Why are there so many NEETs?

Why are there so many NEETs?

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We are enlightened.

This is what a SocDem country without Oil or Manufacturing looks like.

g*rman crimes

No jobs and siesta culture

Because they didn't gib parrot back

El loro, devuélvanlo

did ever get that feeling when you're sick of trying and you just say "fuck it" and sleep instead? That's why

>siesta culture
nobody takes siestas dummy, its a lost tradition like bulls


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most good jobs are reinforced by rigid labor legislation (eg, higher dismissal cost of the OECD), many young people, although better prepared, can not access the labor market in their sector.

What remains are low-skilled jobs, which thanks to massive immigration (10 million in the last 15 years) is paid very little, if you add the amount of taxes you have to pay, many prefer to take drugs, go to parties, wander and live at the expense of the rest to have to work and get the same services.

>nobody takes siestas dummy
Factually incorrect

very accuarate, I would add that this laboral regulation and the economic model in general keeps the productivity lower than it sould be

mama is getting old

most people dont take siestas*

dude its the euro and its g*rman autist policies. Read Stiglitz- euro

blaming others does not work, if Spain is wrong it is not for the Germans, it is for the Spaniards who vote without using their brains, they have no capacity over what is the way to have a solid and prosperous economy, they are conformist and they are easily carried away by emotions, so they are easy prey of those who offer "free" bread, no matter how much they pay more debt, more deficit and more taxes, if one benefits, they screw the rest.

That's why we have the ratio with Europe's highest paid officials in relation to their country's salary, and the same goes for public pensions, where there is a maximum pension of € 2,500 and almost 1 million people receive it.

This country is a pit of shit thanks to the socialist heritage of the Franco regime, and the subsequent rejection of the ideas of "right wing" of Franco, which made parties look more towards socialism in this country.

summary, Spain is what it is thanks to the ignorance of its people, nobody else is to blame.

please dont be true

Yes, but if you look at so-called economically successful economies it's either microstates with lots of oil or countries populated by creepy hivemind working drones who, if necessary, would put their own disabled grandmother in a gas chamber for being "economically inefficent" and "imperfect". Countries like Germany, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and similar nations look like clean, organized and efficient nuthouses from the outsider's perspective. Emotional climate and social health of the country is just as important as being economically efficient. Arguably even more so. Look at South Korea's suicide rates.

>many prefer to take drugs, go to parties, wander and live at the expense of the rest to have to work and get the same services.
You have everything

>South Korea's suicide rates.
Isn't that because of all the cute delicate femboys being conscripted?

>You have everything
Except having own house, basically yes

literally took a siesta today
get mad

>nobody takes siestas dummy
user, dont lie

They arent.

Everyone in France (small villages and small towns) still do siesta between 12:00 and 15:00

>any different to naps

high unemployment rate desu

All fat men above 40 in my family do

>dude its the euro and its g*rman autist policies.
of course, this is partly our fault, politicians sold us to europe

our industry in the 86s could not compete against the Germans and French

Our society sucks. The only way to avoid annoying Spaniards is to not go out.