>your cunt
>do you hate anglos
yes, very much
Your cunt
based anglos, poles are fucking ruining England
Why Brits hate Polish???
Poland should beat UK.
can't say I blame them, I've heard enough about how Poles treat other immigrants in the UK
what goes around comes around
Based anglos.
no. i dont hate polskas either though
The anglo will fight poles, but not the pakis who rape their kids.
What did nigel mean by this?
Is fuath liom na Sasanaigh
Poles (men) help with labor jobs right? What jobs do the Polish women do?
>literal gang rapist pakis and the like, who don't integrate at all, spit on Britain and engage in terrorism
>target the poles instead
poles must really be subhuman or something
Did she listen and went back?
nope, she is from bydgosczscz
Pakis are quintessentially British in nature, poles are uncultured, low class barbarians.
Based amd redpilled
based anglos
This. Poles are swine who refuse to integrate into wholesome British society.
I guarantee some of those women were black or mixed race.
Yes, very much
poles are based.
strong jamaican woman vs weak polack coal burner
her 3 children are all half nigs
they were jealous *nglos
jealous of the polish beauties...
*nglo woman is very ugly, can't compete with polish girl
so polish girl steals *nglo girls black boyfriend
then *nglo girl attacks with friends
>Rape and terrorise people
They seem to be pretty integrated to me.
Ever been to England?
Thought not.
>South London
They're all niggers most likely
Curious to see her children as well as the 15 natives of the UK
she needs black man to defend her
have you ever been to england?
thought not.
And? British isn't a race you muppet. British people of all creeds and colors are united in their hatred of the backwards poles.
Wow, that's a little racist
How did the little mutt come out so light toned?
she was too white
No pity for P*Lish scum
FUCKING cringe
fucking cringe
based anglos
He will get darker as he gets older
islamic kingdom in a nutshell
White racism not towards to other race.
White bully white.
This means people are very very selfish.
Just fuck off
>What jobs do the Polish women do?
Suck niggerdick.
this post would be more effective if we didn't all know that you're Russian.
Based autistic finn.
Lol so? Same with Japanese bullying Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai etc
No pity for P*Lish scum
>P*Lish scum
You said 'Pole' twice.
Poland is power. They didn't fell for lead-free and underpowered vacuums memes.
>majority of polish women in UK end up marrying a pollack
>out of that tiny minority of women who end up marrying someone else less than 1/4 marries a negro or a chink
>in a country where racemixing is a national sport
I had no idea that p*Lish whores are actually more pure than german/british counterparts.
Who woulda thunk it
>p*Lish whores
You said 'Pole' twice.
I don't really like Poles, but anglos... I fucking hate them. Jew-enabling race traitors. Death to you!
We are not racist.
Korean and Chinese are our important partner and friends.
They are pussies.
this post wouldnt be pointless if we didn't all know that you're autistic
That my good sir is a man
Fuck off Ivan.
anglos are evil non-aryan trash
based, 5th columnists doesnt deserve anything else
What the fuck is wrong with *nglos? Why can't I find any news stories about Pakis killing themselves because of racism?
So is it when native English doing this or the brown hoards?
Please dont meme and say that the hoards are native because they managed to bitch until they got there
r*sshit hand typed this post
I don't understand the hatred that Polacks get in the West. Polack bydlos are beating the shit out of muslims and negroes on regular when abroad. "Natives" should be grateful, but instead all the fucking backlash is placed on Polacks, not on Nigs and Arabs.
West is doomed.
t. p*le
Baltic people should unite against w*Sternoid trash.
>I don't understand the hatred that Polacks get in the West.
>Polack bydlos are beating the shit out of muslims and negroes on regular when abroad.
You are literally beating future British fathers for fuck sake
Don't you Eleven's think that Chinese and Koreans are dirty?
It’s even more fucked up that they did this while her children were there. We live in a messed up world.
God damn I love based brits, I fucking hate you sub-human polacks so much. You're literally just white arabs kek
>You're literally just white arabs
Non-white hand wrote this post.
I highly doubt those were anglos, there aren't 15 white women in London
White arab stealing from you > arab arab stealing from you
what the fuck is up with you and Poles? Did your mom runaway with a Polish guy or something?
No, you dumb fucktard. Poles are much more cultured than filthy Pakis.
It's a Russian in a Baltic country. Unironically Russians from Russia don't have much beef with Poles. It's always the diaspora apes.
>deleting your post
>proxy hopping
>t. Pekka Kowalski
If you'd ever lived around Poles you'd know niggers are preferable. Pakis and Nigerians are from the British empire, born and raised in a compatible culture. Poles are complete aliens and papists to boot.
>natives should be grateful to the people attacking their friends and neighbors
poles are the only race dumb enough to move abroad and start attacking immigrants
seriously though - why do brits beat up polish people so much? if you’re sick of foreigners there are literally so many nonwhites in england
You're done?
Cope more, the truth is you act just as poorly as sandniggers.
>Diehard religious ""people"" like arabs
>refuse to learn native language
>refuse to learn local culture
>send your kids to all polish school
>screams and bitches about Barnevernet because you thought hitting your kids was ok
>literally criminals
I knew a polish sub-human that had learned the language and could understand it perfectly but ALWAYS responded in English (yes, he was Americanized as all hell)
Yeah but atleast I can easily tell who is arab, so when nationalism eventually takes over it will be easier to find the arabs than it will be the poles and kick them out due to all that disgusting melanin in their skin.
>unironically promoting civic nationalism
Youre either russian or jewish... Or both.
I lived in Britain for 2 years. Poles are human trash.
I don't have a drop of Russian blood for the past 6 generations at the very least. I even have some p*lish blood, unfortunately.
what makes them so awful to you? In the US, then tend to work hard and mind their own business.
Pakis and Nigerians were never raised in British culture, you fucktarded cretin. Poles have much closer ties with Britons, even since times of Boleslav.
In Europe they form their own trashy communities, they're loud, they drink a lot, they smuggle drugs, start fights over football, attack brown people and in general give their fellow eastern Europeans a very bad name. They're basically a whole race of chavs.
You are a fucktarded cretin, Poles can easilly integrate into British society, unlike arabs and niggers who rape and throw acid into people's faces.
Both of these countries were part of the empire, are members of the commonwealth, and have had significant British cultural influence
Shut the fuck up, Baltnigger.
Ask the average Briton what he knows about Poland lol. Chances are the answer will be "those trashy people across the street come from there"
Interesting. I guess they're a different type of Pole, then.
Having ''significant British cultural influence'' does not help when your average IQ is below 60 and your people are literal mutants due to inbreeding and horrendous genetics.
Based and redpilled, Poles are subhuman trash
kys faggot
See, this is a relatively high IQ pole and even so he's boorish and aggressive. Now imagine what the average Jaczek who can't even form a single sentence in English after 10 years in England is like