>things you love about your country
>things you hate about your country
Things you love about your country
>things you love about your country
>things you hate about your country
small population, not really big issues
uneducated people, cultural leftism
>>things you love about your country
nothing, basically - I suppose we had some good metal and rock bands, and fruits are cheap.
>>things you hate about your country
Everything, basically.
>things you love about your country
>things you hate about your country
You can break the law almost freely
>things you love about your country
Gun rights, beautiful countryside/forests
>things you hate about your country
The Corporate-Industrial Complex and the Jews that run it
>things you like about your country
It's full of foreigners
>things you hate about your country
None of them at qt girls
>things I love
The people, the culture, the north, the beach
>things I hate
Arabs and Haredim
> things you love about your country
population being large enough to find people with shared interests easily
enough inequality and resources to make my life at least somewhat comfortable
good public transportation in Moscow
excellent pre-1953 architecture
>things you hate about your country
drug abuse
historical revisionism
foreign policy
internal policy
so good no one ever heard of a Huezilian metal or rock band or music for that matter
Cities are designed retardedly and any attempt to fix it makes people screech about a left- or right-wing conspiracy
>many beautiful cities (salzburg, innsbruck, vienna)
>the dialect
The rich history and culture prior to WWII
The cultural degeneration after WWII
>things you love about your country
Food, language, beer, Ordnung, infrastructure, nature, location (pretty cool being the center of Europe), safety, economy, cars.
>things you hate about your country
Sheep mentality, guilt/left leaning politics, too many immigrants especially in the cities.
Commit tax fraud
Shit be cheap, currently the best beer in the world since craft took off, BBQ
The people in general, radicalized politics, fake food, the southeast, midwest and California as a whole
>things you love about your country
>things you hate about your country
too bad the gommies destroyed lots of the architecture
i'd add to hates terrible urban planning and microdistricts which are basically human anthills
pretty much this
>what is Sepultura
Alfajor Milka de Mousse
Everything else.
>things you love about your country
Hospitality culture, regionalism, geographic size and landscape variety.
>things you hate about your country
Using our military to bully weak, irrelevant countries instead of assholes like China and Russia that need to be confronted. Rising collectivist doublethink.
>things you love
the sights/landscapes, food/drinks, some traditions/festivals
>things you hate
a lot of the people's mindsets, corruption
How we are incredibly diverse in landscapes, fauna and climates
Beautiful cities which are mostly more than a thousand years old
Everything is cheap
Fucked up politics and educational system
Shitty salaries
Gas is expensive compared to other countries
Fires either started by companies which seek to buy acres of land to place their shitty supermarkets or by maniacs
Man I love those milkers
>things you love about your country
Good infrastructure
Decent incomes
Amazing green fields
>things you hate about your country
Rent too expensive
Houses too expensive
Fat girls
Also forgot to mention that we are:
Suffering a brain drain since 2008, engineers and doctors are leaving.
We depend way too much on tourism because of the EU
Separatist shit is doing nothing but stagnate the country
Educational system is fucked thanks to shitty politicians changing the structure of the system every year
>Separatist shit is doing nothing but stagnate the country
Same here. If Texas isn't threatening to leave, California is. Fucking tired of that shit.
You’re not white, Francisco.
t. viennese
t. JaQuan Devarius Pobrecito Hernandez III
Lots of open space
Various biomes and landscapes
Corporate bullshit permeating into everything
Retards (though to be fair with 320 million people you’re bound to get a few of them)
Cities with stupid layouts
Boomers fucking around
The cocksuckers in office cockblocking us from getting new milsurp/gun imports
Not strong enough borders
Fat asses
t. Francisco O’Malley, self proclaimed “white” nationalist and Kast supporter
>Not strong enough borders
Food, music, practical people, hot girls, the comfy canals and water everywhere
Muslims, the lefties in Amsterdam, that it's politically correct to hate corporations, boomers, big brother, lack of houses, politicians that just follow the news
t. oberösterreichischer hinterwäldler
The biggest thing I hate about the Netherlands is the lack of ambition.
