France vs Spain

Which country is better?

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The white nonmuslim one.


Can't spell Spain without pain

Without immigrants: France
With immigrants: Spain
Both with and without immigrants: Galicia

so spain then?


I went to both and really liked them but I liked France more. My French was pretty sharp at the time though so there is a language bias.

>but I liked France more
how come

Bitch you probably never left your country, I went to Spain +20 times, sure it's a nice country but France is better

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France, easily.

Spain is great but France is my country.

Again I'm not sure how much of that is a language issue but I also ate slightly better food there and I liked the aesthetic of the countryside more.

Fuck you with your conflictual threads.

Same but the other way around.

what makes France better

Spain isn't white either.

Scenery: France>Italy>Spain
Food: Italy>France>Spain
People: Spain=Italy>France

Who the fuck asked you about Italy, Mieto?

Quality of the infrastructures and their maintenance, work ethic, money, climate

France all the way

t. calvo gallego in a european tour to promote galicia

>food that low
bit rude

Implying you shit headed finns have the right to judge anyones people.

You guys are despicable, grumpy, antisocial human beings so shut the fuck up next time

Food is very region specific though
And french food is the most overrated thing ever (not saying its bad though)

Italy deserves 1st place foodwise nevertheless

Honestly don't understand why someone from Northern Europe would like Italians and Spaniards over us. The meme about us being assholes is wrong, we're just stand-offish and aloof toward strangers, exactly like you.

Chill out Jim, Italy's just combination of Spain's and France's best qualities. Language is great as well.

>Scenery: France>Italy>Spain

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The food in France and Spain was better than what I know as Italian food but I've never actually been to Italy. Do they constantly eat pasta the way an American might imagine, or is that a meme?

you all are formal and have rituals about social interactions that rise to the level of autism

The language sounds a little too emotional and aggressive to me. For language I'd go French > Italian = Spanish

So do Northern Europeans. That's why I'm confused.

Spaniards are usually very friendly people but ultimately really simple and shallow, I don't get it either.

Just that, ever Spaniard or Italian, man or woman, I've ever met has been friendly, fun and full of smile. You guys are honorary nordics in that regard.

>Nice people



But that doesn't say anything about the actual quality of people. I wish you'd rate us more fairly.

France is a cool cunt; the only thing really overrated about it is the food which is the worst of any Med country

Try talking with a random Spaniard about something that isn't related to sports and politics and watch them turning into literal american airheads.

Los franchutes saben hacer algo mas aparte de llorar como putas nenazas?

but those are the two most important things aren't they

do you really think europeans are any different?

France desuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

french people are all pseudo-intellectuals is what i think he means

Get the fuck out. Now.

Have travelled mostly in Bilbao-Burgos area, then Barcelona ofc.

Don't get me wrong, there were really beautiful small villages and towns, and Barcelona was really nice, apart from hordes of drunken tourists, but I feel like France and Italy had more greenish areas that Spain. Spain seemed sometimes a bit arid in that regard.

Spain has a bit of everything, I live in a very "greenish" area and most of the north is like this.

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American pasta is a travesty, dont compare the two
Italian food is better than french food by a long shot

Spain is a fucking desert

t. Murcianico

The average person is not that different. Yeah, maybe the French know a bit more on average, but that doesn't make them all writers, painters or whatever you consider intelectual, it's all larping.

The center, yes. You have the north which is green, and Sierra Nevada and Doñana at the south though

Probably? The whole thing is a Castillian cultural trait, Catalonians have this stereotype of Castillians being really simple people for a reason. Argies have it too. And I'm neither a Jordi nor a sudaca, just being realistic.

t. meseterANO


The only country I'm allowed by nationality to hate more than Spain is fucking Fr*nce.

Can't we just all get along? I had french exchange students at my high school and they were really nice. Bit of weeddude. The girls were p. hot wish I had the balls back then.
>Yeah, maybe the French know a bit more on average

What happens there?

For sure, but in Italy and France you could go to any random place to eat whenever you started feeling hungry and still get exceptional food, not so in Spain (from my experience).

There's a lot of different variety of pasta, but it always seemed quite simple, and tasted fresh.
In Sardinia it was really nice to have three course lunches at trattorias where you'd first get some pasta, the comes the protein and finally some nice dessert with espresso. God bless Italy.

