or turkic?
Are they meds?
Other urls found in this thread:
The are the whitest muslims on the world.
that's not an achievement
>mfw bosniak near me
>"we wuz ottomans and turks and shiiiiiet, praise allah"
>ask him how come his people speak and understand serbian, but dont speak and dont understand turkish
>"shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeet nigga"
it is
white people are god's gift to humanity
But islam is a brown religion, by converting to it they are submitting to the brown race.
They are subhumans for worahiping an arab or a crucified jew.
Same with christianity evee christian gets sodomized by jews mentaply and anally.
Imagine a dude coming in, killing the men in your family and raping the women
Naturally most Balkan people fought against this
Then you have the cucks known as Bosniaks and Albanians that said hmmm maybe I should follow this guy's religion and name my son Hassan after him
they are sealets
croatshits and serbshits killed an order of magnitude more bosnians than turks did
kys americuck, islam will rise
How can I get this aesthetic in my life
America is the only reason B&H are even on the map currently, learn history mudskin
There are white people in Bosnia but they aren't filthy muslims
servs are there accidentally
fuck america
islam will rise
allahu akbar
they are based
>>"shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeet nigga"
it's actually
>muh rocks with bosniacica written on it
>le serbian language is actually bosnian, serbshits stole bosnian cyrillic script
>muh kralj tvrtko
>we wuz da turks n shi..ugh...we're not turks, you're turks
Some were bogomils, some were catholics and some were orthodox.
and of these some of them converted with true faith, some to flee oppression and some just invaded and learned the language.
Serb as an ethnicity in 19th century especially in gavril princip's time was something different back in the days. If you asked Gavril; a Serb was not necessarily an orthodox christian speaking serbian, serb nationalism back in the days was basically just yugonationalism in a different form. Hence why the croats(catholic ppl) in dubrovnik considered themselves to be serbs in 1830.
Just because you as a serb speak serbian today doesn't mean that every inhabitant of medieval bosnia spoke ancient serbian, the proto-euros in bosnia may aswell have spoken languages that are today extinct.
Hitherto, when you don't consider genetics you can conclude that serbs, croats and bosnians are most likely the same people and they are all speaking the same language; serbo-croatian a language that was invented during the rise of serbian nationalism. Or well, serbo-croatian was not "invented", the languages of the yugobalkan was so diverse and far away of church slavonic that a serb and a croat decided that a standard of the language was necessary so that the yugos could understand litterature(yes litter ;) ) by yugoslavs from far away.
Henceforth, just because a serb and a croat wrote and decided the rules of formal serbo-croatian doesn't mean that the languages originates from Serbs.
That was my two cents.
Flag checks out
fuck australia
allahu akbar
I thought they were Slavs?
in* the world
>Implying islam recognize things like "brown" or whatever type of autism you're obsessed with
>not linking the catchy song
south slavs are literally meds speaking a slavic language
Ia this a med?
This song was sung and written by people of all faiths, people that were for Markovic and staying with yugoslavia, just before the war in an last attempt to unite the nation. Alija was such a fucking idiot thinking he could create an islamic nation where muslims are a minority, bosnians will never forgive him.
cmon what sort of bullshit is this, petar njegos founder of montenegro was a poet who did nothing but write how serb he is, and king tvrtko chilled on the same round table as the rest of serbian aristocracy
yet today both regions are countries, and they both speak a "different language", ayy lmao
>being a serb didnt exist before yugoslavia
before yugoslavia they were all in the serbian kingdom, and serbia had two entire dynasties that called themselves exactly "serbian dynasties"
we migrated here in the 6th century (byzantine sources) from the north east together with all slavs, google "great migrations"
romans and byzantines made clear differences in 3 troublesome tribes on their periphery coming from the east: germans, huns and slavs
they are the whitest of the balkans
Good now pls tell your refugee mates to stop coming here
>being a serb didnt exist before yugoslavia
I never said they didn't exist.
