I discussed with a local grandma about world war 2 and she told me story in detail.
She was 8 when the war started. She went to the countryside in groups. She remembers an American fighter plane swooping down and shooting at a bunch of kids running across ricefield, dropping like flies.
She also remembers that in Occupied Japan after WW2, she would regularly see Black soldiers downtown with small girls dangling off their shoulders because they were so small. She said it was disgusted and the girls ended up getting pregnant with half Blacks and the father's ranaway back to America. There was so many fatherless kids that a charity house was setup for them.
>She was 8 when the war started. She went to the countryside in groups. She remembers an American fighter plane swooping down and shooting at a bunch of kids running across ricefield, dropping like flies >War started >American fighter plane attacking anywhere in mainland Japan You lying fuck even Doolittle's raid was an amazing feet nevermind a fighter plane randomly wasting time and money to straff kids in the countryside.
Matthew Williams
William Davis
Have you noticed that White hafu kids are often seen with their dads but Black hafus I NEVER see the father. It triggers my racism
Adam Lee
Would you say the same thing to the victims of mass rape in Berlin?