
Polish-Slovak border edition

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First for hello friends.

well the mead which I had is mead nectar, it's kind of like starka or something like that, it's more of a spirit drink
I've had mead in a restaurant in Vilnius and Kaunas, which was poured inside wine/champagne glass and tasted very similar to champagne. it felt like it was like 12% as well. but in shops we have picrel (I had half of 0,5 l left), which is 50%. it's quite different but it's also sweet. it's kind of like even sweeter version of jaegermeister

>honey vodka called miodula
sounds like Ukrainian Medovukha

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third for sad because no + friends

also I just noticed that each of those little bottles have very difference percentage, going from 12%, to 14%, 30% and 50% so I guess there are very different versions of it.

Medovica/medica here


Hand over the medica and nobody gets hurt

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greetings fren, am solder.

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I also bought my gf picrel which she took home, I guess it's the collection of all of those 6 little bottles in a souvenir box
I hope her dad likes it

unfortunately I havent seen medovukha in stores here anywhere :( only that shitty nemiroff honey pepper vodka


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or just go to Zlatni kutić and have a shot for 60 cents

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but is medica and mead the same thing? I don't really understand

Father Trami, pray give us your daily dispensation. Amen.

I think I've drank the far right one. It was different brand though

Medovica = rakija and honey

>Medovukha (Russian: Meдoвyхa, Ukrainian: Meдyхa, Belarusian: мядyхa, мeдaвyхa) is a Slavic honey-based alcoholic beverage very similar to mead but cheaper and faster to make. These two words are related and go back to the Proto-Indo-European *médʰu (honey). Known in Eastern Europe since pagan times, it remained popular well into the 19th century (unlike in Western Europe, where mead is traditionally associated with the Middle Ages).

>Wild honey farming was one of the first Slavic trades. They discovered that honey could be fermented, and the first fermented honeys appeared as a luxury product in Europe, where it was imported in huge quantities.

>Fermentation occurs naturally over 15 to 50 years, originally rendering the product very expensive and only accessible to the nobility. However, Slavs found that fermentation occurred much faster when the honey mixture was heated, enabling Medovukha to become a folk drink in the territory of Rus'.

>In the 14th century, the invention of a distilling tank and a process of distillation made it possible to create a prototype of the modern Medovukha. In the 17th century, the increasing popularity of vodka eclipsed the former fame of Medovukha.


woah you know your stuff
but maraska medica is 24% so it's some kind of a liker, well I dunno

wow very helpful, thanks african boy

Yes, medica is mead. It figures tho that you'd have your own silly Croat name for it like medovica, lmao.

this is what I had

I actually have a blogpost about medovuhka in Ukraine, might tell about it sometime, is very short and boring tho

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I never call it medovica, so it's probably local dialect thing

No, wait a bit, it says on google

>MEDENO ŽGANJE je destilat medice.

so maybe that's what you call medovica, in which case it's a very economic denomination

We drink a few medicas, and some shitty cheap cocktails with cheesy names, catch a few philosophy student girls, hit Arkada, dump the girls and hold hands as we walk through the Queen Jelena park while listening to the hipster beats from Ledana. We reach the outskirts of the park, sit across the fountain on the benches and watch the peasants on the asphalt, across the fortress

No homo though

I want one blogpost from ukraine now please (and a pic preferably)

In Dalmatia, we say "medica".

Medeno žganje, sproščujoče pijačo za otroke

t. Slovene linguist

kek you basically experienced Night Zadar in it's fullest. Only thing missing is puking in Vladimir Nazor park and get in a fight with a guy named Batur

I forgot the part where we seek out Arbanaške dames of the night near Lipotica for a 50kn blowjob

it's sproščujoča pijača, not odmorilno piće, OK? Praise Jelinčič.

Blessing this thread

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Back to balkans general, yugos. This is v4 thread!

