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International #936
Rate the States of Burgerstan
I hate amerimutts so much
Okay... now this is epic
What do you think about the Red October Revolution in Russian Empire...
Spanish is a disgusting language of plebeian Arab rapebabies...
1. cunt
10 Myths of Islam
How bad is it REALLY?
Dont know when electricity come back and my laptop only has 50 minute charge left
Did you found your soulmate in the internet Jow Forums?
/Hispania/ general
How much time does it take to go to your workplace?
I went to McDonald's today and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What're some independence/separatist movements you unironically support?
Question for Euros
We must recolonize Africa
/ita/ - il filo
Nuke one, spare the other
Why haven't you reverted to Islam yet Jow Forums?
Why do Americans hate New York?
/fr/ - le fil français
Culture Pals /cp/ general
What's your favorite country in South America?
Do these countries even have something resembling a culture?
What's your opinion to this?
Innocent undocumented dreamers
I made it to 9 plates(40kg) but my arms still haven't bulked up that much
Battlefield 5
Sverigetråden - Sovupplagan
Feels good, i was born 99 and always thought i was a zoomer, but i always knew deep down i was a boomer
Japanese beauty
Which girl do you think is most cute?
/brit/ - Station to Station
Latvia mentioned!
There are people who said this girl is average in their countries
/anusficker5000/ aka /deutsch/
Opinion thread
Swedish """""""""""people""""""""""""""
/hell/ - Καυστιkός Κασιδιάρης edition
Only 6% of spaniards think homosexuality is "morally wrong"
Oh no no no no
You will never be a successful Japanese jitsugyoka traveling around the World for important business matters every...
This country is rapidly going to shit, it's horrible at the moment. Are there any good nations left?
Are Russians cute?
Pike has bitten a 4 year old swimmer
Why is religion sooo powerful in Russia?
Leading Pakistani University
Is there a way to help Gypsies?
White mature
/v4/ + friends
Average German girl
Tell me anything about this insular country
What is "black culture"?
Post anime characters who look like you
What are the scariest public urban areas you know?
Kurva anyátok
This semester's tuition: $6000
/ita/ il filo
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Watch french movie
Who do Japanese people pray to?
That kid who made a class presentation about the Third Reich
Redpill me on using a ground soap made by amerindians in a village market
Your cunt
Sverigetråden - Skallupplagan
What was this?
Bridge in Italy collapses because of poor maintenance work and general incompetence/corruption
Rly makes u think
>Russia >civilized
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
1. your cunt
Al-Amin The Sixth Caliph of the the Abbasid Caliphate
Yep, the euro is not another evil dastard g*rman scheme
Average Latvian girl
/brit/ - Heathen
S. Korea and Japan are the only non-white countries that aren't shitholes
/fr/ - le fil de la France
They are not even hiding anymore
One chance at life
With 4k dolars my mother could finally build the second floor of my house and start moving the social ladder
Daily reminder that Balts literally means "white"
Average Indian University
He still doesn't have a brown asian gf
I look Jewish
How did we fuck up so badly as a species? It feels like we had it on easy mode what with few natural predators...
Be wh*Te
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Germans really appreciate what America did for them post-ww2...
Mfw I troll a libtard
Why was I born with a small penis?
Has the American influence on your culture been good or bad?
How can w*itoids compete?
Would you settle for a cute Brown girl?
This is Budapest
Philosopher, Bard, Father, Husband, Landlord, Farmer, Warrior, Mechanic and Shaman you name it
What's the most exotic thing you've eaten?
Sverigetråden - Bli medlemmar i MED upplagan
How do I get a GREEK BVLL like pic related?
Only have one shot at life
Japan is going to try manned lunar landing mission after USA
/carib/ + island friends
New map
/danmarktråden/ 12.0
Why are their dick sooooooo small?
/deutsch/ /schanzenfest/
When did the idea of fighting for the Fatherland and the Queen die out among Commonwealth nations? WWI?
Guy next to me at the mosque was shia
Thoughts ? I got this for my visa application
Just found out my friend is christian
Daily reminder that Kanji isn't suited for the Japanese language. E.g. In the Japanese language...
