I unironically think that Islam can fix black-Americans degenerate mind-set

I unironically think that Islam can fix black-Americans degenerate mind-set

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i actually agree with you and give dawah to random black americans

Islam can fix all the West's problems. It'll be another cultural reset like when Christianity became the majority religion in Rome.


Really? I think that nation of islam retards are way worse culturally and philosophically than regular african americans. Right up there with black nationalists and pan-africanists.

nation of islam people unironically commit less crimes.

Any stat? I am really curious.

nation of islam members aren't muslims though


nah don't have stats. I just live in philly and muslim blacks are more peaceful than other blacks


Nation of Islam is not Islam, it is a separate religion.



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Please, Muslim Africans Americans are just phonies. There are plenty of rappers that call themselves Muslim, but it’s not like they actually give a shit about Islamic teachings. They join Islam for superficial reasons, they think it gives them some cultural identity and it’s also done out of spite for white people and Christianity

wow so you're full of shit

Black jews commit even less, I would imagine. Correlation is not causation, however. Just because fewer NoI members are criminals doesn't mean that the organization's doctrine decrease a persons penchant for criminality.

alot of nation of islam people are now sunni and even fucking salafis

dumb post, plenty of african americans are sincere muslims

>Islam can fix all the West's problems. It'll be another cultural reset like when Christianity became the majority religion in Rome.
yeah christian rome was the pinnacle of civilisation


kys muhammed nigger

I do too

>Nation of Islam isn't islam
>t. wahabists
Next you'll explain how Shia and Ahmadiyya isn't Islam either

yeah like that guy training kids to be school shooters in new mexico

Allah kill kuffar

I think BBC can fix Israeli girls too

>wahhabism is real and not just an orientalist creation to 'other' strict muslims
no they're not muslims because of their teachings and books directly contradict mainstream islam

shias are muslim though, but ahmadis aren't

This is partially true. Islam is, for many blacks in the US, an affectation they adopt as a means of coping with their lack of a culture they feel any strong connection to. It's the same as with other facets of african culture they appropriate. That doesn't mean they don't genuinely have faith in the religion's teachings and follow it's tenets however. Most who claim to be are true believers, as with any religion.

>trading out racist whiteys for even more racist massas
at least christianity has roots in black country (modern day ethiopia) can't say that for islam which DIRECTLY puts emphasis on arab and WHITE (arab) features

Nation of Islam teaches that Wallace Fard Muhammad was the messiah, it is heresy and antithetical to any Islamic movement that exists.

What you are arguing for is that 50 000 people should be considered as part of Islam, even though the 2 million black Muslims in America reject all that has to do with Nation Of Islam.

cringe and bluepilled, islam has existed in the horn of africa since basically the start of the religion

also, you're second point is false:

Ahmad (22978) narrated from Abu Nadrah: Someone who heard the khutbah of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) on the second of the days of at-Tashreeq told me that he said: “O people, verily your Lord is One and your father is one. Verily there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab or of a non-Arab over an Arab, or of a red man over a black man, or of a black man over a red man, except in terms of taqwa. Have I conveyed the message?” They said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) has conveyed the message.

Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in as-Saheehah (6/199).

Mhm, so orientalist that the founder of your denomination was kicked out of the muslim cities where he preached for being a lunatic zealot.

>they're not muslims because of their teachings and books directly contradict mainstream islam
That's not how religions work. It is a direction of the faith that differs in certain aspects of theology, but has more in common with the "mainstream" than not. Nation of Islam is as much Islam as Mormonism is Christianity. Clerics and politicians sperging out and wanting to distance themselves from Ahmadiyya doesn't change the facts there either.

t. brainlet

>so orientalist that the founder of your denomination was kicked out of the muslim cities where he preached for being a lunatic zealot.
except i was talking about the modern trend of calling everyone who is a conservative muslim 'wahabi', nothing to do with abdulwahab the man himself

>That's not how religions work.
that's literally how they work though are you a muslim? you unironically can't be muslim if you believe certain things which those two groups do, such as the existence of a messenger after muhammad

>you unironically can't be muslim if you believe certain things which those two groups do, such as the existence of a messenger after muhammad
Evidently you can, judging by the existence of muslims who believe just that and reject any other label. You can condemn them as heretical all you want, but fact of the matter is their religion is islam.

>except i was talking about the modern trend of calling everyone who is a conservative muslim 'wahabi'
And I was talking about the modern trend of wahabis dictating that groups of muslims they disagree with are not muslims, while rejecting any notion that wahabism exists or that it should be applied to them and isn't just ordinary islam.