>avatar or signature use
i cyk

god no, would not recommend

I bought a new phone guys and it's coming from germany in a week. Honor 7x. I wanted a cheap phone which will be in range of LG G Flex 2 which I had before and it dieded. What do you think goys and does anyone have experience with it?

so we were in Lviv and there's this restaurant called Kryivka
it's a hidden restaurant but obviously you can find everything about it online
the theme of it is that it's underground, bunker style and it's all about traditional Ukraine, partisans etc.

so we went looking for it, found the address but it just looked like some dark alley. we went inside and there was no name or anything. some Ukrainian men were carrying a barrel that looked like it could be alcohol somewhere and they asked us
>kuda vam nada, kryivka? (where do you need to go, to kryivka)
>vot tam (right there)
and they showed where the door is
the door had no sign or name
we went inside carefully and there was some kind of security guy sitting in front, he said to go down the stairs, so we went.
when we arrived, there was this room that looked like it was the restaurant. however, all the tables were empty and had the chairs placed on top, as if it wasnt open or something. we saw a bartender guy in front, hanging out by himself.

apparently the restaurant had a password which is the Ukrainian slogan "Slava Ukraini!". the answer to it is Heroyam Slava (glory to heroes) but we just said the same: Slava Ukraini!
then he showed us where to go. when we went further inside we saw people eating and it was more alive. the waitress again said Slava Ukraini to which we answered the same, and she showed us our table

the food is served in what they used to eat from in the military, which was pretty cool. everywhere is retro stuff like old phones with those circles and radios. the walls have posters from old newspapers, national hero posters etc. you can order 0,5 m sausage there too, which I didn't, but it was still tasty. I had buckwheat porridge with beef.

I want this

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Fuck off. Začad is one of the best posters ITT.

god damn it I forgot the main part
so anyway apparently we found online that when you enter they give you shot of medovukha, for taste

in our case they didnt, but you can buy it
thats why I wanted to relate it to the conversation but forgot about it kek

based and redpilled

We don't even post in ex-yu much cause it's a Serbocroatian-language general. Us Slovenes are the gypsies of Jow Forums, which actually makes us fit right in with you lot.

>I want this
come to Zadar next summer and we'll see

>slava ukraini
this sounds to funny to be true man
Also the whole time reading it I was imagining it to be an underground club and forgot that it was a restaurant, very interesting blogpost. This one gets a 9/10

The only thing I need to know when interacting with Slovene people, as a Dalmatian, is: Želim pogovoriti z vami, draga gospo"

that sounds like germans would make a nazi restaurant and you would need to heil to enter.


and I thought Poles have it weird with those

Please don't. We have established the truth a long time ago. Poles use nigger letters such as w, ł et cetera

Real men use letters like č,š,ž

ć ś ż ź
you're just jealous because we have two three z's

red and basepilled

I am not intent on speaking like a Frenchman who got hit by a brick and is regaining his language abilities, thank you

>come to Zadar next summer and we'll see
god I wish
I mean im happy I have a gf, so much
but if I didnt, id be up for so much crazy random shit, I can already feel the freedom leaving my soul

what I have planned for next summer is quite suicidal and probably practically impossible and also a bit scary but i'll see

you should be using this since all L's in Serbocroatian are actually ł's. In fact, I find this is the case with every Slavic language except for Slovene, you all speak as though a bee had stung your tongue

>not abandoning protoslavic nasal sounds makes you a frenchman
i have raped and pillaged many gauls in my day

also, I find your term for drink very funny

in my lang, napoj means elixir or potion, as in the kind you drink in Diablo

El EsloveniANO demuestra su verdadera naturaleza, señores

napoj in croatian is basically what you give pigs to drink from those wodden bowls

"Napoj" here is related to animals drinking from a trough

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well, a trip with gf to Beograd and Zagreb is a nice idea and a one day detour to Zadar :D

Forgot to add:

But in Dalmatia, you have "piće". When you order "piće", you are gay and you most likely went out with that girl you like but cannot muster the courage to literally ask her out, but if you ask for "pijača", you are a man, and you will get a stomach hitting drink. You also get to hit the waitress across the butt. Choose carefully

well, we do say napojiti živino (stoku, as you'd say), but the stuff we give them is just called voda.

