How did a large % of my country get so brainwashed and lose all respect for law and order?

How did a large % of my country get so brainwashed and lose all respect for law and order?

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Americans have always been retarded.

It IS genocide because white women aren't thinking for themselves because they've been brainwashed by the Jewish media. Psychologically, they are being controlled against their will without even knowing it

>white women aren't thinking for themselves

are you implying that Trump supporters respect law and order less than the left, who throw autistic tantrums whenever ICE and DEA enforce federal law?


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Brainwashed to believe what? White women date interracially less than other races iirc. You mean not having as many kids? That's just first worlder things.

Brainwashing is a myth. People mostly do respect the law, "order" is too vague and desu sounds vaguely authoritarian.

we've been a retarded cunt for generations.
it's just more noticeable because of social media

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No, I’m clearly stating it.
The Trump Train is trying to dismantle our justice system and has no respect for the law. Trump never has, throughout his career, but now he’s using his position to try to undermine the court system.

all countries have their share of retards. We are just exposed online and on the media

You need to go back.

>all countries have their share of retards
The USA has a much higher share than most.

>How did a large % of my country get so brainwashed and lose all respect for law and order?

Since 1776.

this is your brain on Jow Forumspolitics
Democrats were literally celebrating in the streets when that liberal activist judge in Hawaii signed a blatantly illegal injunction against Trump's first two travel bans. Then they screeched autistically when SCOTUS overturned those decisions.

how do you know that ?
As an arab immigrant, I'd say almost all mena countires have higher share of retards. Don't know about other countries tho

I dunno what Democrats did because I’m a Republican and don’t follow them but obstructing justice and admitting it via Twitter is inexcusable.

>aren't thinking for themselves

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blame your shitty education.

Our education is not bad , but there is this anti education and laziness mentality which ruins alot of people

blame your shitty pre-college education*

American tertiary education is some of the best in the world due to generous funding while it's the reverse for lower education.

(((Capitalists))) invite immigrants to lower wages. What part of Mogadishu are you from?

That's a very interesting theory. Do you suppose natural growth depresses wages too?

I was talking about pre college education. It's not bad and it does get alot of money more then even colleges. You can check our high school infrastructure by yourself it's not bad.

halt all nonwhite immigration to promote social cohesion. devolve power back to the states so we stop wasting so much money on ineffective federal programs like no child left behind. drastically increase punishment for all forms of crime to lock up all the darkies. thatll get us somewhat back on the right track

Makes me laugh whenever posts like these are made as though anyone would ever implement them

>punishment for all forms of crime to lock up all the darkies

But you're already doing that, your prison population per capita rivals that of weird statistical outliers, like small islands with low population.