*dabs on your anglo nationstate*
I'm not even an anglo, but I'm not a genocidal brown subhuman who shouldn't be there like your muslim brethren
Can't we determine who they cluster with by genetics nowadays. These threads are so shit. OP should just fucking google it.
I don't who Markovic or Alija are
I work with a few Bosnian and serbs at my job (IT pleb) and this is what I have noticed. They have either dark hair/eyes or light hair and eyes (but not blonde). They are also all tall as fuck. I don't think k a single one here out of fifteen or so is under 6'0
there are fairer ones and there are darker ones, just like there are darker and fairer italians or french or even spanish
so he can be a med, why not
i literally know that
but take into the account the fact that the northern balkan had a couple of million people at the time when the slavs arrived. so even if there were 2 million slavs that arrived in those migrations (which is absurd), south slavs would only be half-slavs at best
Then please fuck off you syrian refugee, don't force me to post gay porn to reveal your homosexuality.
Ur right, but he is also referring to dalmatians and bosnians (not bosniaks plx).
Based post boipucci
IN THE 1030s
Vojislavljević dynasty en.wikipedia.org
and those people could only speak greek, yet the whole region speaks slav
slavs werent taking slaves, they just took land and expelled natives
I will commit the act of a grave robber, take out his filthy vlach body and decorate it with garlic , pierce his chest with a christian pole and shoot two silver bullets in his head and lastly I will claim that Bosnia was never serbian.
Balkanians with extra Turkish sprinkle. Not Meds.
okay but are we meds or not?
more french than modern french so yes
this might seem a tiny bit strange but as children most of us went in elementary school to visit the remains of st. lazar, one of serbian early emperors (who incidentally also held "bosnia" as just another serbian territory)
this was before anyone in the region was a muslims
he has been displayed like this for about 700 years in an orthodox monastery where he is considered a holy relic, the custom simply stuck since the ancient times and i too went to visit him like who knows how many serbs did before
before it was muslim, bosnia was just another serbian province
no i mean bosnians
And before it was serbian, it was just another byzantian provine.
What's ur point? I mean, what are you responding to? The OP? Because I am confused here.
It is not like I was denying that there weren't serbs living in bosnia nor that it was ruled by serbs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
they just shouldn't exist
>I'm not even an anglo
whatever shitskin, stopped reading
Neka sve to, lijepo je, al imamo dibse na Bosnu
Samo smo imali kraljeve koji iz dva plemena koji su se non stop klali i stavljali nećake na prijestolja
>Shitskin calling a white European living in Australia a shitskin
kys, shitskin
The Bosnians are generally swarthier than us Slovenes tho even we are quite Mediterranean. The stereotypical Bosnian in Slovenia is pretty much Turkish looking, with a crooked nose, dark skin and straight black hair, though IRL there are quite a few who aren't. They also seem to be more massively built than us, very heavy set and physically strong.
You don't need to post it. I will if you want.
press M for Mashallah
Jow Forums descending into youtube comment section
t. Angry Foreigner
>Or well, serbo-croatian was not "invented", the languages of the yugobalkan was so diverse and far away of church slavonic that a serb and a croat decided that a standard of the language was necessary so that the yugos could understand litterature(yes litter ;) ) by yugoslavs from far away.
nah nah nah, cunt, they used to speak dialects in Dalmatia and Slavonia that were just a tiny bit closer to Slovene than to the backward peasant mountain Serbian dialect from SE Herzegovina that became the standard, but they were all still over 90% mutually intelligible.