Dutch people default to no can't do that if there is a minimal bit of risk, ambition or if its a prestige project.
> >things you love about your country
> >things you hate about your country
Everything else.
Pretty much everything about the country itself
Every government for the last 20 years
golden boy is gonna have fun tonight
The history, the architecture and other things in that vein.
Too many fat people, trashy behaviours are glorified, too many immigrants, very left-wing political scene, increasingly Americanised culture.
>Dutch complaining about expensive rent
Please visit Scandinavia or Switzerland. I pay 2000 euros a month to live in a cramped box next to Muhammed.
Who is this Marley pulz chick?
>live in a cramped box next to Muhammed
God I wish that were me
>things I love
comfy villages and towns, get paid to go to uni, skinny blonde girls everywhere
>things i hate
Retarded government importing Muslims, everything is ridiculously expensive
What about all the vast, unending nature?
its a tiny studio apartment with thin ass walls, my neighbors are subhuman Somalis and Arabs with multiple children leeching off welfare. please help. Holland was so cheap, I only had to pay 600 euros a month to live in Leiden.
NASA, biggest army on the world, high wage, good technology, white people on the north, Colorado, Massachusetts, good universities, tacos, burgers, guns,Trump
democrats, niggers, some narco states like Michoacán, SJWs, New York, taxes
the variety of people , the fun stuff to do , the parks and rivers , university culture , diversity of food , farmer markets, cheap cars and oil
lack of public transport in the suburbs, expensive healthcare , lack of some important regulations , expensive university education
>>things you love about your country
Natural scenary
Attractive people
Good finger food, sweets and desserts
Nice music (MPB, Bossa Nova and Brazilian rock)
>>things you hate about your country
I'm a wh*teoid American who's spent several years in India.
>things you love
Americans tend to be quite courteous. Driving is civil, infrastructure is generally good, and people tend to mind their own business. On the whole, life is easy--if I ever need to buy a particular product, my local supermarket will almost always have it. Education practically guarantees success, or at least a level of comfort not found in most parts of the developing world.
>things I hate
I'm an introvert but still struggle with isolation whenever I'm home. Most interactions, whether with classmates or acquaintances, are superficial. Once people get out of university, they tend not to venture far from their comfort zone.
One of my biggest complaints about my part of the U.S. is how urban planning and infrastructure over-emphasize automobiles. Even in the summer, it's a rare sight to see many people riding bicycles or walking--the distances from one place to another are just too great. Instead of having local markets and pedestrian-oriented commercial centers, we've got massive oceans of asphalt surrounding chain stores and chain restaurants. Zoning regulations in many mid-sized cities ensures that it's difficult to live close to the same places you work, study or shop. For instance, the major supermarket in my area is a 15-minute drive from most of the places it serves. There are no other alternatives and it isn't served by any form of public transportation, despite adjoining the state capital.
>things you love about your country
Pizza, empanadas, cheap mozarella and vegetables.
>things you hate about your country
Everything else.
the land
the politicians
>things you love about your country
bread and beer
>things you hate about your country
merkel and her cdu/csu pussies
I love the outdoors
I have the spic roaches that turned this country into a 3rd world shithole, and they insane liberal/Jewish enablers who destroyed this country.
...of course spics just burned Yosemite to the ground so maybe they will 3rd worldize nature itself and this country will just be a wasteland shithole that smells like a porta-potty just like Mexico
It's bjutifel, Norge is probably one of the top ten most beautiful countries imo.
The safety, I literally can't lose no matter what I do, even with minimal effort I can have an amazing life and never want for a thing.
>things you love about your country
2nd Amendment.