on a similar note, i was driving through czechia recently, two phrases that immediately came to my attention:
>denne (next to supermarkets)
i suppose it means the same as dziennie, so daily, but in polish denne means 'useless'
>cloveku, vypni se! (on highway signs)
i looked it up on google and it apparently means turn your device off, meanwhile wypnij się in polish means 'bare your ass and stick it in someone's face'


in polish we use both "napój" and "picie" as something to drink
i one was in czech mcdonalds and after i ordered some burgers the woman asked me something like "PIĆKU?"
this sounded so funny that i almost started laughing uncontrollably

if what I plan ends up not happening, what we planned with her was actually Beograd
well, not really what we planned but one of the options that is the most feasible, since we're looking at cheap countries
Beograd-Zagreb doesnt take that much either so that could be cool
Zagreb-Zadar is actually almost same amount of time as Vilnius-Riga so that could be possible as well, just for a day or two

dont even try to say piče in Czech

I know. We have "pica" and "piča" rarely. It means "Pussy". "Pičin sok" - pussy juice


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in polish the world for pussy might be "picza" but it is just a variation of "pizda"

You hold stoka? I thought Bosnians are not supposed to eat krmetina

we say pizda in Lithuanian

while gf was staying here she always got triggered when looking up pizzas online because every pizza restaurant had "pica" in it which is pizza in Lithuanian

I cringe every time I hear 'prdelka', cause prdeti means to fart in Slovene. It just comes off as so incredibly vulgar to a Slovene, and I'm one of those few Slovenes who'll say 'kuuuuurba' when surprised or dissapointed.

also, does 'do piče' really mean roughly 'that shit's the pussy, bro!'. That's just unimaginable.

also may I know the primary plan?


yeah stuff like this is funny inbetween slavic languages

like 'piča' meaning "cunt" here and "drink" in south slavic
or "otrok" meaning "slave" here and "child" in south slavic

In Dalmatia, "dite" (colloquial) or "dijete" (standard) is "child", but in my village, it is "drtesina"

Don't know how, don't know why

well it's basically all the same

We say pizda sometimes, but I don't think it's common, just loaning from the polish. To us it's not so vulgar to sometimes we use it instead of kurva.
I don't understand why she'd get angry at 'pica', since that's literally how you say it, it's just that people don't usually write it as pica, but use pizza.

>like 'piča' meaning "cunt" here and "drink" in south slavic

piće is BSH, pijáča in Slovene

>or "otrok" meaning "slave" here and "child" in south slavic

only in Slovene, if you said otrok to a Croat, he wouldn't have any notion of what you'd said (unless he knew our word). They say d(j)ete, which means toddler in our language.

we have "dieťa", or more vulgar/informal 'decko' (soft d) for 'child'

does it mean ass? I think my gf sometimes calls me prcinko
in Lithuanian, to fart is "persti" which is the vulgar version, sounds a bit similar
I always chuckle when a Czech says finger "prst" which is like the sound that you make when you fart in Lithuanian "pirst". and finger in Lithuanian is pirštas.

>do piče
that's like "fuck" or "to fuck with it!"
when I was going to Czechia once from Lithuania there were 2 Czech girls next to me waiting for bus in the bus station. one looked at her jeans and saw that she had ripped one of her knees and she said to her friend "do piče!"

>primary plan
going to Russia (Moscow) and then going around the Golden Ring

>The Golden Ring (Russian: Зoлoтóe кoльцó) is a ring of cities northeast of Moscow, the capital of Russia. They formerly comprised the region known as Zalesye.

>These ancient towns, which also played a significant role in the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church, preserve the memory of the most important and significant events in Russian history. The towns have been called "open-air museums" and feature unique monuments of Russian architecture of the 12th–18th centuries, including kremlins, monasteries, cathedrals, and churches. These towns are among the most picturesque in Russia and prominently feature Russia's onion domes.


yeah, it's just how it's written

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"Dečko" is north Croatian and Serbian for "lad" or "boy"

Pizda is Slovene, pička is BSH, even though we also use pička on occasion cause of all the Mujos in tha hood. Srđan Dragojević, the legendary Serbian director, made this movie recently that's set at a Montenegrin holiday resort where the director is Slovene, and even tho he mostly speaks BSH, he begins every sentence with 'piiiizda', which isn't very far off from a certain sort of Slovenian yuppie IRL (my parents, for instance).

I was once in restaurant in poland and in the next table there was some guy with gf. He turned to her and said "chcesz do picie?" And it literally sounded like czech "chces do piče?" I kekked hard af before i realized that all around me are polaks who dont find anything funny about that?