>Serbo-Croatian was standardized in the mid-19th-century Vienna Literary Agreement by Croatian and Serbian writers and philologists, decades before a Yugoslav state was established.[14] From the very beginning, there were slightly different literary Serbian and Croatian standards, although both were based on the same Shtokavian subdialect, Eastern Herzegovinian. In the 20th century, Serbo-Croatian served as the official language of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (when it was called "Serbo-Croato-Slovenian")
>Before the 19th century, the presence of Orthodox Serbs in the city of Ragusa/Dubrovnik was minute because the Republic of Ragusa enforced a single state religion of Roman Catholicism.[1] Orthodoxy was given equal status with Catholicism in 1848, by which time there were hundreds of Orthodox immigrants from Herzegovina in the city who maintained their religious affiliation with the Serbian Orthodox Church.[1] The Eparch of Dalmatia Josif Rajačić dispatched the first Orthodox priest to Dubrovnik, Đorđe Nikolajević, in 1833
>closer to Slovene
You mean Slovene was close to glorious Chakavian. We had motherfucking prose and poetry worth admiration and correspondence from the Italian duchies and the Istanbul Porte. Dalmatia, you peasant. Dalmatia
We were KINGS, until the Purgerian man and Yugoslavia brought the Man down
Well who cares, it was standardized and the old dialects were forgotten, This was the language taught and this is the language which they all speak, well the bosnians to the least.
the dialects in dalmatia weren't similar to slovenian at all
i'd say stokavian is actually more similar to it
and not all stokavian is the same, for example the dubrovnik dialect is stokavian and yet it's weird af if you read those old plays from marin drzic
>We were KINGS, until the Purgerian man and Yugoslavia brought the Man down
the man's a lazy cunt who is content renting out his balcony to drunk brits for 3 months per year
God cursed me for being Cr*atian. I am not a Sl*vene, a Cr*at, a S*rb, a B*snian, a B*lgarian or a P*rple Un*corn. I am from DALMATIA. The land of Adriatic kings, the highlanders overlooking the Adriatic sea, ready to plunder V*netian galleys, Slovene girls' anuses and murder M*slims
In this war of Kara bogas and the whiteys, we are the THIRD OPTION
They are muslim macedonians.
It doesnt matter. If there will be a war between west vs non-west, the "whites" would join the muslim side.
the only real answer
I shit on dalmatians but this is underrated kek
>Croat shits on Dalmatia
>The only actual good part
>tfw bosnian diaspora
Central Zagreb is great, and its hinterlands in Croatian Zagorje are basically an extension of Slovenian Styria and therefore qt, imo.
muslim,croat or serb?
Most likely no since you were under the ottoman sphere of influence instead of the venetian and also I don't know if you could consider the dinaric man a med judging by his phenotype
What about the west parts like Istria and Kvarner? I think people in Zagorje have lower wages on average than those parts but they have that right central euro mentality.
>Are they meds?
have you taken your MEDS?
Istra as a whole is gorgeous and Pula in particular is so beautiful that I sometimes recommend visiting it to random foreigners abroad if they happen to mention that they've been in these parts before and are thinking of going again.
Really white Turks
South Slavs are NOT Meds
They have clear difference to the Mediterranean nations of Europe in terms of genetics
They are CULTURALLY somehow influenced by Greeks and Italians, though
If a Pole would fuck with a Greek you would produce a Yugoslav
Yugos are still mostly 40-60 % Eastern Euro while the rest is somehow native Balkanic (Med)
Majority southen croats and southern bosnians are proto-euros in terms of Y-DNA and Mt-DNA.
In other words, they were there before the ice ace, just like the scandis.
>highlanders overlooking the Adriatic sea,
If you're not within 8 km from the coast or on an island, you're not a part of the Dalmatian master race.
Some italians will claim that dalmatians are italian and some of them really do look pretty med with darker skin and most old people have that pure white hair & facial hair although I'm not 100% sure if that's a med exclusive feature.
This, you're basically a bosnian at that point.
sock my cock dude
This is based on my own opinion and I can also be a retard so don't take it seriously.
Dalmatian music definitely isn't your standard Turkish cajka or polka/waltz. There's something Italian, or maybe Greek, in the Split school of pop music.
it is ok, i just felt like insulting somebody before i sleep. I actually consider dalmatians laziest on the balkans after greek.
I haven't met the black mountain people yet