Poland is unironically FUCKING BASED and REDPILLED (prove me wrong [you can't])

Poland is unironically FUCKING BASED and REDPILLED (prove me wrong [you can't])

Attached: poland-flag.jpg (900x506, 80K)

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Pilled and redbased

Peeland is a poop

All's I know about Poland is that I had a Polish girl in my class back in High School and she was boring and superficial as fuck.

poles are sorta dumb but they aren't bad people

OP is a Polish welfare troll in Finland who has links to Russia's troll army

based antisemites

the fact that it exists goes against the redpilled thought, that country should have stayed not existing

Haha poland is so epic they dont like smuslims XDDD they kill all Muslims on sight !xdDDDDdDdD So reDPILLED xDDDDD New Kekistani poland xD PRESERVERS OF THE WHITE RACEXDDDD:DDD

Explain yourself sideways Poland with a cross


Attached: kurwa.png (532x523, 13K)

hello muhamed

You shouldn't have come back from the partition
also ur flag gei
I do like your cold weather and heavy catholic influence though

Attached: Partition of poland.png (1409x1041, 119K)

Haha isis is so epic XDDD

Haha yes guys XDDD i am a white PURE WHITE aryan american XDDDD Poland is based and Redpilled XD Lol i would be in paradise there XDDDDD

Ur flag is homo with a little gay dude on it

My dude can beat your non-existent dude in a fight

Imma slap you so hard your flag will turn the right side up


Too many red flags in the same thread. It’s making me uncomfortable

I'm going to design you a better flag because you severely need it

Write "For enormous penis" on the cross please

spotted (sand)nigger

polish "men" are pathetic twinks. I could kill one with one hand.

Don't you have better things to do, like for example being genocided by turks?

Yes, Polish are based.
They don't let sand niggers, and they are white slavs.
And they are smart enough to keep their own currency. And you still can buy powerful vacuum cleaner in Poland, while in Germany - no,

Are you using "unironically" ironically?

Not sure, but for me (russian) you're unironically based.

How did you end up in Chile?


Attached: 2018-08-13 02_15_26-Cost of Living Comparison Between Bialystok, Poland And Karlsruhe, Germany.png (766x424, 45K)

It was relatively easy to move to bypass russian obligatory country. In EU it is much difficult, since visas and shit.

Fuck Polescum

Attached: 1533091220324.jpg (590x350, 35K)