29 year old

>29 year old

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happy birthday

thank you

Happy birthday :)

>tfw soon there

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happy birthday homo

Don’t look down, you still have a long way to go

BAD birthday hahahaha

Happy birthday user,
getting old is a privilege, be chearfull

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this. there's someone who turn 39 today. c'mon user, you're not old.

Happy birthday man! Don't associate negativity with your current age! You still have many years left! Enjoy your life even more now!

Don't be such a wimp. And joyeux anniversaire.

27 and I was 24 a few weeks ago. Might do a 'cide

you only feel this way because you are here, among people much younger than you

>27 and I was 24 a few weeks ago
no you weren't

you're not over 36 so I wouldn't worry too hard

>kids born in 2011 started school this week

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>Tfw 29 year old and parents still don't allow me to use the computer all day

Happy birthday then, I hope things get better for you.

Reminder that the alternative would be being among your peers, most of which are married and/or with children and have a good job instead of posting memes

happy bday buddy

happy birthday user
I wish you a life full of baguette and honhonhon

kill yourself

Why do kids in finland start school at 7??? How arr you not a race of complete brainlets

>29 in 5 weeks

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lol old

>29yo for two months
hang in there frog

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