Stop! Why are you not living a simpler, pagan live?

Stop! Why are you not living a simpler, pagan live?

Attached: 1513771389437.jpg (854x480, 154K)

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Because Christiam Asceticism is simpler.

because i'm not 97% scandinavian

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I hate mosquitos

Cool horde hat you have there, nordo

You can't call yourself European when you worship some sandni**er [Pbuh]

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I will once I get my education completed and work couple years so I can buy my own property

Attached: hervannan historioitsija.jpg (1600x1200, 342K)

>Wears Christian chainmail

Because I'm not a faggot



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>ywn be this pure

Varg looks like one of our actors. Except he was like 70.

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Because I don’t have autism

Hes 3% *nglo

23andMe data is not to be taken seriously because it just shows you which DNA data is shared with other nationalities.
Therefore you can export the raw-data and find better providers to analyses them.

>Varg is not 3% Anglo, Anglos are 3% Varg

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activate pagan protocol

>Ave evropa, user!

Wat do

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Varg truly showed me the way. I will try my best to live like him in the near future. Probably gonna bail on my country and head for east europe (homeschooling is not allowed here and guns are hard to get).

I want to see a debate between Jordan Peterson and Varg Vikernes

And what topics would you want to hear discussed?

she looks like a crackhead i went to highschool with.

I live an even simpler Hunter Gatherer lifestyle, my tribe hasn't developed religion yet.

everytime i see this guy and a funny thread about him,my only thought is that He is a murder

Varg isn’t even a pagan, he’s an agnostic autist.

because that would limit my nordoid slaughtering capabilities.

>Ear piercing
150% chance of homosexuality

i am pagan


Take an image of this or youre a semite.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-14-20-54-24.png (720x1280, 898K)

Yeshua is not a prophet yahweh is a true God Abraham is not a prophet mohammad is not Gods messenger.