Why is the USA such a shithole?

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*whispers* Black people

white southerners are nigger tier

Brazil mentored us.

*shouts* White people

because we get the scum of the earth to live here

America is weird. It is a first world country but 40% of the population is third world tier

USA is turning brown.

Attached: usaracedemo.jpg (900x900, 121K)

Probably because the Third World people keep coming here.

>USA will be just another latin american shithole in less than a century

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Ignore all other posts.

Attached: Healthcare Expenditure.jpg (793x768, 151K)

Because our healthcare sucks and republicans are too brainwashed to do anything about it.

And it's beautiful.

Fixing healthcare in the US won't happen because dong so would require raising taxes significantly. Americans are obsessed with money, so that would trigger them big time,

California floated the idea of universal healthcare, but it was way beyond their state budget and the proposal got shelf'd.

Highly wrong. Single-payer healthcare would save tons of money vs our current bloated programs.

fuck off with the raising taxes, the military gets all the extra funding it didn't even need out of thin air despite the recent 2 trillion tax cuts for billionaires.

If California, the richest state in the country, can't afford it then I remain skeptical of your claims.

Unlike all the other Western nations, the US always had a cross to bear since they had a large black population from the beginning.

Starting with the Hart-Celler act of 1965, the US began to add to their demographic problems by allowing a increasing influx of immigration from non-Western countries. Combine that with governments bowing to corporate interests and turning a blind eye to illegal immigration, and you have the current state of the US.

From an economic perspective, the US is basically carried by three groups who are pulling the cart. Whites, Jews, and certain kinds of Asians. And yet these groups (with the exception of Asians who will increase slightly) will make up a smaller and smaller segment of the US population. The growing segments will simply not be able to replicate the US economically, socially and culturally and in time the numbers are going to reflect that.

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No money is spared when it comes to the US government maintaining their global hegemony. This should be obvious by now.

This. Taxes would rise but premiums co-pays and deductables would be gone.

I wonder how many newborns bleed to death or get infection after circumisation and how much does it affect this statistic.

Attached: circumise it.jpg (943x1150, 387K)

Expensive healthcare for the lower classes.

They had loads of sex reassignment surgeries due to botched circumsisions