This is a woman who works at my next desk

Say hello to her,

Attached: 20-11-46-downloadfile.jpg (684x512, 110K)


She said hello to you.

Konichua, you very pretty.

Annyeong, the OP wants to be your oppa but can't ask you out rn

Ok enough, I guess. Her feet are a little long, though. NeeHaoh

Hello tranny

Is your dick tiny??


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That's not possible. A woman would never talk to me.

konnichiwa red dragon Hong Kong sushi chopstick Ho Chi Minh City

She is polite and good person.

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you gonna fuck her ass or nah?

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Fuck she's beautiful. I hate being reminded of what women actually look like when they are not obese

40% of woman in the USA are obese lmao

There's nothing sexier than a tall long faced Asian girl.

I'd fuck the shit out of that gook.

Tell her I said こんにちわ。And I will trade two oxen and a bag of coins for her hand in marriage.


What a qt
>tfw she wouldn't smile if she saw my subhuman mug

Attached: TSLgv0p9aDQ.jpg (684x576, 32K)

She will smile user,

Attached: %C7%D1%BC%BA%C1%D6_%2815%2917-33-29-.jpg (459x360, 43K)

Nice shoes