2:00 am

>2:00 am
>bored jewish girl

Attached: golan_heights_landscape_by_grinad-d4vw1gp.jpg (1600x1067, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:


show tits i guess

pls be mine

show bobs

yeah tits please

Why did you kill all those Palestinian children?

Oy vey

you eat kosher always or only at your parents' place?

>2:00 am
>bored jewish girl

t. (pic related)

Attached: kys648.png (640x480, 209K)

I'm goiym but rich, marry me

be my gf

go to sleep

Do you want to be the property of a pagan?

>Bored Jewish Girl
Am I missing something here?

Why aren’t your tits posted


can i get attention without showing tits?

they made me do it

this is accurate except my fupa is bigger

i dont eat kosher and so do mt parents. were chill with everything

depands which type of pagan

Attached: golan heights.jpg (2592x1728, 933K)

What would you do to my unprotected balls if I was completely unable to move?

Why do you kill Palestinians instead of just giving them passports as second class citizens of greater Israel?

would u marry a non-jewish guy

>this is accurate except my fupa is bigger

Are you a hot chubby girl?

what's your opinion on the constitution reform?
also how do you feel about the Iran deal?
(tits would still be appreciated btw)

Post your tits on /b/ or something and link them here, with a time stamp of course.
Otherwise fuck off.

Is there any truth to the big khazar milkers meme?

is this a fantasy of yours?
do you think they'll agree?
yeah. but my family wouldnt like it.
maybe not so hot
i think its ""fine"", but the druze thing is kinda problematic.
i actually have no idea

Attached: Haifa.jpg (1014x325, 110K)

what about the druze?


Attached: Q3tITW6.jpg (800x600, 62K)

the general message in that reform is that israel is a jewish country and for jews only, making the 20% of minorities in israel second class citizens. that includes the druze, that are generally looked at as better than other (arab) minorities, and were till today considered like """our brothers"""

because of the reform they all went demonstrating and stuff.

Attached: Arbel Cliff.jpg (2592x1944, 646K)

No, because you wanted attention for being a woman.

Wtf is wrong with all of you. We have rules here. Wtf happened to this board.

Arab is now not official language anymore, right? So are you for or against the reform?
Also, where do your ancestors come from?

Basing your claim on a land by divinity is something that is unacceptable. Why do Jews pretend that his foundation myth is not a serious long-term problem that put it at odds with every other nation in the world?

ture. it was given a "special", idk what that means but its not official anymore.

i guess im against the reform but not to the extent of doing or saying something about it

my ancestors are polish, russian, czech

meant special status*

idk but i actually agree.
but let's say we cancel that claim, do you really want millions of mizrahi uneducated men and women or haredim monkeys roaming the world and coming to your country? we've seen where that went before (insert holocaust here)

Did you have to do army service?

It's not for me to answer, but as you can see from your own internal racialism you can see the problem of a foundation myth based on divinity and being chosen by a deity in relation to biological racialism. Israel is building up to be the first fascist state that actually believes it's own myths.

And what I mean by internal racialism is the somewhat (but still obvious) hierarchical structure of Israel that puts Ashkenazim as the ideal.

It is different from anything else in this world because nobody else has prescribed divinity to their people in an explicit form like Israel/Jews have. I don't believe in any of the Jew conspiracies of the world, but I cannot see a world where the existence of Jewry can be permitted with this foundation myth, it is simply at odds with everything else in this world.

what's the best part of having a vagina?

no arguement here, youre right

i cant really think of a solution though

can't tell, im not a really big fan of mine. somtimes i wish i had a penis

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show collarbones

Don't Jews just want Israel as their state because of their history of persecution? Afaik they just want a state for themselves and not be dependent on the protection of others. So they have to discriminate the somewhat hostile Arabs to some degree, to ensure Israel remains a Jewish state
it might be kinda shit for the Arabs that want their own country without Jews there, but I'm pretty sure Israeli Arabs have it still far better than Arabs in virtually any other MENA country

have you already taken part of the idf? was it fun?

>I don't believe in any of the Jew conspiracies of the world, but I cannot see a world where the existence of Jewry can be permitted with this foundation myth, it is simply at odds with everything else in this world.
Pretty sure Israel is based on other things as well, such as the need for their own country so they aren't hunted down by Europeans/Arabs.like they have been for the last 1200 years.

thanks goyim
yeah you two have a point

How do I get a Jewish wife? I want to join the winning team. Fuck the dumb goyims.

>43 replies
>not a single pic of tits

You disappoint me Jow Forums.

where have you been for the past 4 years? cunts freely post on our site, it's progressive and pro-wamens now.

Do you bite your nails?

Just a quick pic of your vagina, that's it. Really easy to do and it doesn't show your identity.

Did you shave?

Yeah I don't shill for free though
post tits now

are you that russian girl who hated brown jews and posted while on military shift?

Do Israelis put milk in their tea?

