Honestly, what's the worst state in the USA?

Honestly, what's the worst state in the USA?

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Statistically it's Mississippi


Memes aside it's Mississippi. Although I'm sure this thread will be about dumb shit that doesn't actually matter

epic post my fellow conservative teenager who gets his worldview from Jow Forums

Idaho is pretty terrible.

This, but it's tied with Louisiana for certain things.

If it's a metric like highest obesity, highest homicide rate, highest poverty rate, highest illiteracy rate, it will always be either Mississippi or Louisiana.

Also, I lived in New Orleans and loved it, but it's objectively Africa tier.


What's wrong with Mississippi?

they forgot to fill in tennessee,

Mississippi and Louisiana have some cool outdoorsy stuff at least. I'd say a state like Delaware is the worst.


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t. never been to Teton Valley

Depends, they all can be pretty shitty

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Cali easily. Just visit there once and you'll see why.

Cali isn't that bad depending on where you go.
Where as states like Maryland are trash wherever you go.

Did you not get a blond gf in Maryland or something?

I’m stunned nobody has said Alabama yet.

poltiics aside california is an overpopulated city built in a desert that imports evertything in order to sustain its population

Californians tend to have terrible attitudes and annoying accents, but the region is objectively much better than Mississippi.

Californians are the worst expats though. You don't see Mississippians ruining Washington and Colorado.

>Californians are the worst expats though
Excluding black Mississippians; but there are less Mississippians overall so you still have a point.

Yellowstone is in the wrong area, dipshit.

I've never gotten one anywhere.

I actually know a black Mississippian who left the state to get away from the aftermath of a bad divorce. Perfectly decent fellow, easy to get along with.

I can't stand the attitude of Californians though. Universally snotty, effeminate manchildren.

black Mississippians are rural people who don’t move anywhere.

All of the black people who wanted to leave the south left during the Great Migration and ended up in inner cities.

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california for sure

He said the worst expats.
Some black Mississippians have moved out of the state; just not a lot.

They never really recovered from the Civil War.

Unquestionably California

We are talking about modern expats. Blacks whos families moved to major urban centers from the south 100 years ago aren’t really “Mississippians” anymore.

Anybody who isn't memeing will say Mississippi, that's the true answer.

Anything else is personal preference. But Mississippi is where our turbo, ultra, mega, backwater hick people live. And it's hot and humid as fuck. 30% African American, pretty much everybody feverishly believes in angels and god to the point that if you don't, you'll have a bad time there if anybody finds out.

Also there had been a huge teacher strike going on there for awhile that nobody cares about. Been like fuckin years, the teachers want better wage. But Mississippi straight up hates education and thinks it's brainwashing.

It's just fucking weird and dumb.

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All the blacks and whites who had any intelligence or ambition left Mississippi a long time ago.

You mean the ones that are currently living in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit? lol.

Black people, and the basic fact that the plantation system is communism tier in terms of the long term effects it has on countries.

Look at countries like Jamaica or El Salvador that were essentially nothing but plantations. That shit salts the earth.

nah, California is shit more so than Mississippi. Enjoy your drought

Next to MS it's West Virginia easily.

Nothing really happens in West Virginia though.

or the south in general

I much prefer hillbillies to Californians.

More Blacks are in California than Mississippi

Most of the South figured out how to adapt to the post-Civil War world; Mississippi never did. Jim Crow was also at its worst and nastiest there.

West Virginia is elderly, poor, and killing itself with opoids and alcohol, but it also has pretty low crime rates and beautiful nature.

Population wise, not percentage wise.
California has a larger population overall.
California blacks = 7%
Mississippi blacks - 35%

Yeah but pop. is more important than percentage.


>West Virginia is elderly
Seems doubtful since most people there don't live past about 51.

You must be part of that 35%

My top 5 are:
5) Indiana
4) Ohio
3) Mississippi
2) West Virginia
1) Alabama

Oklahoma is an honorable mention.

Yeah, but all of the young people move out because there are no jobs.

Don't bully Indiana.

Not even a Jow Forumstard but I couldn't fathom having to live in socal or nm

>it’s duh niggers

West Virginia is right next to it in terms of shit, and it’s white as fuck.

Same. I live in Alabama.

I honestly think we have some good cities though. This is one of the few states I think is improving.

