Can they be stopped?

Attached: 900px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (900x600, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Republic_of_China


not likely, america keeps humiliating itself post cold war

They are colonizing all of us.

No, it's too late.

The world made a big mistake by letting an ethno-nationalist totalitarian China become a superpower.

No and that's a good thing

They have a pretty good habit of stopping themselves since Chinese history is just an endless, depressing cycle of civil wars, dynastic collapses, foreign invasions, and millions of deaths. It's pretty comical how they keep making the same mistakes for 3000 years and never learn a thing.

Why should they be stopped? Chinese are reliable business partners who like to make money, not war.


They can easily BTFO India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan simultaneously but they are showing restraint.

>This delusion

>They can easily BTFO India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan simultaneously
Not sure if troll or...

Nope, they can't

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>an endless, depressing cycle of civil wars, dynastic collapses, foreign invasions, and millions of deaths

That's any country's history.

Trump called the EU a foe and started a trade war like a nigger. China is a far better partner.

Imagine being this reactionary just because of 2-4 years of drumpf.
The EU wouldn't even exist without us.

This. The trade war hurts European economy but on the long run it's better for EU to realign trade to China away from the US.

Never happened to mine. We got invaded by Sw*des and G*rmans a few times but we never had dynastic collapses and massive bloody civil wars. In fact the last civil war we had was in the Middle Ages.

>Imagine being this reactionary just because of 2-4 years of drumpf.
That is the fucking problem isn't? The US is unreliable as fuck.

all these yellow fever incels
they're a paper dragon

Now that the chinese have adapted to capitalism, no absolutely not. The only upside is that climate change will end industrial civilisation.

^This. It's probably just paid chink shillbots. If you bothered reading into it, China is a clusterfuck beyond all imagining.

>EU is reactionary
Imagine having him dictate your trade and foreign policy messing up all relationships to satisfy his emasculated voters that want to see big dick politics in a globalised world.

>We get 1 populist retard after years of relatively pro trade governments
>the Us is unreliable as fuck
I didn't say the EU reactionary , you and the finn as posters are reactionary

Globalized world is codeword for open borders and allowing Walid to bring in his entire extended family; all 30 of them.


The Chinese dragon is growing and it won't be stopped

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No and ut’s time to accept that

And? Drumpf is gonna get impeached or loose in 2020. Politics and especially economy doesn't matter that much in the short run as you think

I hope china will nuke usa one day

>Drumpf is gonna get impeached or loose in 2020.
>This delusion

China has an autocratic government with great leadership. It can do big things quickly and efficiently. It's like a young athlete, while Europe and USA are like old men who need walkers.

Thankfully it's unlikely.

>China has an autocratic government with great leadership. It can do big things quickly and efficiently

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Look at the midterms faggot, a lot of super red states voted blue


The midterm elections are three months away.

This district voted for trump with double digit differences and was republican as fuck since Reagan. Now look at the current difference

China is not destined for world doninance, but it definitely will be as powerful as the Soviets.

China isn’t Japan or Korea or Germany. The USA cannot boss them around anymore.

Multipolar world is upon us. And that’s a good thing as long as one nation id not dominant. If the USA threatens us, hello China. If China threatens us, welcome USA.

*are projected to vote blue

pic related

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If IMF fucks us over, hello China.
If China fucks us over, hello IMF.

A multipolar world is great for smaller nations because we can hedge between both superpowers.

This is the real redpill. The third world will finally catch a break because they can play the powers off each other for maximum gibs.

The last time we had a multipolar world was the Cold War and it wasn't pretty. The world since the 90s excepting the Middle East is a lot freer and more peaceful than it was in the 1970s.

I kinda agree but the cold war wasn't good for alot of countries especially yours(latino countries). At least now , we mostly just intervene in mena countries mostly. But I guess this new america vs china rivalry isn't gonna be cold war tier

It's true, though. Every time Trump wants to do something, the democrats and republicans need to argue over it in the Congress, the other side barely budges and the government get shut down.

Meanwhile, Xi just needs to sign a piece of paper.

The Cold War was a godsend relative to 1900-1945 or 1760-1820.

The amount of wars during the Cold War were far smaller and of less significance. Blame nukes or technology. I personally think it had much to do with geopolitical balancing and international institutions instead.

Suffice to say, a multipolar world is good for developing nations like Chile.

*streams of refugees flood into europe*
*streams of latin-americans flood into america*
etc, etc...

If western companies stop investing threre

The US and Chinese economy are incredibly intertwined and depend on each other, that's why this trade war is so dangerous. The cold war was a whole different beast, imagine two separate worlds fighting each other and both sides have no idea how the other works. No contact whatsoever

Well it is amusing seeing how all the chumps who screeched about incoming Chinese global hegemony have slowly shut up these past few years. I'm genuinely interested in seeing how much further the reach of Mandarin will spread though.

Exaggeration. The US president is extremely powerful. He started a global trade war with a pen. He controls all foreign policy. He can nationalize US industries like that.

Xi faces extensive active and passive resistance in the Chinese bureaucracy and regional governments. That’s good because it keeps them from going full Stalin/Mao/Hitler in policy, but it also means China’s far less “unified” than many suggest.

? people have been screeching even louder since 2016, they screeched so hard they got trump elected as US president

The republicans will never win another election if Trump nationalises private American companies.

China has a serious demographic problem incoming with their aging population and declining birthrate. Chinese power and economy will certainly keep growing but not at the explosive rate of the last 30 years.

>The US and Chinese economy are incredibly intertwined and depend on each other
Not really. We can get on fine without China; they have nothing to offer but cheap Happy Meal toys. They if anything can't survive without us and Europe to steal technology from and buy their shitty Happy Meal toys.