Hilo Español / Spanish Thread
Why do many Europeans degrade Korea?
I really wish Greece was still a great country like in the good old time. Fuck Germany
What is the equivalent of dating asian women in your country?
1. Your country
Wh*tes btfo
Why do all races hate wh*Tes?
/fr/ - le fil francofil
38 million people live here
How are you preparing for the Chinese century?
What do you make of this?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2036
How do you cope with not being born a girl and living on permanent hard mode?
Chad Kim
What immigrants are hated the most in Germany?
Rome : *plagiarizes Greece's gods*
What would you do if you were Egyptian?
Wake up
Is "umm" universal or only present in some languages?
Korean B**LS taking MENA girls
How do we save India?
Be first worlder
Asian insects:
I got a gf today
Chilling in summer cafe
What are you listening user?
The local antifa chapter is planning to kill me and my family
Italia ... pizza
Kurva anyátok
Is sushi expensive in your country?
/Hilo Latino/
How are my frens doing?
Your country
Why is it so hard for you to be confident Jow Forums?
You have to fight one of Australians 10 most dangerous animals in hand to hand combat
America: a big, big joke, the Jewish suckers. Do good to mankind, user: blow up a bomb in downtown NY...
If I post a livefeed of this dead body for the next 6 months would anyone watch...
Amerishit police
Mass shooters in america are 56% white
What was your first motorcycle, Jow Forums? How old were you when you bought it?
Family Tree
France is proofs that multiculturalism works
A perfect world does not exis-
Explain Samis pls
Honest opinions on my country? I kinda think it sucks here, but I love hearing outside opinions
Are people born gay? serious question
Where the fuck did Natives go?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/lang/ Language Learning General - Dahyun Edition
Where did all the Indians go?
What is prison like in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Der absolute staat
Black user story
/hell/ νημα
I hate tattoos but I'm considering getting a full back tattoo to coverup my disgusting backne marks...
Translate this word to your language
Tfw killed a butterfly that flew into my room and kept annoying me
/brit/ - Outside
What ethnicity is this character supposed to be?
Why are they so arrogant?
Com play risk
/ita/ - il filo
That 30 old boomer who thinks Chile is a decent country
How do other romance cope with the fact that their languages will never be beautiful as italian
What is going on over there?
What are couples like in other countries?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Do you speak to international people in your daily life or is it just online?
Congratulations, Brazil. You are now the Mecca of gay tourism
2:00 am
/world of polska/
Dumb Canadians are trying to stir up shit
How do i get a portuguese gf?
/brit/ - Earthling
Be me
Why are French Canadians so much more attractive than their Anglo counterparts?
ITT: countries that your country likes but don't like your country back
Which one are objectively better (when both personality and looks taken into account): Nordoid or Medoid girls?
Wow, so europeans posters look like this?
God i wish that were me
Which country has the best woman feets?
Sverigetråden - Hednaupplagan
What is it like going on vacation with a girlfriend?
Is anti-natalism immoral?
Tell me about Korea
Faces of Jow Forums and ethnicity
Swedish girl
DNA study shows 20 percent of Iberian population has Jewish ancestry
Why are they so arrogant?
/carib/ edition: Aubri Ebony Edition
This is the most desired male RIGHT NOW in Argentina
Ugliest euro flag
Beyond the Pyrenees begins Africa. Once that natural barrier is crossed...
Which country is the most xenophobic country?
I went outside like you fags said and I still feel depressed
/ita/ - il filo
Do Serbs miss their Macedonian balls?
Learn the difference
Why do they hate each other so much?
Tfw resting heart rate of 70
Are they really white?
TURKey is sacrificing their country to destroy the white race for good
Dutch language
Make similar ones for your cunt and post'em
Do you want a right wing racist Dutch gf?
/fr/ - le fil lfrançais
How do we improve the Franco-Polish relationship?
Will we ever get our money back?
Sverigetråden - Nattvandringsupplagan
Be american
Kurva anyátok
I want a latvian bf
/brit/ - Hours
Can i pass as a local in your country?
