Why won't these countries just join Poland? Why don't they understand that Slavs would be better off together? After all you'd be better in the unified state ruled by Poles. In fact you come here in millions because Finns (P*tin) govern you badly.
Please come to daddy. No more brother wars. Slavs Unite!
If it's Slav then it's King of Poland of course. I'd rather have a Nicholas than a germ from Dresden as a King. (Augustus II the Strong)
Jacob Kelly
Well, it sure is a good thing that Finland totally didn't assassinate him.
Not sure what you mean buddy Putin is one hundred per cent Slavic, 0% Finnish blood.
Oliver Gutierrez
>Strong independent state that don't need no superpower for 50 years >meh Yugoslavia was pretty based.
Benjamin Harris
Severoslavia (in East slavic) Północnasłowiańszczyzna (in Polish) + no muslims so no problem. Yugoslavia was a fairly prosperous state before the baseless nationalist trashes ruined it.
David Roberts
He's from Petersburg (Izhoria) he has his ancestry in Karelia. Enitre north-west Russia is Finno-Ugric genetically.
Elijah Kelly
Yugoslavia was redpilled and based, just listen to their anthem
Brandon Perez
Nope. Not true. Please delete this post & this thread
Levi Campbell
Because Poland is a shithole
Jose Reyes
Because Poland is a shithole
Cameron Adams
You should be happy. Suomi mannittu. Tortilla tavataan (or something like that)
Jason Gray
It was nice country when Tito calibrated between commies and west, but after his death commies lost everything. By the way, what you will do with russian muslims?
Thomas Kelly
Then why they come there in millions? Why don't they just go to the wonderful Russia?
Jaxon Hall
Russian Muslims are not like that ones that come to Germany. So no worries.
Justin Wilson
Chechens and crimean tatars very agressive, it's always been problem with them
Lincoln Wright
We can give them independence. (unironically)
Matthew Fisher
They already have Tatar muslims
Liam Mitchell
There are no problems with any muslims who came here from Crimea. So I don't get your point.
Nathaniel Parker
Tatars very chill and nice people Crimea is very important strategic place to control black sea, so it would be bad idea to give them independence
Jordan Hall
You have muslims living in Trakai for like 700 years. They haven't caused you any problems because they are a different type of muslim.
Charles Cruz
My ex-gf was from Crimea and she told that these tatars like rapefugees in Germany Drugs smuggling, murders and rapes done mostly by them
I'm not speaking about Crimea. Crimea case is lost and there is no talk of independence here as it is over 95% Russian now. I'm talking about Chechnya, Ingushetia and Tatarstan.
They should have their own state and shouldn't mix with Slavs. They are what makes Russia so subhuman. Asians should be sorted out really.
Camden Smith
I'm actually Russian/Lithuanian, and I was born in the UK.
Joshua Martin
In this case we need to work with Russian to make them more civilized. Russians have experience how tom make Tatars to behave like civilized human beings. Cultural exchange will be useful for our new federation.
Tyler Jenkins
and you always visit threads related to poland, shit on it, and make threads that portray lithuania in a positive light, it's easy to recognise you
Christopher Jenkins
I haven't been on this board in months until today and this is the first thread I've been in that involves Poland. I also haven't said anything about Poland ITT.
Nathan Jenkins
Tatarstan is more Russian than Yakutia, so wracaj do pracy Mkola
Ayden Brown
;) just be stealthier next time and no one'll catch on
Jaxson Lewis
I don't have anything against Poland. My ex-gf was a Polka.
Luis Ramirez
I'm not Mykola, but If I was, I'd be pretty jealous of Poland standing alone and not being in the Jew-controlled Bolshevik sphere of influence. There is a reason why Mykolas move to work for Janusz