Come inside from walking the dog

>come inside from walking the dog
>immediately take a shower and check my armpits, groin, scalp, perineum and asshole for ticks

Do you have to do this in your country?

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I haven't had a tick get on me in like 3 years (excluding a few weeks ago where I found one crawling on my shirt)

I've only found an embedded tick on myself once, as a child. However I remain hyper vigilant because I don't want to get lyme and I also don't want to be inconvenienced by having to do a course of doxycycline

No, I because I don't go bush swimming while walking my dog.

You realize that lyme disease is exceedingly rare in the USA?

I never walk through grass and bushes when going out.

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Uhhh no it isn't lol. Especially not in the northeast.

Never seen a tick in my life.

I've never even seen a tick.

The most I've ever seen are those tiny bright red clover mites.

Yes, and I have 2 or 3 ticks in a little cup in my freezer right now that I have found.

My dog had them in the early summer, before his shot. I've never had one.

Ticks are such fucking cunts.

Got one on my jacket once. Danced like crazy until I managed to punch it off. If I were to walk frequently in the woods I would take a vaccine because they are everywhere in Norway now

You're looking at it wrong. It's rare if you only look at all of the people. Of course a guy that sits in a cubicle all day in NY or LA has no chance of getting it. But for people in areas that have infectious ticks, and who spend time outdoors, the odds are way higher.
Rates all over are on a steep rise too, especially in the American northeast, Québec, and Atlantic Canada

Yeah I get that sometimes too but they dont have lyme disease in my parts. Found one on my arm right before I was about to sleep and had to beat his ass.

I only have a cat and I never let her outside. She kills everything.

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Found one crawling on me. I plucked it off and stomped on it until it was flattened.

No lol

No, I don't have a dog.

I know it's immature but I do derive some satisfaction from killing the little buggers. Usually if I find one on my dog I'll place them on the pavement and set them on fire.

And it's about to get a whole lot worse. Thanks international trade, now we have super ticks

Why didn't we build that wall when we had a chance?

I always meticulously check for them after touching any sort of long grass but I've never had one bite me. Nobody else I know does this and pretty much everybody has been bitten at some point.

I got tons of ticks in my life, but I was a scout and I camped in the grass and woods for 12 years

Yes it is worrisome that the longhorn tick has become established in the northeast. However as far as I am aware there are as yet no reports of longhorn ticks in America carrying the emerging deadly phlebovirus they transmit in Asia, SFTS virus

the real issue is that we don't really have any recourse in genociding species that reproduce asexually

yes, dad during summer works in the forest and every time he comes back he checks everywhere for those little faggots, they can be pretty nasty if they bite and get a good grip

Lads I accidentally hit a bat yesterday with my car and it got stock on my windshield. I removed it with a stick and washed the car after. Should I get a rabies shot?

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Couldn't hurt

t. paranoid frogs


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Conventional pesticides

That's not genocide though and isn't remotely as provably safe as the screwfly solution.
>just irradiate some males and release them into the wild, they'll compete themselves to death
Shit, when you don't have to worry about ANY side effects, that's when you know you have an A+ genocide solution

I prefer to take them in for testing so we can keep track of the spread and so I know if infectious ones are on my property

I never knew that. Does that include bats though?



my friend got bit in the toe by a brown violin spider (similar to brown recluse) and it almost fell off
he's fine but it still looks a zombie foot

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I dont leave the house

I have chickens for eggs and I released some centipedes on my property

The best defense against ticks are natural predators

>I released some centipedes on my property
And the Forest service and DoA etc. was OK with that?

What kind of centipede?

The map is outdated. Spain/Portugal are not rabies free, as of 2013.

>I have chickens for eggs and I released some centipedes on my property

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Lyme disease is a fucking meme, it's just another disease the diagnose women who suffer from "unspecified symptoms"

it is true that there is no compelling evidence "chronic lyme" is caused by a persistent infection of borrelia burgdorferi spirochaetes. however, borreliosis, neuroborreliosis and post treatment lyme syndrome are certainly real and consequential conditions.