I saw ANOTHER Japanese girl with a Pajeet

I saw ANOTHER Japanese girl with a Pajeet.

Not only that, she was really pretty.

What The Fuck

Attached: images (7).png (300x250, 4K)

She was Kim.

Shitter in the streets, senpai in the sheets bro ayy lmao

Now you understand our plight.

lol get rekt, and you thought multiculturalism wasn't coming for you

>When open bob works out

Why do you care takashi don't you have a 2d wife.

There's literally nothing wrong with getting enriched by Based Pajeet Bvlls
t. "mainlander" Indian dating a North East Indian chink.

Show me her Bob and vegene

Not gonna post my gf here because it would be wrong.
But I'll post some pics of North East Indian girls so you know what I'm talking about

Attached: dsc6417.jpg (450x680, 133K)

Attached: ArunachaliGirls.jpg (1000x757, 150K)

>8cm dick
>weird accent
>poops in the street

Nice bull

This thot has a lot of makeup on clearly

Attached: Mizoram_girl.jpg (358x384, 37K)

I'm 180cm and I have an alright sized cock (6.5 inches)
You'll be surprised to know that the newer generation of Indians have a pretty significant height increase over their parents' generation and especially their grandparents' generation. Could possibly be because we're more well fed than the older generations were due to prosperity.
Everyone in my uni is above 170cm at least.
Also, keep believing that all Indians are le epic shit street xD meme

but i thought japanese people were BASED and REDPILLED conservatives

This. Only 569 million Indians shit on the street. Certainly not all of them.

Is it true that Japan is importing pajeets?

I guess she must gained not very less money by Virtual Currency because she has superior foresight and she got also INDIAN BULL who are superpower by 2040

Indeed disturbing

Seeing as I’m a Tamizh BVLL diaspora, how easy would it be to pick up a NE qt if I went there? Do they speak English much?

Indians are mostly well-educated (the immigrants at least), hard working, charming and sociable.
If i were a girl i'd definitely date an Indian guy.

You're all ugly, smelly, 155cm manlet shitskins.

Buttblasted wh*te boi detected. Stay mad virgin.

>Indians are mostly well-educated


Pajeet was getting big bucks from the government so Hana sees free money and all she has to do is be asian.

but why don't make JAPANO-INDIAN ultimate ch*Nese r*Ssian wh*Te n*Gger m*Slim killing machine

They speak English very very well
And seeing that their language is much different from Indic languages, their accents kind of sound American-ish, weirdly enough.
As for picking girls up, idk if I can help you with that. I met my gf because we happen to go to the same uni. But you should be able to find a lot of NE qts in Metro cities like Mumbai and Bangalore


I hope I die before Jow Forums becomes majority Indian and SE Asian