>things you hate about your country
17th Amendment.
making niggers angry
people that are too poor to make niggers angry
The rich history and culture prior to WWIII
The cultural degeneration that lead to WWIII
Wealth, The constitution, Resources and land variability (options), relative freedom
Our military practices, statists, religious fanatics, social justice warrior fanatics.
t. Piefke that studies in Austria
food, nature, music, the cities and towns, comfy weather
SJWs, self-hating retards, illegals, politics
Good beer and cheese, some unique landscapes
Irrelevant politics, economic stagnation, fucked up education system, butthurt poles, Landsbergis
Our food, culture, family values, qts
Corruption, self hating cunts with crab mentality
lol who doesn't hate Vienna
1. Very comfy life if you have a job/not a lazy fuck
2. Everything else desu
>>things you love about your country
Most stuff.
>>things you hate about your country
The Government and the city of St*ckholm.
youre talking likes hes wrong
are you from mexico
>things you love about your country
Access to firearms
>things you hate about your country
Our social services and healthcare programs
Why does gun control have to be a Democrat platform? Why must I have to vote Republican to preserve firearms rights?
protection of freedoms, diversity in geography, variety of cultures, job opportunities, food
living in california, tech companys' influence, sjw politics
ok Gypsy
>things you love about your country
fries, waffles
>things you hate about your country
population density
shitskins everywhere
garbage fucking people
So close.
america and mexico are two different countries
>>things you love about your country
>>things you hate about your country
Karl Marx was very pro gun
Whats wrong with Vienna? Its beautiful
Things I love about the US
>wide open spaces
>freedom of expression
>democratic tradition
>federalism and state autonomy
>huge country with many different environments, local cultures, and places to see
>can claim to be the oldest existing government as well as the oldest existing democracy
Things I hate about the US
>religious nutcases
>circumcision is routine and unquestioned
>voter participation is low
>inequality here can be high, and there's actual poverty in a lot of places
maybe 2000 years ago alexandros
Wait a sec...
>certain subcultures
>freedom of speech
>just our country as a working experiment
>how safe we are geographically
>art deco
>how we can come together and pull off crazy shit
>how other countries relate to our culture (although int shows many people hate it)
>how disconnected we are from a lot of the world (kinda fucked up)
>how we've been so horribly divided down the middle, and how spiteful everyone is about politics
>inequality. some places in America are legit 3rd world
>how unwalkable a lot of places are. no wonder why americans are so fat when they have to drive everywhere
>how the climate seems to be shifting and our summers get hotter and shittier
>circumcision is the norm so my uncut dick looks weird to women
>people screech about politics but not many vote
>how spiteful some people can be. feels like americans often openly help each other, but they also have an extreme capacity to lack empathy
damn guess you guys wish you had been circumcised, now youre stuck with ugly dicks
Only America and Jews circumcise, you're the one with the weird mutilated dick with millions of nerves missing and a dry head
>now youre stuck with ugly dicks
...what? you do know adults can still get circumcised right? probably safer too because the target is a lot larger.
I'm cut.
The weather, mostly. The proximity to the sea, the fact that hot tourists come to us so even broke we don't have to move much to get pussy. The fact that we can still own our houses.
everything else, the people who're socialists, the weather when there are dust storms (Crete), the fact that most people unite about some stupid wannabe country in the north when most of them haven't read any of the Ancients, those who manipulate and act like they're part of a soap opera, the FUCKING TAXES, the FUCKING EU that is monitoring even our collective anus, those assholes who get funding from the EU to be pretentious cunts to the rest of us, public servants, politicians, the media.
If you ever come to Greece, make sure you've come on your boat so that you can leave at any moment they try to screw you with taxes.
Also, unemployment. Most jobs are call centres, scams etc.
>>things you love about your country
it's better than most countries
>>things you hate about your country
it's not the best country at everything
>I like
the convenience of everything. Everywhere has AC and heating. There is always a store or restaurant open at night. Everybody has a car, a TV, and a computer. The houses and apartments are people-sized. Europeans tend to revel in the fact that they don't always have these things, and have even based their identity somewhat on that. There isn't anything glorious or honorable about settling for less in life, it will get you nowhere and bragging about it makes you look like an imbecile.
>don't like
this place is full of stupid fucking morons who can all suck my fucking cock.
>things you love about your country
It's the only place I feel at home
>things you hate about your country
Too small to conquer the world
Hvor bor du?