If cost of living was not a factor, where would you choose to live?
Why are Maasai men so handsome?
Do you take your shous off in home?
Who else here really likes authentic German cities/villages?
Black people population around the world. Thoughts?
Tfw no one in the world knows the real traditional Chinese dress is Hanfu...
1. Your country
A Swedish Muslim woman has won compensation after her job interview was ended when she refused a handshake
Which posters overrate their countries history and achievements. And which countries are underrated by everyone?
/brit/ - the british culture general
/fr/ - le fil francofil
Have the humanities been marginalized in your country too, or is that just an American thing?
Literally zero flaws
Red Countries have the best food
Dear India
/ig/ - India General
/ita/ - il filo
I just been to Złotoryja (13k citizens), Lwówek Śląski (9k citizens) and now i am in Bolesławiec (40k citizens)...
1. Cunt
Baltic country
Sverigetråden - Tåhåupplagan
American Culture
Why are Indians like this? For real, why are they so thirsty?
Fought socialism
Unironically, they are the best posters on Jow Forums
Pack it in Estonia. Not even the Finns consider themselves Scandinavian
No culture
Paint bucket your country
Do you feel pride in your country, race, or culture Jow Forums? If not, why?
*holds your country hostage*
Anyone lived in Singapore before?
Why are Native Americans so ugly?
I'm going to Georgia soon for 2 weeks, anyone have advice on what cities and national parks to visit...
Your cunt
Should I learn japanese or russian as a third language ?
If you don't like surstromming, you're not Nordic
Tfw you unironically prefer fat girls
Jow Forums says normie white guys are not into asian girls
1. Your country
Latinos make fun of Asians
Something is quickly draining my life energy
Native scandinavians
Do Spanish and Italians look similar? Can you tell them apart?
Why haven't you reverted to Islam yet Jow Forums?
Korea economy growth and Japan
I fucking hate communist transport i wish i could drive my car in the city
Where did it all go wrong?
Southeast Asian men Vs East Asian men
Hello. How to get Scandinavian gf?
Why are BMW's still burning only in South Korea?
Question for Russian user's - how is Afghanistan remembered
What are you wearing Jow Forums?
Sverigetråden - Paddaupplagan
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Are black men considered cool and sexy in your country for young girls?
My boomer father taught me Led Zeppelin
Would you marry and have children with an asian girl?
We must breed with white women to protect and secure the existence of the white rac-
How do we fix the relations between Poland and Chile after the terrible mistake Poles made?
ITT: post your cunts tunks
Favorite insult
Yo, Jow Forums, does anyone here know my feel?
Hilo Español / Spanish Thread
At least we can all agree on this
When will Estonia be absorbed by Finland?
Amerimutts want to deport this
"arabic is such a beautiful language!"
Why are divorce rates high in the west ?
What should I say to her?
ITT We are nice to Austrians
How do you call this in your country?
/brit/ innit
Please tell me you got rid of your monarchs
I can't stop bullying Americans online. I am addicted
Which nations do you most want to see go to war with each other?
Norwegian """house"""
Hey guys, it's me, ask me anything
This are the threee faces of the Russian people
Lithuania and hungary aren't slavic countries
Wtf I hate America now
Good morning frens
Do MENA girls prefer meds or nords?
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Why would South Korea EVER want to unite with North Korea?
Are you native or migrant in your cunt?
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Are there races that your countrymen treat better than their own?
Turks are destroying their $1200 iPhones to protest US & Trump
Korean christian beats up kazak cop
Why isn't there a single unique Slavic country apart from Russia?
I found Finnish sounds cute, it's like listening to some Down's syndrome children speak, am I fucked?
/ita/ - il filo
Arabs, c'mon thread
ITT: Label all of your cunt's regions/states/provinces
Sverigetråden - Germanska upplagan
/carib/ + island friends
Gypsies in my town speak gypsy language but they use "kurwa" frequently
So do you consider English to be a Germanic language or Latin
Why can they create good music?
Do """"""Asian men"""""" are jealous, racist, incels in your country?
What do Italians think of Lecce and the Apulia region? It looks really comfy from what I've seen
Why did Indo-Europeans gave up their gods so easily?