Nothing, except extreme hatred for both France and Spain.

Tax evasion, ski resorts, cheap tobacco, alcohol, stun guns and Russians for some reason.

Gr8 b8 AmeriCAN.

The only difference is the Castilian doesn't pretend to be something intellectually superior because he knows who wrote some random books or because he has read a novel that talks about how patriarcal and racist our society is.

It's a portuguese colony

No one is asking you to be a snob, but being able to hold a conversation about something that isn't related to politics and sports wouldn't hurt you either, for fucks sake. You guys don't have any sort of curiosity about anything, it's just the same stuff ad infinitum.

I like both

People: everybody in the world >>>>>>>> italy

w-why do you hate us?

Damn dude. Why?

People talk a bit about everything, at least in my experience: films, tv series, news, work/studies and things related to them, economy (*rubbing hands intensifies*), other people's lives and their own, women... What would you like people to talk about?

Also about that, Spaniards or Italians are very helpful and keep their poker face even if you speak poor, broken language, whereas the French either ignore you, or joke about it to other French people around you (happened to me in Montpellier).

Too much tomato on food, silly free-trial language and loudness.

rude desuu,Spaniards like portugal

why wouldn't they? Portugal is amazing.

>Too much tomato on food
But tomatoes are based and redpilled.

A lot of good things become bad in overuse.

t. pic related

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I'll answer in his place. People often pick on the French for being arrogant, but they're actually quite modest. Italians are the most arrogant people in Europe, just watch them bitch about foreign takes on their cuisine on Youtube comment sections. They think they're god's gift to humanity, when they're just a bunch of lazy brown manlets with a superiority complex. They make the Swiss look decent.

You don't meet many actual Italians here (obviously I'm distinguishing them from Italian-American guidos) but the few I've known have been cool. Used to work with a Sardinian guy who was fucking hilarious and really down to earth.

>"So what do you do in your free time?"
>"I watch movies, I'm literally in love with films, I'm such a cinephile man..."
>"Really? I'm more of a casual myself, did you see x? No? How about x? Not that one either? x then? No? Well what's your favourite movie?"

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They're only superficially nice. Videos like this one: really showcase their shitty mentality in general. There's a reason why Italy is one of the most dysfunctional countries in Europe.

Most of what isn't mountains is arid/semiarid.The only exceptions I can think of are precisely in the "center"; the extremaduran dehesa and duero valley, while the most obvious examples of arid/semiarid are not precisely in Albacete but in Navarra-Las Bardenas and that bit of outright desert in the Ebro.

I live near the border and like both.
>Have travelled mostly in Bilbao-Burgos area
>Spain seemed sometimes a bit arid in that regard.
Basque Country is very green. Burgos really depends on the year's season and if the fields are still green or already yellow/brown. But yeah, there are dry places in the meseta.

Yeah, people always watch new films but never old ones (I don't think France is that different). What else would you like to talk about.


the interior of Spain is pretty ugly/boring with its deserts. Cities are really nice, and the beaches/islands are fantastic. Very nice people too

I prefer french food tho, and France has a better climate/landscape

You're missing the point here. When people "talk" about things that are not the stuff I was complaining about, it's just basic entry level shit 90% of the time. This probably doesn't apply to you because you're here and posting, but most people is like that.

>Spaniards are nice
>French are nice
It's like you people have never been there

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I keep visiting those 'worst tourist threads' and hearing about peoples experiences with americans abroad, but french and spanish people were pretty nice when I visited. I butchered french trying to locate an ATM, but the guy I asked still was nice and pointed me in the right direction. In spain, everyone was really nice, especially on Mallorca

You overrate people from Europe, I don't think they have much deeper conversations than us. True that here we have the turbo cani retarded class that considers speaking like a functional human being is not normal but we also have normal people not that different from Europeans. Yeah, on average people from here are more stupid and consider being stupid is a good thing, but the European youth is becoming more like us or at least so it seems and they also have this kind of stupid cani people on the rise.

spain, france is gay.

>hot women
>good weather
>poor so no immigrants
>beautiful language spoken worldwide
>beautiful landscape
>lazy like me

>poor so no immigrants

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accept more refugees

Even Poortugal has immigrants

>hot women
>good weather
>no immigrants

