Nearly a thousand brits and argies died fighting over this rock with the population of a small town on it

>nearly a thousand brits and argies died fighting over this rock with the population of a small town on it
For what purpose?

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I believe we've now found oil there, also super strategic location by the tip of south america and antarctica which will matter one day due to possible petroleum beneath antarctica and the warming opening wide swathes

Argentina is evil

it does not matter how important it is or where it is. you do not invade british territory and get away with it. but this guy is also right about the oil

You'll understand one day when you turn into a mighty global empire, Canada.

Argies and Br*ts are subhumans

dunno if they knew there was oil back then

Good beaches?

Fuckin based.

Just dick-waving I guess.

How much of a bunch of pussies would we have looked if we had let a country as shit as Argentina take our islands? Out military was geared towards fighting the USSR in the 80s. I doubt the USSR would take us seriously if we let those jokers beat us

t. traitor cunt

Neither side actually gave a shit about the island. Argentina’s President wanted to distract people from the failing economy by annexing long disputed territory and the Brits refused to be cucked so they went to war over it.

France has more of a claim then Britain.

it was so easy as well hahaha

>we invaded it first, don't do what we did!

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>invade british territory

that's a funny way of saying occupying Argentina territory.

t. learns distorted history through jewtube videos

You lost too many equipment fighting a third world latino shithole if anything the soviets were encouraged, they knew they could decimate with ease.

And Argentina was founded by occupying territory from the natives. Not an argument

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don't make me laugh. we took back our islands within a few months on the other side of the planet. we proved we still had a top tier military. thanks for the exocet codes by the way :)

define "traitor"

Will Portugal ever STOP being the most based nation on Earth?

The Falklands belong to Amerindian men

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our military junta was losing popularity. they thought that by invading the island, the birts would avoid a fight and negotiate the sovereignty of it. so, the junta would have looked like heroes for the people by taking the islands "back"

but the english didn't pussy out and instead they send the mighty scottish soldier and some gurkhas to take the islands back. they succeeded and so back in buenos aires the military junta had to leave the government forever.

now we have an strong democracy thank to the british people, who showed us what happens when you let a dictator rule your land.

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You proved an inferior air force could damage your fleet and that your infantry struggled against monkeys with sticks

To get a great claim on Antartica?

And you proved your country would collapse within a few months in a war both the French and British governments had seen coming for years. Very few countries could launch a war so quickly on the other side of the Earth, we proved we were still a strong force.

Guess that excludes Argentina then


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>We invaded it first
Um sweaty firstly this isn't true, and even if it was, it's still akin to us defending ourselves if we were attacked by mexico

we wanted to invade your country but for the average argie you are still a traitor.

it alway shokes me. imagina a war argentina vs chile, that would have been awful. a lot of deaths, my fellows argies don't realise that.

The quality of an air force has no bearing on whether it can inflict damage on a fleet or not. Surface fleets are inherently vulnerable to air attacks.

>And you proved your country would collapse within a few months in a war both the French and British governments had seen coming for years.
HAHAHAHAHAH you are not aware of the "peace on our time" fiasco? its all your fault,you were the major power back then, it was your responsibility to not be so incompetent that the fucking USA was an upgrade

I think we can all agree that this French guy is probably suspiciously proud of the Exocet.

Based argie for being pretty much the only person in this thread who actually knows what they're talking about

I fucking hate you French cunts. Hundreds of thousands of American, Canadian, British, Australian and New Zealander men died to kick the Germans out and give your country back to you and you have zero gratitude or thanks. The only reason we didn't just occupy France ourselves is because weren't fascists.

im suspiciously proud of the fact most towns in northern france have no pre 1945 buildings due to big anglo cock

Young 18yo kids were sent to that war against a NATO military superpower, don't be stupid please.

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both governments needed to send a message of competence to their people I guess, there are other variables of course but ego played a main role imo

Because the Shitalians and Jews that run Argentina sperged out and couldn't just, I dunno, ask the British for a purchasing price?

Gratitude? it was trusting you cucks what doomed us and look at what your colony did to the world after the war? we should had allied the Germans and exterminated your island

my mum is a catholic sunday school teacher and have met a few argentinian families in england who she is teaching for the first communion and they are all lovely people. nobody would ever say anything to them as 90% of people here have forgotten the war but i bet in argentina english people would get shit

It took us years but we defeated Napoleon and destroyed the most powerful empire France ever had with our money, alliances and armies. You mad? You will always be inferior to us. I love how you speak my language and I know none of yours besides "bonjour" and "merci"

Its america's language now, nobody talked it before they rose to power from the carcass of your failure of an empire and yes it was a failure all it got you is to be a minority in your own country

nobody would say anything against english people.

half of us hate your goverment, while the other half admire it.

but most here don't dislike enlgish people, we all listen to english music, watch english movies and read english books.

How come British colonies became rich and successful and powerful but French colonies were dogshit? Even Quebec is ruled by our Queen hahaha


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man this is beautiful. you need to understand we are a major military power you can't just invade us it makes us look weak. we might have been willing to negotiate and come to an agreement before but now hundreds have died it's not possible

India is rich and successful? interesting

unironically based

>the warming

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>For what purpose?
Argentina sentenced their soldiers to death to distract citizens from other government failings
Britain sentenced their soldier to death to protect their citizens and land both in the falklands and anywhere a foreign power thinks it can invade
one is clearly more just than the other


>you do not invade british territory and get away with it

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