I have an IQ of 108, is that low?

I have an IQ of 108, is that low?

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It's average.
A lot inferior to my pretty score of 146.

Above average IQ, yet still inferior to my beautiful score of 150.

I never taken an IQ test desu

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High for Mexico, very low for Russia and Ukraine

Anything below 130 makes life not worth living.

It's pretty high on /b/

High tier professionals are in 110-120 range.

IQ was invented to predict your aptitude in organized learning like high school and college. While it can be a good predictor of success in academia and the corporate workplace, it is worth remembering that it's not a perfect measurement of intelligence as not everyone who is intelligent is suited for academia and not everyone who succeeds in academia is intelligent.

>inb4 low IQ
It's 134.

50% of pop is below 100iq these are the burger flippers the 50% abive 100 are doctors, engineers etc..

>It's 134.
Is it highest score in america?

I have an IQ of 125 and i failed 90% of my highschool subjects

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You have low IQ, are you finn?

Average, but still inferior to my score of 500

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tfw my QI is -6

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Just a little over than avarage, very normal.

Not bad, not good
Not big like grug brain smart of -999999
Me heard big number mean smart

144 here.
Happy? Like, in général?

Damn you got me man. It's not like there are doctors and lawyers who are dumb as shit and get by on a fluke. Or burger flippers who are intelligent but wind up poor do to unforseen consequences.

Do you deny 50% of pop has lower iq than 100?

No, I deny that IQ is a perfect measurement of intelligence. Or that it will perfectly predict your lot in life.

Infinite IQ here. I just wanted to say hi to all my subjects *waves*.

infinite+1 here

feels good man