Prcmilojko, a.k.a "a funny fuck up"

yes, prdelka is ass
prcat = to fuck
prcinka = butt

"ne prcaj me", Dalmatian for "don't fuck with my brain"

/v4/ + /slav/

this sounds very interesting, never heard about golden ring. I would like to go to russia one day. A friend from uni did a 2 weeks tour of the baltik and Moscow and he said that it was amazing and ridiculously cheap. Once I have more time and get steady with uni I'll definitely make that route

deček in Slovene, but it's mostly just a literary expression (replaced by the ultimately Italian 'fant') except in the parts bordering northwest Croatia.

I guess I tend to falsely assume that everyone watches as much CZ porn as I do. Prdelka is ass, yes.

well isn't the bread usually dead by these hours?

We use manly words like "momak" and "momče"
"Dečko" sounds gay

When you hear "alo e, momak", you know you're in trouble

> tfw neighbour fertilised field with cow shit again

Welp, its time to choose whether i sleep drenched in sweat or open window and smell shit the whole night

here's some keks before sleep
funny af imo

>watching cz porn
Tried once, some bathroom scene but couldn't take it. Sexy talk in czech/slovak when I can fully understand it is unbearably cringey. It's fine in english, because that kind of talk is one of the early things I heard in english, because of movies lol. But when he grabs her and says "vykuř mi ho", I'd lose my boner even after a week of nofap.

the term I learned from czporn is mrdati, which is close to our mrdniti (to make a quick move)

another SLO term for to make a quick move, to throw, is 'fukniti', but it has been outlawed by linguists cause of its proximity to the English/German fuck/Fick. In fact, it is alleged that the Slovene vulgarism for coitus (along with the ubiquitous 'jebati' ofc), fukati, is 100% Slavic, having been derived from 'to make sudden motions' and has nothing to do with the German words bearing the same meaning.

>have to get up at 5
>can't sleep

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>When you hear "alo e, momak", you know you're in trouble

oh, brother, don't I know it

>kad mala mrda rit

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and that's a good thing!
i mena v4 + slav is

Jesi dobio po pički ili?

that's a slightly less vulgar way to say "to fuck" in slovak
czech: mrdat
slovak: mrdať
I think czechs don't use jebat, so they use mrdat as the fully vulgar word. Here it's more common to say "jebať"

we'd say 'ta mala trese rit' or maybe 'otresa z ritjo', mrdniti is only used in the set phrase 'da mi ne mrdneš', tho we may have borrowed that from you, idk

all of these common words between our languages (like 85%, lol) and yet all of these differing rules on how they should be used, if at all, it's funny, really

I have the same problem with Polish porn. I cringe hard everytime I hear "kurwa, jeb mnie, jeb mnie" or some other cringy shit. It just doesn't work. It's a huge boner killer for me. Polish language wasn't meant to be sexy at all.

I know that Croatia supposed to be a bit more expensive now that it is in EU but I don't think it's that expensive that Baltics would be considered cheap. Maybe Russia, but idk about here.
Anyways, I learned about the Golden Ring just few or couple of years ago myself, even after playing EU4 lol. They have all of that old or at least pre-1900s architecture/churches there. The problem is actually organizing it, visiting 8 cities in ~3 days. Going from Moscow to Vladimir in the morning, managing to look at stuff and catch another bus to Suzdal in afternoon, finding a hostel to sleep there, waking up in the morning to catch a train/bus to Kostroma, catching another bus elsewhere, finding a hostel there again, catching a bus again somewhere else. It's really logistical nightmare, would be easier if I had driver's licence. That's why Serbia seems like a warmer option.


relax and keep sleeping, Makedon :)

>Polish language wasn't meant to be sexy at all
this desu, our languages are supposed to be used by pure beautiful virgin girls singing folk songs, damn those western faggots runing our culture!!!!!!!!!!

how about šoukat? that's vulgar, right? it's also clearly related to our 'fukat(i)'

strangely, the only time I got robbed and beaten (just a bit) was by two Slovenian gangsta rappers years ago. All that posturing by all those Bosnians, and in the end it's two fucking Janez assholes who let Dre and Pac get to their head