FDI is a measly 4% of China’s GDP. Also, Japan is the biggest investor, so you first. Enjoy watching your profits tumble when you lose access to the second biggest economy.

>The amount of wars during the Cold War were far smaller and of less significance

>the Korean War and Vietnam War were insignificant little skirmishes

t. economic illiterate

Let’s see all those American sweatshop workers.

Mao could never even get all of his way. China is just way too fucking big for any one man to be able to control.

>we can get along fine without China
Our whole economy relies on cheap exported labor.


The opposite is true. The amount of “Trump is making China Great Again” shill articles from leftists has grown exponentially.

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They were in comparison.

Than WW1, WW2, Napoleonic, Seven Years War, War of Spanish Succession?
You’re a fool.

You have to understand that those wars were NOTHING compared to pre ww2. The entire world was fighting each other constantly

To put it another way if those first world companies withdraw from there

They can't grow without us

And Hillary was projected to win the election by everyone. What is she doing now?

>He can nationalize US industries like that.
no he cant

>the Korean War and Vietnam War were insignificant little skirmishes
They kinda were.

Yes. They can't compete with the big TRUMP BVLL

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Mao got damn close in the 1966-1970 period before he got old.

Trump’s doing that

US industries were nationalized during ww2

And you cannot grow without them.

Do you retards think companies invest for no reason? Hurrrrrrdurrr let me just ruin my shareholder’s investments!

>Can they be stopped?
Yes, source: me. If they can't then Vietnam would't be exist today, trust me.

The War Production Board was set up to dictate what to make and for what price. No companies were nationalized you dunce.

And if companies refused to make shit?

China is a paper tiger just like it was in the 19th century when it got cucked and humiliated by a few hundred ANGLO BVLLS

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None of them did iirc

>2016 is 2018

Yes he can with FDR’s executive orders and the laws from Congress currently on the books.

For example, the auto industry in a case of national security. Also, “systematically important” banks as of 2010 with the Dodd Frank Bill.

But I get your general point

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Yep, and Vietnam would be French today without China.

Why are you being so angry and ideological. I just gave op an answer no matter how realistic it is. You are literally why I hate chink posters.

Call them whatever you want but the PRC is not the Qing and it's laughable to suggest that any European power could ever land troops on the Chinese mainland again.

Why are you so dedicated to lying? Foreign investments make both nations intertwined. Neither is any more “dependent” on the other. You are literally why I hate jap posters

Trump won the 2020 election on November 8, 2016.

The US president does have the constitutional authority to nationalize any private firm. Obama effectively nationalized AIG during the financial crisis. Eisenhower nationalized some mining company, I think. Nationalization is rare but it has happened. I strongly doubt Trump would do it though unless we got into a severe crisis of some sort.

if you kill every dog on earth they will have no food

The US gov can take part ownership in industries and "control" them during wartime but it can't just steal them from private owners.

>That forced nationalization did not last long, since the Supreme Court ruled the action an unconstitutional abuse of presidential power.
that's from your article

depends on the sector, we are very much at the beginning where Chinese companies can compete successfully on an international market with high end western brands.

But keep in mind, the key difference between China and 80s japan is that japan's market then was very much dependent on exporting to america, China as of now has increasing market reach in both the first and third world.

Stop it, everyone already well know your delusion about (((China))) and your larp as Chinks. Please, at least learn Chinese history properly before embarrassing yourself.

China under the Qing and PRC fought against france twice, and the Chinese did not take the entirety of vietnam, but landed a blow large enough to cripple vietnam's standing in SEA that it would increase it's reliance on the USSR, at least reading from wikipedia.


Qing lost to fucking frog over protector status at Vietnam while it also being split apart by other Western countries. We have a Chile larping at Chinese and now a Singapore too? Tell me, do you know where is you coming from? Where is your root? Or just believe that you're just Chinese?

No, China will defeat Europe, America and the rest of Asia.

it was a phyrric victory to the french, and in the case of the vietnam war the contributions can be read here's_Republic_of_China

i'm just putting out points, although not all of what china did was in vietnam's interests.

170,000 of non combatant if you don't know. What up with simply take the Western source straight away? I thought Chinese usually shit on Western source since it not in Mandarin to trace or verify?

Ha, it funny how now, some Chink from Singapore want to larping as Chink but bet he also don't know Mandarin.

Here in Vietnam, we have Chinks that still know their root, still retain thier language, Guangzhou. I respect them far more than some Chinks overseas but didn't even know their root. Believe in only the giant land mass China and so Chinese.

well we are arguing on Jow Forums, do you seriously expect people to post chinese sources without being told it's shilling etc etc

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The entire world hates China, so everyone is automatically on USA's side.

l'm sorry for his behaviour.
I know Vietnam is a small country, culture, economy-bussiness, techonology, everything wise we got influenced from China,
Even vocabulary are at least 70% similar.
as a Vietnamese 70% language.
We cannot do anything on our own, most of our people are monkeys and very stupid.
I'm sorry my Chinese fellows, we did not treat you as nice as you derseve.

yeah thats right lick them chinese boots.

Nah, I just found funny since most argument online with Chinese have come to point where any source from Western author is disregard cause "We're Chinese, we know Mandarin so your source is shit".

Sorry for your own, cuck faggot. See how that fucking Chile larping as Chinks said about Vietnam you fucking cuck.

It's not boot-licking if you accept the fact that Chinese is the creator of Vietnam.
Even the first King Zhao Tuo is from China, Li Dynasty is from China, Chen (Tran) Dynasty is from China.
Even Nguyen originated from the Lee is from China.
I'm very grateful to Chinese immigrants that created our country and despise monkeys that forgot their root and called some savages like Ouluo as their ancestor.
And that doesn't mean I like Big China or PRC.