Alabama had steel, Texas had oil, Georgia had Atlanta as a major transportation hub, but Mississippi had nothing but its soil and farming alone doesn't lead to a stable, middle class society.

alabama man! hes quick hes strong hes active!

Indiana is fucking horrid. Should be erased from the face of the earth.

WV is shit because it's geographically isolated, its entire economy was based on resource extraction, and the population are mainly descended from Scots-Irish criminals dumped there by Britain in the 18th century--they're shiftless people who don't value hard work or education.

All I know about Indiana is that Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters is from there, the guy who made Garfield is from there, and they passed a law allowing you to legally shoot police officers if they break into your house without a warrant.

It seems nice but kind of boring.

lowest hdi rating, high unemployment and a ton of drug use

>because it's geographically isolated

One of the dumbest excuses I’ve ever heard jesus christ. Switzerland is geographically isolated and it’s not the IRL setting of a goddamn fallout game.

>omitting the rest of the post

Birmingham has unironically become known as a city that has turned itself completely around from being a shithole, to being mediocre, and I'm proud of that.

in socal holy shit yes

>uses tech designed in california
>eats food grow in california
>watches movies and tv made in california
>uses products shipped in through california ports
cant disagree with you there

Mississippi state politics are run by the descendants of the antebellum plantation aristocracy; it's the same families who've been controlling the state for the last 200 years. After the Civil War, they refused to adapt to the times or consider any economic venture outside of plantation agriculture.

>the chad californian conqueror
>the helpless washington and colorado natives

stop using a name

I'm in Alabama and my brother lives in California.
I've never seen anyone talk shit about CA in my entire life. It's just an internet meme. Fuck people wish they lived in California.

Honestly I haven't been to any super awful areas, but I have driven through inner Baltimore and Gary.

Ugly places that aren't bad, but just ugly: Central NJ, Illinois/Indiana (I hate how flat it all is), Connecticut

Maybe don’t make the dumbest part your leading example, then?

>Fuck people wish they lived in California.
Do they still think this is 1975? CA isn't the Golden State nowadays; not since it flipped Democrat in the 90s.

It doesn't have good ports or a coast either.

It's been a while since I asked, but I'm pretty sure no one thinks it's still the year 1975.

I'm from California. As soon as I could I moved to Atlantic Canada for no other reason than the fact that it's basically as far from California and Californians as I can get while still being on the continent.

How do you like it here in Atlantic Canada?

So I’ve heard. Doesn’t make up for the rest of the state, though. Detroit has been going through a major infrastructure revamp in the past few years, but that doesn’t make the fact that we went to Trump over 10-fucking-K votes any less of a reality.

do you think most of the food is homegrown in california? maybe tomatoes and olives but for the rest i think it comes from other states/countries
also isnt most of california semi-desertic ?

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I love it thanks, it's paradise

buddy it's called the central valley

>also isnt most of california semi-desertic ?
Here's the really unfortunate part--most settlement and infrastructure in CA was built during the 20th century which was an unusually wet period for the state when its natural state is being a semi-desert.

Huntsville is pretty fantastic if you’re into engineers, Nazi rocket scientist, and defense contractors.

What part? Nova Scotia? Newfoundland? What is it like?

Mississippi has a horrible reputation. Ohio seems absolutely dull (every person I meet from there is fucking weird). I've met a ton of morons from Florida, statistically they seem very stupid. I would love to wipe Las Vegas, Nevada off the map.

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Boomers decided to turn Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico into green lawns, because they like the heat and low humidity, but insist on having nice green lawns.

>every person I meet from there is fucking weird
really? haha what are they like
t. just next to them

the southern half is but we get water from norcal, also like the other user said central valley is a powerhouse. we're not self sufficient but we aren't completely reliant on other states

>low humidity heat

I will never feel this.

Wanna to Kansas, Elly and Wizard from OZ land live there. let me in stupid american government i'm white.

Always a little bit odd, a bit dull. Into really normie and also corny shit.

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Eh, at least the humidity is good for the plants here. I can accept it despite the discomfort. Fuck mosquitoes tho

Blax ruin everything


BTK is also from Kansas.

>california is an overpopulated city
It's a fucking massive state, retard.

Who is BTK?

My town :)

A famous American serial killer.