/luso/ - Fio Lusófono

>Edição: Despacito 2

Tema do fio: youtu.be/kJQP7kiw5Fk

Anteriormente, no /luso/...

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fio de viado

O maior viadão aqui é você rapa

5.408.903.853 visualizações


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>5.408.922.899 visualizações
Caralho, eles ganharam 19.000 visualizações no tempo que eu gastei pra comentar.

bom dia lusinho

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Meu nome é Oscar e o sobrenome é Alho.

O que o mod quis dizer com isso?

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>Despacito ps edition
please tell me this is not fake news!


It's real.
I'm waiting for Despacito: PS2 Edition.

Este fio: baseado
Fio daquele portunegro: soja

Despacito VS Feministo

única vez na vida que despacito é a melhor preferência


Eu acho que é uma boa música também.


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The roses in the window box
Have tilted to one side
Everything about this house
Was born to grow and die

Oh it doesn't seem a year ago
To this very day
You said I'm sorry honey
If I don't change the pace
I can't face another day

And love lies bleeding in my hand
Oh it kills me to think of you with another man
I was playing rock and roll and you were just a fan
But my guitar couldn't hold you
So I split the band
Love lies bleeding in my hands

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>Ao menos 56 processos pedem remoção de links publicados na rede; entre os presidenciáveis, Ciro Gomes (PDT) é o que mais usa o recurso

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big beautiful woman
a famosa baleia-de-terra

Filho da puta do faxineiro porco suino incel apagou a minha thread.
Volto quando um Portugues fizer um fio decente, ou seja, amanhã

boa noite

just saw a Bolsonaro interview, he seems like pure clickbait.

he will clickbait your ass back to our domains

try it bitch, we have China and USA in our side

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so you think USA would go against us? lose every piece of the amazonian rainforest?

he is just another typical brazilian right wing retard

he is gonna sell our country to americans and push forward the cuck evangelical agenda

>cuck evangelical agenda
we will behead you, infidels
it's time for a Brazilian CRUSADE

nice try cuck

jose was cucked by maria and you will be cucked by your wife
typlical protestant shit, fuck you all for betraying the white race



>so you think USA would go against us?

and yes

Sorry faggot, but the right wing cuck retard is right

no one cares about your country, accepting that is a good thing though

we could bomb the shit of your country and no one would raise a hand, you know why? because they (usa, china) want us as their allies

plus, china has relations way better with us than they have with you, brics for example

>Cornos mansos do minino (((Jesuis))) vão defender isto

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>because they (usa, china) want us as their allies
let me clarify: economic allies

Cristocornos são patéticos, especialmente evangélicos. Esse ano terei que votar em deputado e senadores (2) de esquerda para deter a agenda nefasta desses primatas traidores da raça branca.

rateiem meu 3x3 de mangá

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it's not a matter of relevancy of my country, do you think i don't know that the world doesn't give a fuck about us? i know that, this is geopolitics, do you think Americans would allow another country in this continent to invade others countries?

This continent is OWN by Americans, it would be a direct threat to them to see how they lose influence in this continent (which is really, REALLY important for them) against another country.

Also, what the fuck do you think you are? do you think Americans would think twice to bomb the fuck out of you? their army is way better than yours, it would be a matter of hours to your politicians to declare surrender

>china has relations way better with us

really? then why did you not accepted to sign the FTD with them in Mercosur?

>mfw acabei de descobrir que a Irene namora um chad cigano
Isso não é justo, caras. Ela deveria ser diferente.

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Pics dele?

Só conheço 5 desses. Você tem bom gosto.

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E ele ainda é manlet e pobre

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legal, mas saca só esses dígitos

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Onde encontraste, link?

Ele provavelmente tem bastante confiança.
Pqp, tenho que ter também e ir atrás de modelos

>o uruguaio desiludido
credo, pq o luso é invadido por esses ratos?

É só ser você mesmo, brother.

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but you didn't argue back, pussy

You are retarded if you think that the americans would send soldiers to die because of a tiny shithole called Urugauy. Deluded af.

