Serious question

Yeah two bitcoins creates a lot of confusion and weakens the original.

Because if big blocks were implemented in the first place, Ethereum would never have existed... Vitalik wanted to build smart contract programming language on the bitcoin blockchain becuase that would be more secure and not divide the hash power. However he was cock-blocked by core Devs who didn't want "spam" on the bitcoin blockchain. His end game is to kill Ethereum the coin (ETH at zero dollars), and put Ethereum the code (what he really cares about) onto Bitcoin(BCH) so the world computer system is more robust, for the benefit of all humanity.

One coin will rule them all, and its name is Bitcoin(BCH)



interesting. why would he want to kill his own project though? where's the upside?

Attached: 5FC43BCD-6AE1-48BF-8982-9050D97E7950.jpg (480x360, 34K)

What did Zuckerberg get out of buying instagram?

He's butthurt because the core team rejected him so he made ethereum

Eth is a security, while BTC and bch aren't.

>The 24 year old developer

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