>gaijin served by another gaijin
The country is finished
>gaijin served by another gaijin
The country is finished
japan is finished
>finished for right wing seven eleven employees like OP
Good. The world will be better off when the Japanese are exterminated. Bunch of pedophilic pieces of shit.
is that guy hispanic or middle eastern?
t. fears the samurai
Looks Indian.
>builds up the fantasies of autists and incels worldwide
>gets mad when a global coalition of autists and incels settles in their country
Hello weebs
Hahahahahahahahha cucked!
Say it with me, MULTICULTURAL
-Shinzo Abe, Japanese Emperor
>no trigger discipline
Unacceptable. I will give her private lessons now.
rip Nippon had a good run
>trigger discipline
>pointing gun at head
Dumb nip bitch.
>Wanting to fuck that 9 year old body with monkey ears
I want to fuck a 9 year old.
I teach 9 year olds and you really don't.
What's happening there, my axis friend? We once got fucked up by those who call themselves "refugees" a few years ago and have been kicking them out. Haven't you learned any lessons from what we went through? You need to do something about that before it's too late.
Literally me but smarter.
Self-checkout will increase from now on, so not finished :)
Based american
Tenha heika banzai, Japan.
my local Natural Lawson had an Indian employee when I lived in Japan, he was probably new because he seemed to be in panic mode all the time
Ah look. A syrian refugee.
not gonna happen. You'll die in total squalor instead
What stopping a robber from the robbery the? Robot don't have a feels about protecting property you know?
>not just leaving and going to a different shop
If they start to lose business after hiring foreigners, they should get the hint.
This but unironically
how about your cunt's birth rate lower than east asia?
anyway forza pasta!
whats the difference
Here in the UK shop security (CCTV, security guards) are supposed to stop to stop it. Saying that I always steal at least one thing when doing the self-checkout.
1. calling us pedo is same you're calling all americans bronies(maybe yourself? kek)
2. we are already ranked as 20th highest country as immigrants number. it's pretty high considering we live in isolated archipelago and speak minor language
3. westerners are retarded as fuck
P.S. fuck israel your absolute cult meme country
>1. calling us pedo is same you're calling all americans bronies(maybe yourself? kek)
Difference is American society sees Bronies as retards. Japanese have pedophilia everywhere in your country.
>2. we are already ranked as 20th highest country as immigrants number
A complete lie. Japan is only 1.8% immigrant. You need to be hitting the 30% mark to be truly multicultural.
>3. westerners are retarded as fuck
>P.S. fuck israel your absolute cult meme country
Go watch some more of your pedo cartoons Hirohito.
You are alright Japan, you kicked mongols asses in the past while everyone was destroyed. You won't die out that easily.
battle of the century right here
They didn't do that. A hurricane beat the Mongols.
>Difference is American society sees Bronies as retards
that's way weird to buy goods from merchandise for little girls, and has no relation to our affair.
> calling us pedo is same you're calling all americans bronies
percentage of pedo cases are much lower than foreign countries
all those creepy hobbies are for minorities
how you see us is all to u, there is nothing i can do about it
>percentage of pedo cases are much lower than foreign countries
Japanese police statistics are faked. Women and children in Japan who suffer abuse do not report the crimes because of Japanese society creating a culture of fear in them. Japan is one of the worst cultures in the world for covering up evil.
>immature body
>over 18
>mature body
unfortunately,that is not gonna happen.
It is far better and more economical for employers to employ a human as a slave than to develop technology.
I would rather employ a worker for 10$ per day than prepare an equipment for 10000$ per month if both of them do the same performance.
>Japan is one of the worst cultures in the world for covering up evil.
Hello Ahmed al-Swedistani
Japan did beats first invasion.
I can see lots of gaijin employees in Tokyo.
They are almost Chinese but some are India, Indonesian, Koreans, Australian and American.
After a hurricane destroyed 70% of the army. Japs got lucky.
>7/11 store clerks
>having to have conversations with a bunch of customers, even in a foreign language
All normies
Fly Dumbo, fly!
Gods favoured them.
>peadophile everywhere
have you ever been to Japan?
I live in countryside of Japan and no such thing in here.
Japan is not so different from other country.peado are look down by every body.
ohh England is so qt.
I wanna hug y0u
no bully
disgusting animale
>I live in countryside of Japan and no such thing in here.
of course, most men in the countryside are old geezedr who can't get an erection without viagra
this is a fake photo. foreigners dont make eye contact with other foreigners in japan. they like to pretend they are the only foreigner
That's not in Naha is it?
Because it looks very much like the one I went to there and the guy looks familiar too
It seems that people start living off unwashed potatoes when self service checkouts are installed
How are the foreigners in your cunt by ethnicity?
>japan wants to hire 1million more filipino workers
its over, we will send our BVLLS to breed with japanese women for free visa
t. Xiaofang "Bruce" Wu
No. We need a similar policy here.
"God Save the Queen, Exterminate the Chinese Devil"
that's japanese tho
majority of pinoy immigrants are female immigrants.
>apan is one of the worst cultures in the world for covering up evil.
hilarious coming from a jew
kill yourself
nice. very nice.
Kono kumi wa...mou..shindeiru
Japan is over, Korea is great.
Every jap girls i know listen to kpop and dream of korean bf, we nihonjins can do nothing about this
i am japanese on vacation in korea btw
we dream of korean bf too :3
*kisses on your lips roughly*
you are mine now mario
100% that guy is nepali kek
Nepali for sure.Bhramin or chettri ethnic to be exact.Plenty of people go to korea or japan from nepal