World Black Population Map
World Black Population Map
Other urls found in this thread:
>MENA whiter than America
>turkey isnt bla-
Actually pretty funny when you think about it
Whats the definition of black adopted by this map?
If is african blood, Colombia is 100% black. They didn´t receive europeans like Brazil in the end of XIX century.
And i can guarantee that Portugal and Spain have much more.
Brazil is 80% (if it is just african blood and not appearance)
White Americans are much more likely to have indigenous blood, because people mixed with Indians and whites were considered white and could marry whites. Although there are many "whites" with African blood that even they do not know.
blacks are just 13% of our population tho
A lot of europeans have black blood, but they don´t know
The Black Presence in Pre-20th Century Europe: A Hidden History
Do not forget that slaves were taken to Europe too, mainly Spain and Portugal
>No Black
I don't buy it.
If is BLACK BLOOD, a lot of americans have and do not even know.
Like this guy
never seen one irl tbqh
What the fuck statistics is this based on? Blacks in the UK make up a mere 3% of the population.
Why is India and Pakistan colored?
It depends. A lot came over after the 19th century from europe so I would rule them out. The ones before might have some black blood if they were plantation owners.
I ve found the site of the fundation and didn´t find this map
but he's right though w*itoids shouldn't mix with BLACK men
why isnt italy black
Because whoever made the map is retarded. The stats for every country seem to be completely made up. America's black population is just over 13% (with many most likely being mixed), whereas this map claims it's 25-50%.
That beginning of the video
>i'm a white man
the memes write themselves
the fuck is wrong with his ears?
literally looks like the mutt meme
How is 1% of the population a significant minority?
> Turkey, Pakistan, Italy and Iraq are blacker than Papua New Guinea, Australia, Indonesia and Fidji
Never seen a black native mexican
why don't they ever show black people in video footage of Cuba? are they all in rural areas or something?
Its a feel good map for niggers
you're retarded
Uruguay got blacked. By the way, today I saw an african family in the bus. It's a rare sight.
based manuel blanco
not surprised a brazilian made this post
Fake map. Netherlands isn't 12+% black and america isn't 25-50% black.
Can confirm. Slovenia is full of blacks.
I know that blacks go to India for education because Europe is too expensive, but statistically you should barely notice them.
Not sure about Pakistan and Bangladesh though.
I'm sorry sweetie but Slovenia is 100% CHOCOLATE
They have a blacc mayor in some of their towns cec
>whites were considered white
We are the true Aryans after all
I thought there are only 12% of blacks in the US.
I didn't know Sudan was that black.
Are you saying they have them in more than one town?
Deal with it Ankit.
>first link
>cnn immediately starts calling him slovenia's obama
Nice proxy spic
if there's one thing that the americans did right, it's the one drop rule, so everyone with any significant black ancestry is considered black
so if it says 14%, it's fucking 14%, if not even less, at least appearance wise (according to established perceptions)
not like in brazil where they might say they have 10% blacks but appearance wise it's actually 50% because brazilian half-blacks call themselves pardos or even whites
>Horn of Africa
What is wrong with Turkey's color in your map OP? Something is off about your map...
13% of a country of over 300 million people.
we are blacks
>Centro de Estudios Panafricanos
Literally a we wuz map
Most white Americans are 0% Native
And Colombians are castizos, they look whiter than fugly Guatemalans, Bolivians, Paraguayans, Peruvians, etc
Where are blacks in Argentina from ? Are they straight out of Africa, from other south American/Caribbean countries or are they "native" to Argentina
Bullshit map
There's no blacks in India and Pakistan and srilanka
It's a nigger WE WUZ map just look at Egypt.
Sudan or Bilad al Suldan literally means country of the blacks user
We have a lot of Haitians recently.
Shouldn't Egypt be the same colour as the rest of Africa?
Fuck chanates, ese
The only whites that really mixed with amerindians became the current day Metis in Manitoba/Northern Ontario. Even in Quebec their claim of having a lot of Amerindian blood is overstated. What's really funny is we have a lot of Liz Warren tier card-carriers in Northern Ontario with blonde hair and blue eyes. Lots of Ukranian and Scandinavian immigrants went to northern Ontario and bleached the Metis population (which already is a bleached population of Amerindians).