
Tell me about this country.

Attached: belarus.gif (1181x788, 32K)

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literally white russia

Lovely country,
Poor but clean version of Russia

I never see that flag in here
Must be autism doesn't exist out there

I've seen pretty often, lurk more


Max Korzh is the best singer of all time..

Sadly, Belarus is just a puppet country. Some regions of Russia, like Tatarstan and Chechnya, have more independence from Russian govt than Belarus.
But Belarus is based. Love it.

why based?

>Belarus is just a puppet country
Lol, you don't read news, do you?
Lukashenko is one of the most independent leaders in the world

basically mini russia more russian than russians i think they're same with taiwan in east europe they're hardly sucking russia's cock like taiwan is hardly sucking jap tiny cock they have no national identity and own language

This is sad.

such a big land with low population. well-known for beautiful women.











nice proxy faggot

Literally the rightful descendant of medieval Lithuania.


This desu.

You mean Ostland?

Very rude post.

why does it wear the mask?

Belarus is Nordic.

>Alexander Lukashenko has served as the country's first president since 1994. Belarus has been labeled "Europe's last dictatorship" by some Western journalists,[15][16] on account of Lukashenko's self-described authoritarian style of government.[17][18][19] Lukashenko continued a number of Soviet-era policies, such as state ownership of large sections of the economy. Elections under Lukashenko's rule have been widely criticized as unfair; and according to many countries and organizations, political opposition has been violently suppressed. Belarus is also the last country in Europe using the death penalty.[20][21][22] Belarus's Democracy Index rating was the lowest in Europe until 2014 (when it was passed by Russia), the country is labelled as "not free" by Freedom House, as "repressed" in the Index of Economic Freedom, and is rated as by far the worst country for press freedom in Europe in the 2013–14 Press Freedom Index published by Reporters Without Borders, which ranks Belarus 157th out of 180 nations.[23]

it's only the most BASED country in Europe

They are literally the best immigrants we have in Poland. They are like Ukrainians, but they seem more calm/civilized. Good people.

ive only met one belarusian and he was like a human/bear hybrid. had hands as big as baseball mitts and didnt seem to feel the cold at all. he also used to act like he was an evangelical christian and went to church on sunday but had a reputation for stealing anything that wasnt nailed down on the work site during the week.


Belarus is autonomous part of Russia.

literally this very nice place to visit, like an alternative reality where USSR is still around

Attached: 27minsk-foto-dmitriy_vazhnik-yanvar2016.jpg (1200x901, 371K)

Rightful Lithuanian clay, "bela"RUSSIANS are slaves for the lithuanians.

Is Belarus cheap/safe? Am I gonna get fucked if I speak neither Russian nor Belarusian?

True Lithuania

Attached: 005_aes_20170421_dsc5327.jpg (1002x670, 380K)

Lithuania is Polish clay. Give back Wilno.

t. 89 iq

Attached: iq_by_country.png (1357x800, 25K)

I hear everyone speaking this here, is it a meme?

Much safer than Romania

Romania is a safe place as long as you mind your own business. Don't base your knowledge of other countries off Jow Forums memes.

you're going to be alright, it's super safe, super cheap
language is going to be a problem, few speak english
and it's easy for a Russian to enter, but you'll probably need a visa or something, but I heard that Bat'ko welcomes EU tourists so it shouldn't be too hard

no it IS probably safer than Romania, I would say
surely much safer than Russia, and Russia is pretty fucking safe too despite Western prejudices

It's safe, sure, but you're implying that Romania is some sort of third world shithole. You don't like people being prejudiced against Russia, so why do it to us?

>Belarus's Democracy Index rating was the lowest in Europe until 2014 (when it was passed by Russia)
this is why I never take these indexes seriously
they are a political tool
i don't even like russia

Cute flag


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I think he want to say that Belarus is safer than you can possibly imagine.

Comparring nominal gdp and gdp ppp. With 1 dollar in berarus you can buy what you can buy with 3.26 in USA. In romania that ratio is. 2.14/1. Meaning that belarus is 34% cheaper than romania. In terms of safety you should be safe. indexes are bullshit what is difference between 1 in 100k and 2 in 100k

Lithuania should be in center.

i'm not the guy who brought it up actually but look
my perception is Romania and Russia are close on average, safety-wise. Ok, excluding mountain villages in Chechnya and Dagestan.

that guy said Belarus is much safer. It probably is

he just means it's probably safer than safe

U butthurt man

Is it the KGB keeping crime off the streets? I've been learning about breakaway regions and central Asian countries, so I'm geniunely curious about places I perceive to be mysterious.®ion=150

Attached: Снимок.png (970x472, 28K)

>Alexander Lukashenko

i thought names ending in -enko were ukrainian in origin. is Lukashenko ukrainian or does belarus have similar naming convention to their southern neighbour?

not sure if it's kgb or militsya or whatever, but the reality is amazing. I personally think it's just the small population for a relatively big country, and good-natured culture, generally

Partly because of government work and partly because of national character - they are pretty chill people in general.

Attached: o3mq55b9ng801.png (1289x767, 116K)

Interesting. From what I've read so far they get a lot of hate but I'm assuming it's just your average Westerner being mad at non-"""progressive""" countries.
>We, Belarusians, are peaceful people
Anthem checks out.

Isn't that the Chernobyl province of Russia with the highest suicide rates in the world. Most irrelevant slavic country by far.

>Most irrelevant slavic country by far
What about Macedonia?

or Ukraine, you're probably thinking Ukraine

Russian is a must, no one speaks Belarussian here.

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very interesting pic. it says -enka in a highlighted area. so if someones names ends in -enka its belarusian and if -enko its ukrainian.

tldr of GDL history
>invade large parts of Ruthenia
>become minority it your own country
>upper classes Ruthenize themselves
>PLC happens
>Lithuanian upper classes now Polonize themselves
When people talked about Lithuania they mainly meant current Belarus and Vilnius. Mickiewicz in Pan Tadeusz as Lithuania meant current Belarus. Even in PLC Ruthenian was the official language of GDL, not Lithuanian. The Poles who lived in Vilnius before the war and later got kicked out were Polonized Lithuanians.

It's like Canada for Russia, but small.