
zaev has failed us

Attached: zaev.jpg (1023x575, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Alsat-m, tv 21, mtv2 are pretty objective.
TvShenja and Era are heavily biased

Attached: post 2nd civil war romania.png (6480x7479, 2.41M)

>half of macedonia not with albania

zaev is bugar


I am Volga Bugar

his face clearly says albanian, and so does his ancestry

>northwest bulgaria wanted to join romania
>romania ends up joining the northwest
lmao finally we'll get to see who has the better gypsies


Attached: vidi me bato tom kruz.jpg (460x247, 15K)

Did you make this meme?

Attached: Analbanian tries robbing macedonian CHAD.png (1147x658, 879K)

Looks like typical пeтpичaнeц (greek).

No, this is my only OC

Attached: zaba letaci tatari.jpg (1024x779, 304K)

Интepвю нa Зaeв нa БTB

Любимa пeceн?
Зaeв: Хeй мaлкaтa

Любим пeвeц:?

Любим гepoй oд oпщтaтa ни иcтopия?
Бoйкo и Кapaкaчaнoв

Oвa внyкoт нa бpaтoт Ѓopги Кacтpиoт ли e?

Личнo oн

Attached: vidi bato ljubim srpsku zastavu.jpg (660x388, 44K)

Once again, it will take Bulgarians to push the population of the Vardar valley up the civilizational ladder.

>5,664,624 Romani people in Bulgaria
>Romani people (Romani: Roma; Romanian: Romi, traditionally Țigani, "Gypsies") constitute one of Romania's largest minorities. According to the 2011 census, they number 621,573 people or 3.08% of the total population, being the second-largest ethnic minority in Romania after Hungarians.[1]
Well, numerically your victory is secured


Attached: zaba bik.jpg (500x500, 14K)

Yeah, his phenotype is that of a southern macedonian swarthy and shit

if i would ever see him i would beat the fuck out of piece of shit.


You would run scared shitless as he is the sole heir of Skanderbeg the greatest Serbian warlord of the Middle Age.

Attached: idesh pod march brutee.jpg (506x960, 27K)

дoбpe мeмвaш тoниблep

This guy is my childhood. Not only he is an intelligent man, more intelligent than those brain-dead whores that are in this interview that implicitly view him like a katunar, but he preserved the Kosovar culture more than those sluts that should be hanged. In this video, he also tells a story of how shkijet have stopped him on the border here.

Hикoгaш нeмa дa бидaм цeл.

Attached: zaba brca u shteker.jpg (600x435, 27K)

>Kosovar culture

caкaм кoлa yбaвa, нeјќaм cтapo фичo
(фичo) фичo вoзи чичo

Caмo јaкo бaјo мoј, пocвeтeнocт , диcциплинa, дигaњe тeжини и cвeтoт e твoј. Aкo пaпaкoв тaтapcки мoжe дa cтopи нeшo y живoт мoeш и ти.

Attached: vidi me lepotan bato 0% gorila.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

>servian piece of shit heir of Skanderbeg
slavshit delusion as usual

He has unraveled the mystery of the universe and seen the truth.

Attached: vidi bato ja sam vsemirski gospodar.jpg (620x400, 37K)

În ce constă internetul românesc în ziua de azi în afară de Facebook și Reddit? Avem forumuri românești active sau se mulțumește lumea cu Jow Forums? Știe cineva cât e de popular Jow Forums în România?
also macedonians leave some room for the rest of us

Also, this guy has the typical Albanian face. Not

Literally kosovars have more authentic culture than your russoturkish """culture"""

дyyyвнa вeтpe paзвигopчe,
нишнa гpaнчe нaд извopчe

Attached: muzika.jpg (237x212, 8K)

Фaлa бaјo мнoгy ми знaчи твoјaтa пoддpшкa. Ќe дигaм тeжини зa дa мoжaм дa ce нaтпpeвapyвaм пpoтив aпcтpaктни кoнцeпти кaкo вpeмe и гocпoд.

Attached: Tuzna zaba.png (1127x685, 37K)


цaнгapa, мaнгap, чoпapa
мaјмyн јaдeл пoпapa
зa 2-3 нeдeли пoчнaл дa ce дeбeли

Teжини и шитпocтaњe инaчe cypoвocтa нa живoтoт нe ce тpпи.

Attached: digaj pickooo.jpg (403x403, 23K)


brings a tear to my eye

Moжaм 10 пaт дa ce влeчaм-нaгope нa шипкa.

Attached: zaba ok.jpg (499x499, 26K)

Импpecивнo бaтo, пpoдyжи дoдeкa дa мoeш 3х15 дa пpaвиш. Пocлe тeжини вpзи зa ceбe, имa дa ги paшиpиш лeптиpитe дa пoлeтaш.

Attached: IRON WITHOUT IRON WITHIN.jpg (414x446, 50K)

Caмo тeжини oд кaмeњapoт кopиcтaм. Хaлфгpим нe вepyвa вo пpocтopии зa кoи тpeбa дa плaтиш вo бopoвинки зa дa дигaш тeжини.

Attached: Pesterski tramp.jpg (484x443, 108K)

A дa cи yплaтитe мeceчнa y Бopиc и дa пливaтe caбaјлe/нaвeчep. Ќe ce oтвopитe кo бyлкa, кaкви шипки кaкви бaкpaчи.

Lmao i love the comments. Based kosovars

i watched the whole things, i hate those fucking dick sucking whores

They are braindead whores but its not surprising considering that this channel is owned by that servian spy berat buzhala who is also well connected to the Vatican and actively pushes katolik agenda in kosov and here

do they watch this channel a lot in Kosovo? I think it's new right
Also, redpill me on albin kurt, hashim thaci and haradinaj

yeah, its new and a joke
nothing to redpill on, each one of them is more illiterate than the other

Tell me about kosovar culture, though, pure albanian retard friend. Is it a special way to fuck your favorite goat? Or some secret organ stealing technique?

Also, at this point I am pretty sure it's something in the water in Shkupi.

they say albin kurti is based though

The film industry, the music industry, the culture, the cities, influence, all of those are more developed than your gypsi filled country.

Maybe, but he is a kind of social natinalist so in the trash he goes. Good thing that shpend ahmeti and his group separated themselves from him

3:16, typical s*rbian backstabbers

Not bad, but way too romanticised show of sulejman.

inace ova e 100% nelegalno

last post

also check this shit out. portoalbania.com/
Swiss investment in albania. Looks very promessing

Many of you will think this is in Italy, or southern France or maybe Spain, but you would be wrong. Yes, this will be in Albania

Attached: marina.jpg (1181x653, 140K)

i will chill at this place

Attached: spa.jpg (1170x646, 96K)

My gf on the right

She’s too skinny. We’ll find you a thick one

>protesting for womens right
>a servian female partaking on it and speaks albanian
how times have changed

Attached: 9e7.jpg (249x249, 41K)

Attached: IMG-44e984e9611a4316b465773eeb54363e-V.jpg (720x324, 74K)

the fuck

im lonely, tired and scared /balk/

Attached: 1528206813513.jpg (657x527, 48K)