How is the relationship between the French and the Basques?,the Spaniards send sudacas and negros to the Basque Country...
Why no immigrants in my country?
1. Your cunt
/danmarktråden/ 11.0
There's more genetic difference between west Africans(majority of African Americans) and east Africans then there is...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You are now the president of Jow Forums
Why (You) do not panic sold this scam coin?
If you love Sky King
Do girls have girls privileges in your country? Is living as a female easier too?
What did people think and except about joining to the EU?
Your cunt
FUCK white people
Not white
Your country
How is your country described in anime
/balk/ - not a single cloud edition
Tell me how you really feel
How does your country deal with traitors?
25 years old Polack looks 12 y.o
I have no social skills to get along with qt whitu grills
Turkish people of Jow Forums
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Are they a successful multicultural nation?
Even in korean pop music industry racially superior japanese dominate
In a war between the Serbia and entire arab world
How the fuck isn't there any public unrest?
Gay is ok
Post your city's transit map
Why do everyone hate Finland?
Kurva anyátok
Parisian bus
Which country is diametrically opposite of yours on the map
What is the reason behind the raised eyebrows and gaping mouth? What is their endgame?
Friendly reminder that the Dominican Republic is NOT a black country...
/cum/ - Canada, Usa, Mexico
So... when will murica be considered a part of latin america? why isn't it now?
Would you like to live in Japan?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Why was colonization of the new world so different than of the old world? I.e. mass euro immigration...
It's time to face facts. Canada is just a better country than Australia in every measurable way
If you could change your ethnicity would you
Tfw no qt white abusive girlfriend
Hurr durr brazilians eat monkeys **posts the same three year old pic**
Which Latin American country do you despise the most?
Tfw I'm a major Indoboo but everyone on 4 Chan makes fun of India
Why are Americans always so eager to be fucked by their corporate overlords?
Nearly a thousand brits and argies died fighting over this rock with the population of a small town on it
The most charming black girl I've ever seen
So the meaning of life is?
Finnish DNA is unique and shows up separate to European DNA on tests
What happens in the island known as Sumatra?
I'm not even religious but pork is a shit tier meat
You're cunt
1. your country
Mexicans btfo
/fr/ - le fil de la france
Post your favorite video games and which country created it
Why do Americans like fantasy better than reality?
1)Your cunt
Think you're white? Think again
How common are grills like this in norway
Why are americans so insecure?
Prior to the British period, Muslims ruled India for 700 years and reduced Hindpoos to their slaves
I'm scared that American culture is overriding Canadian culture. Even though Canada kinda sucks...
Are Maghrebis white?
ITT we are nice to Colombians
I am a Turk living in Poland. Poland being racist is a myth. I have not encountered any racism while I have been here
Political divisions
You have 30 seconds to act as French as possible
Do you like Samurai armer?
Tfw want a black gf but no black girls live in my country so I have to settle either for wh*Toids or slav(e)s
Im white, but i wish i was born japanese
Zweite /NACHTSCHICHT/ schon für /deutsch/
Watching Battle of Vienna from Kahlenberg
Ukrainian-Belarusian separatists and leftists everywhere spread propaganda that the Russian regions - Novorossia...
Reddit: The State
/luso/ fio lusofono
America. You're kind of cool. I want more Americans to come to Scandinavia
/lat/ hilo latino
Why are they the alpha slavs? No other slavs come close to the Russians in power, prestige, achievements, and dominance...
Are your army's special forces allowed to have beards and long or edgy hairstyles like mohawk...
You must say at least ONE good thing about Haiti
How hard is to immigrate to singapore?
Why aren't you dating a MENA woman?
Europe, Europe
Do you know that tunisian algerian and libyan pirates raided iceland?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
White-looking Muslim girls from the Caucasus the purest virgin gfs
There are people on Jow Forums that take this loser living in the woods as a serious role model for life
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
1. cunt
Why do so many people on Jow Forums hate Finnish posters? I've seen people call them the most hateful, rude...
On April 2, 1801...
What's your favourite meme?