About China, they own my country, retarded. Don't talk shit about what you don't know, fucker. They may have not signed treats with Mercosur but they did sign treaties with Brazil in the last meeting of Brics. Not only that but they are spending a shit ton of money buying our state companies.

No one cares about your retarded country. People only remembers about it when they talk about weed. You will always our playground.

baseado mas se gabar por ser escravo da china nao eh la essas coisas senhor ciro gomes

>t. Ciro Gomes
Typical communist retarded arguing with another retarded from a country that somewhat can be more irrelevant than Brazil. Consider suicide, monkeys.

it is a matter of influence, as i said, Americans won't let you do anything to me or any other south american country, either Venezuela or the fucking island of Martinique

You are forgetting one thing though. The Trump Factor. Obama's American wouldn't let us.

Trump's agenda pushed forward the idea of isolationism. He criticized the wars that the USA took part and more things. Not only that but he has way more things to worry about than a war between two irrelevant countries.

Waging a war against Brazil would not be beneficial to his country and to his presidency reelection in 2020.

>ambos conseguem se entenderem se falaram em espanhol ou portugues
>ambos falam em ingles

pqp se matem biscates lazarentos pau no cu filhos da puta caxias

Onde ele foi parar?

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só os viadão aqui kkkkk

you must have 12 years to think that Trump "governs" the US

My point is: In a war between Brazil and Uruguay no one will intervene directly. They could aid some country, and I think It they would help Brazil.

Face it, no one cares about what is happening here. Brazil may have a huge market and that's why we attract so many Chinese investors but we are nothing next to Europe.

USA intervening in an election here would be really bad for Trump's reelection bid. The guy promised no more wars and criticized past wars that the USA took part.

China is after economic alliances and not getting involved in some war in a continent they don't even know where is.

And IF they would take a side, do you think they would support a tiny shitty country or a huge shitty country that they own?

That's the time that you bring conspiracy theories, right? Go back to watch Alex Jones, retarded. Get your tinfoil hat and get the fuck out of our thread. You are not welcome.

i'm not a Jow Forumstard, but you really have to be blind to think the US presidents are not representing other people interests


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pq tua mae eh vadia kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

cada edição pior que a outra

igual o meu sexo com a sua mae kkkkkkkkkkkkkkj

>amanhã é segunda-feira
>mais uma semana saindo seis da manhã pra trabalhar e chegando dez da noite em casa depois da faculdade
Dois dias de fim de semana não são suficientes. Boa noite /luso/

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Havia era de não haver nenhum para aumentar a produtividade

Os povos lusitanos nunca serão produtivos.

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Quando os brasileiros levavam chibatadas dos seus donos Portugueses, eram.

Record ou SBT.

Boa noite, /luso/.
Tenham bons sonhos e que Deus abençoe a todos nós.

boa noite, vou dormir também. até amanhã rapazes.

She said she too young
Don't want no man
So she go call her frens
That's a plan
I just ordered sushi from Japan
I'm about to watch Jackie Chan

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Quero lamber uma cona menstruada

>i just ordered sushi
>from Japan
>I'm about to watch
>Jackie Chan
aprenda versificação direito, pretuga



>formato de pica
esses tugas

Não fui eu que inventei. Isto é uma música

>So she go call her frens

É como se diz friends aqui no chan

eu sei, por isso sei que foi tu que fez

o que aconteceste com meme moura?


mulher bonita, língua feia
que pecado

Madeira é 100% mato?


Fede pacas. Não faça isso.

Cheirinho a cona é que é bom seu boiola

mais um supremo cavalheiro se foi de forma baseadamente baseada

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Elabore. Quem é Richard "Beedo" Russell? Foi o cara que roubou um avião e se espatifou? Ele pegou o avião porque não pegava mulher?


Não. Muito obrigado. Deixa pra lá. Não necessito.


quero namoradinha

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>If I do a barrel role and that goes good then I'll just go nose down and call it a night.
baseado compatriota da extrema-direita

É verdade que os italo-brasileiros gozam de um estatuto superior, ainda que ligeiramente, na vossa sociedade ao dos "luso-brasileiros"? Existem estereótipos associados aos anteriores e preponderância na formação das vossas opiniões?