I can't think of any either, I think that in the long-term it will be impossible for Israel to exist. It exists now because of it's relative status as a democratic country, but it's foundation myth is directly at odds with the world. It demands something that nobody is ready to admit except as a compromise for what happened in WWII. Mainstream opposition to Zionism before this was directly because no international body was willing to accept that a people could define itself as exclusive and 'Chosen' by God.

Zionism is based on a religious claim of divinity, not a history of persecution. The abstract political theory of Israel is based on persecution, but this is a secondary objective to the foundation of Israel and Zionism would exist regardless.

Sure, but the claim to the geographical territory of Israel is based on a claim that requires you to take the claims of Judaism seriously. Persecution and need for a state are political matters, but in the long-term if Israel keeps pushing for explicit fascist policies based on divine claims to Israel people are not going to tolerate it.

It’s fucking bullshit. Idc if you’re a chick. But we have rules. If you want attention for being a girl, you have to pay the toll.

It’s just gone so far downhill

Do you trample Palestinian boys with your feet?

call me
Jow Forums is the woman-friendliest board there is ;-)
not usually but i started lately as result of social anxiety
no. i remember her though and i think it was a dude at the end

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Are you a jewish princess?


WTF I hate Israel now

>call me
But I don't have your number

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>But I don't have your number

I would unironically make a killer JIDF operative.

what are the qualifications?
>milk in tea
im sorry but thats gross
it's +972-6-000-000

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Well how do Israelis take their tea then? Depending on your answer I may have to contact your embassy in Washington and have words with them.

why are women so mean

all I want is for my progeny to the Jewish under Talmudic law

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>still giving the faggot attention

>what are the qualifications?
Rich and spoiled

Please show your feet. I'm begging you
At least describe what they look like
I'd be willing to slaughter hundreds of thousands of Palestinian newborns to take a smell of your socks

You must be looking for trouble.

If we're talking tea bags - usually green or black tea, no sugar or 1-2 teaspoons.

It is also very common to just put mint leaves or other herbs with hot water and drink.
Then yes

Am I not entertaining enough? I'm having trouble sleeping and this thread is keeping me company

>Sure, but the claim to the geographical territory of Israel is based on a claim that requires you to take the claims of Judaism seriously
Jews were buying land in Palestine and migrating way before Israel as a nation was a thing. Besides, at this point in time if you were to destroy Israel and all the Mizrahim were to go back to their previous countries they'd literally be genocided. You have a very naive view of geopolitics/history in saying "The idea that Canaan is the Jewish homeland is flawed therefor their nation should not exist" is utterly ridiculous

Would you ride arab dick for one hour for five thousand US dollars? Be honest

>Then yes

my dick is kosher

only a canadian could disrespect their body that much
as a CS fag i just want to say i admire your country's cyber security sector. probably the one country in the middle east that contributes to the world.

Thanks shill
With all honesty - NO
I legit think that all Arabs are gross and cannot change my mind

]Another hypothetical question, would you rather get raped by an arab or a romanian gypsy?

Ashkenazi women belong to ARAB BVLLS

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>I legit think that all Arabs are gross and cannot change my mind
The local Rothschild girl is dating a brown Jewish arab. Nothing wrong with that

post hair plox

What are you doing out of the kitchen? At 2 am it should be time to start preparing breakfast for the men ?

The brown one is not Arab, and the white one is not a woman.

what is your opinion on femdom?
would you fuck a boy with a strapon? white of course

Mizrahi are arabs m8.

Tough choice. Probably arab
It's unwashed. But imagine a wavey brown hair with light brown highlights

>can i get attention without showing tits?

Show feet then you can do that?

Would require her to shave her legs first since it's most likely an attention-seeking larper

You actually cannot be any more accurate

A real Jewish girl would dispose of the means to deceive the goyim, and there's no better and more affordable way to do it than by showing your feet

Disgusting creature

You know you didnt have to answer that. I expected you not to

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If I'm however wrong, it should be known that I find neglected girls to be a fetish of mine and that I would have nothing against seeing hairy legs or armpits as long as they belong to a Jewish girl

Yeah I was thinking to myself "if I'll be answering that I'll be degrading myself and all women out there and also making sexual abuse and rape into a joke",
But then I realized I don't actually care and this is just a Mongolian heavyweight lifting forum.

That is a very specific fetish, so niche

are you a neet?

Oh come on you stubborn cunt just a quick picture of your feet, they don't even have to belong to a girl I just want them to be Jewish

It's possible that I have some jewish blood, from those jewish portuguese that ran away for a less severe treatment.

Can someone who's not jewish convert to judaism? Are the newly converts well seen in the community?

How the jews see the catholics? what's the relationship like?

It's possible but hard and takes years

the only reason people will show you attention is to eventually see your tits, on that note show tits

how do you refer to pic related in your language?

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Bosnia has a pretty limited gene-pool