
How do we fix this?
Sweden needs latinas
Cosplay gala in my town
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
Burgers complain about black crime rate
Sverigetråden - KAMPEN-upplagan
Guess ethnicity of guy who took photo
Lapland's police doesn't have it easy
/carib/ + island friends
Name 5 Hungarians
Is this region a good place to trip?
1. Your country
If asia was a school
Daily reminder that if your language has < 100M native speakers, it is meme stuttering
/brit/ = British Culture General
Hungarian Gender Studies at the University
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which European rap do you like the best?
/hell/ - τσούλες edition
Can any of you actually disprove this?
In Lithuania we literally advertising our country as brothel
Which is best?
Why are they so poor?
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Civil war in my country soon
Why are americans so obsessed about nintendo?
Smile everyone
Innocent biosphere that makes life possible
What are the most powerful criminal organizations in the World?
Wagie wagie - crazy ragie
I'm a black french national AMA
/cum/ - 大日本帝国
We're in 2018 and indian men are already at the year 2020, because they know that white women are superior
This is a woman who works at my next desk
Do indian girls like hispanics?
Wake up
Worst posters on Jow Forums
Hello, int! I'm drunk and want to chat with acquaintance girl, how do I start conversation?
Kurva anyátok
World Black Population Map
Travel with German guy
This is a 500 yr old house in France
Our country's old flag... now THAT was a national symbol
Homophobe thread
Should I sleep nude? Is it common in your country?
It doesn't matter if you're black or white
Do you like finland
Iq map
How do chinks sleep at night knowing all it would take is a strategic bombing campaign of China's seaboard to dismantle...
I'm scared guys
What does an "American accent" sound like?
IQ by country
Why is public display of affection so disgusting
How do you call this in your country?
Guess my race and ethnicity and shit faggots
China- the big jock from the football team who bullies the other kids
Girls as dignified and beautiful as this do not exist in canada
ITT /int in 1991
Why are Americans so childish?
Always remember that the Swedish Prime Minister once said that his country was so safe he didn't need bodyguards...
What is Canadian culture?
Should I change my name? It's now Ali and I can't get any job. I'm not even a filthy desert dweller, but a tatar
Nuclear war against China is a must
Do young people still fall for the smoking meme in your country?
How do I socialize with women?? I was never really taught. I don’t want to fuck this up, lads
What's a country that's the embodiment of "failed state"?
Greatest country on earth
How can I tell for sure if someone is using a proxy server here? It's very important...
Mexican male escort here. Ask me anything
I want an Alabaman girlfriend
Where did all the Jow Forumstard incels ago? There used to be so many of them here...
Your cunt
A Danish antifa is threatening me and looking through everything to gather information on me and on my boyfriend...
The change of leading superpower to China is obviously inevitable...
Slavic men are ug-
ITT: Post the ranking of ugliest people from your continent, top 5
Who is your country's most famous serial killer?
Another Friday night alone
Let's settle this once and for all
Is this accurate? Is Latin America not western?
What the fuck is wrong with them, Jow Forums? How come they are so evil? Are they even really Nordic...
What is the most stereotypical shit about your nationality that you did today?
We've been having a lot of threads about black girls, Asian girls, native America girls...
Are they really white?
Why do whites and blacks get along in Namibia but not in South Africa and Zimbabwe?
I wish my country had a leader like him
/ita/ - il filo
I live in a shit hole country but let me judge your first world country
What's up with the amount of Jow Forums refugees
/fr/ le fil français
Sverigetråden - Yunoupplagan
My dad keeps urging me to join the military
1. your flag
Tell me any cunt/region/city and I will give you a quick rundown on them
Do you wish you had an epic German name like Garfunkel?
/cum/ USA, Canada and Mexico
It's here boys, European GDP per capita PPP for 2018. Data for GDP per capita nominal will be out later this year
1. You're a country
Could we pass as locals in your cunt?
How can other languages even compete?
I'm leaving this place
/nachtschicht/, morgen wieder /deutsch/
Why are black women so loyal?
Your country
/carib/ + island friends
Is obesity a problem where you live
I am 73% European, 15% Negroid, and 12% Amerindian, and I think it's time for the white race to rise up
Watch video about sandy hooks
Why yes, I am a north indian punjabi, people mistake me as greek/italian all the time
Any Portuguese here? Do you have Irene's facebook or instagram...
Rebirth of the Ottoman Empire costs a lot. Sultan Erdogan is ready to pay the price, though
Where is this from exactly
What exactly are they?
American landscape is so nice and comfy, don't you agree Jow Forums?
Did the dollar fuck your currency today?
Why are they the angriest posters on Jow Forums, bros?
Leave my house
What did you say about China?
Had a date with a hot Swedish chick I met on Tinder tonight
Just had asado with my friend gerado
Innocent Armenians
When did American Culture lose touch with reality?
American game or movie
Is Morocco black?
Thank you
Sverigetråden - Regelrätta upplagan
Your opinion on:
/v4/ + non binary and otherkin friends
How much of a loner are you?
Faces of Jow Forums
What makes them evil
Finland is baltic not nordic
Do you like Spain?
How cucked do black people feel that in rap, a black genre, the most popular rapper of all time is white?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Your cunt
Please learn french
They have a point
16 years old girl and 20 years old guy is fine
Is your city filled with ugly towers?
If a Norwegian is under 185 cm tall, has dark colored nipples in spite of blond hair and blue eyes...
Is Irene a common name in Portugal?
Do you work for a living? Family paying for you? Or just neets
I'm super sad tonight
Do women in your country do this?
What must I do to get a russian gf like her
How do you call this in your country?
Are they their own race?
East Asians are collectivist while westerners are individualistic
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship