Redpill me on this cunt

redpill me on this cunt

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People who pretend not to be german by using ë

some nigger tier minicountry the size of my backyard that is outperforming us on gdp/capita

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they can't keep getting away with it!

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t. minicountry

longer than you, Cai-Göran

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Portuguese colony

not country

Surprisingly, it's a country with history and it used to be bigger

Portuguese puppet state

it's my storage box garage land thingy

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french client state with a large portuguese minority

I've always wondered if it's hard to immigrate to microcountries like Luxembourg or Liechtenstein

I don’t wanna speak ill of Netherlands.

Portugal 2.0

Very hard as they are exempt of the freedom of movement due to their country simply not being able to facilitate it.

t. minicountry

Irrelevant tax-haven for 'highly' educated people

I'm a Luxemburger born and raised, I don't think you know how colonialism work cause I've only seen Portuguese people living around the train station, cleaning toilets and building walls mate

I speak neither Luxembourgish nor German. Will French and basic Dutch do?

No. You have to speak their retarded dialect of German. Neither French nor Dutch will be of help.

Leave the landlets alone.

B-but French is an official language. They speak good English at least, don't they?

French is spoken by everyone except about half of the Portuguese immigrants. I'd say a majority of people also speak English, since Luxembourg has a pretty great linguistic curriculum.

Hardly anyone there speaks French daily. That's just French delusions.

They all speak French to me though :)


i am very interested too
i wonder what is life like on the daily level, and what is the country doing on the national level, like what are some long term goals that their government is trying to achieve

I work there