Why are Finns so racist towards Estonians?
Kek, just realized there is a new report field
I love Poland
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
This is what a PURE Southern European looks like
/lang/ Language Learning General - tiny Japanese fake Netherlands edition
Why are most African blacks decent, while American blacks are cancerous?
Your city
Tfw 165 cm
If Germany never invaded Poland, would Poland be a scientific powerhouse
Would you have a brown girl for a gf?
Paintbucket the Planet
Which country in the Americas is the most subhuman?
Would I pass as a local in you're country? Am I white?
Would you rather have a 1000 nigerian neighbors or a 1000 somalian neighbors?
This is all the flags/countries confirmed on Jow Forums
France vs Spain
I hate Russia
I know India and Pakistan hate one another, but how does India and Bangladesh feel about one another?
Do I look Iberian?
1. Your cunt
Is this fair?
He doesn't know a language spoken by less than 1 million people
L've never seen a mosque
Why don't more people use extraflags?
Abandoning Islam for a life in porn
Is your country under occupation?
CalExit fucking when?
Sverigetråden - Fin upplaga
Continuing from the last thread
How are the lives of white mexicans in mexico? I'm really just curious, no troll
Honest opinion on white girls?
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
The ancient Egyptians were Nordic, scientists say
Average american
/carib/ + island friends
What happens here?
For me, it's Razman Kadyrov
Russia stole a little land from us
Tinder thread
Ask drunk depressed russian boi stuff and thingsd
Non-French wine
How does it feel to have a circumcised penis?
....come on, Italy
1. Your country
/bcg/ Bullied Countries General
“America has no culture”
Faces of Jow Forums and ethnicity
Why are Central/Eastern Europeans so much nicer than Western Europeans?
Things boomers say in your country
Imagine living in South America
His country has american soldiers in it
1 : ur cunt
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Do they consider themselves Latinos? Considering they’re mostly white...
Why are there so many NEETs?
/ita/ - il filo
What do you think a difference between China, Korea, and Japan is?
Give me 3 reasons why I shouldn't visit your country as a tourist
Do you dislike Muslims?
I fucking love the real Europe and I am not ashamed to admit it
If Putin retreats, will Russia become a pro-Western country?
Americans literally suck jewish dick on TV for free
Was it justice?
Why is every other hispanic country afraid and envy of panama?
Ur cunt
What do you think of American culture?
ITT We say nice things about Germans
I'm a diagnosed sociopath
What do you REALLY know about Americans that isn't from tv or memes or shit you just made up, huh?
WTF? portugal is communist???
All I want in life is for a French GF to make me croissants and drink wine with me in bed
Are they subhuman?
/danmarktråden/ 10.0
What is the racial hierarchy? We know that Whites are at the top, but what about everyone else? How would you rank them?
I hate women and especially single moms
Northwestern Europeans
Is homosexuality socially acceptable in your country?
Culture Pals /cp/
Ukraine has 44 million people and is the 7th most populated country in Europe after Russia, Germany, France, UK, Italy...
No nukes allowed
French, German, Danish, Dutch
>white women
/balk/ - Your average Albanian criminal neighbor edition
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Lightly banter a white guy
Dads listening to ACDC again
4 million Venezuelans have emigrated in the past few years
Did u know saladin was KURD ?
Sverigetråden - Sveaupplagan
Why do American posters love Poland so much? Especially those on Jow Forums, but also here
Want less immigrants Europe? Give Ceuta and Mellila to us its that fucking easy
Are Slavs white?
Are they Nordic?
Why are Americans so culturally paranoid?
Which country has the best Spanish accent?
Your cunt
Rape is bad
What do you call this in you're a fucking cunt?
Jow Forums social experiment - Now with more !
Why does no one wants to learn our version of French and instead opt for Euro French :(
How's your day going?
Ugh..... what could have been
Japanese is the hardest language for native english speakers to learn
What does Jow Forums think of Alaska?
Why were they treated like utter shit throughout their history?
He thinks he can suffer in f*rst world
Post best 3 victories in your country
Why is chile still not considered first world in 2018 despite having been first world for over a decade now?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship