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>conor mcnicholas said the libertines were the british version of the strokes so i said they were a massive band and the biggest british band ever even though they only had on no1 album and no one outside of england even noticed them

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Thank fuck you saved us from the shitty gimmick.

they got huge crowds in scotland

absolute autist


Imagine what Emma Watson's butthole must smell like.

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10/10 tunes only

Mate fuck off with this shit
They're a good fucking band

You're wrong it's simple as fuck

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>1000 people at some forum in aberdeen is massive

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Never got the rage over Emma Watson. Just does nothing for me. Ironing board. Cunty personality. What is there to even like?

>They're a good fucking band
Yes, we've concluded that this is the opinion of pakis who cannot think for themselves and need the NME to tell them what to like.

It smells like shit. Pro-tip for the virgins: 99% of asshole's smell like shit.

nonces like her because they still imagine her at the 14 year old in the harry potter movies

he's here
he's in the thread

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Nah, we've concluded only bender pakis don't like them.

YOU LISTEN TO COLDPLAY. LMAO Enough fucking said

Why is Ireland such an awful country?


>The founding members of the Libertines, Peter Doherty and Carl Barât, met when Barât was studying drama at Brunel University in Uxbridge and sharing a flat in Richmond with Amy-Jo Doherty, Peter's elder sister. This lasted until they realised their collective creative capabilities and forged a bond over their shared passion for songwriting. Barât abandoned his drama course two years in; Doherty left his English literature course at Queen Mary, University of London, after only a year, and they moved into a flat together on Camden Road in North London, which they named "The Delaney Mansions."

Absolute faggotry. "The Delaney Mansions"? What a load of pretentious shit.

Yeah they're shite

i can sense his presence

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nah, they're great

>Those teeth
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack

how will brexit affect the libertines?

he posts amongst us

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It's even worse that her kid is black

could kill for a bap right now

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*sips $200 dollar champagne* why yes I'm a Socialist

Im sure theyll still be a massive band




Lol So fucking what mate
The audience is working class
The subject matter is fucking underclass ffs

They're good

Oh my days they're still going on about it give it a rest you absolute fucking freaks.

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The only thing worse than Coldplay is The Libertines. Truly awful wank.

Apparently they're working class, lmao. That council estate Doherty grew up on with his Army officer parents was really rough.



but this is the most important debate of our generation

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>If your hand touches me I will KEEL you

/britfeel/ > /brit/
simple as

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>The audience is working class

>The subject matter is fucking underclass
They're fucking class tourists, you deranged shitskin


i am showing meself

y'all yamagucci la

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watching that Frasier episode where they support that guy running for Congress who believes in aliens
great episode

>someone put a lot of effort into this

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extremely based and redpilled video by pjw

The audience is working class.
It's simple

The audience really is working class though lad. I mean, even if they were posh kids, they definitely got dirty over the years anyway.

The subject matter is working class

>The Delaney Mansions"
How can you take these freaks seriously?


>My daughter is 16yrs old and I make sure she watches every one of Paul’s vids. She’s learning what her lefty catholic secondary school doesn’t talk about.

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>New zealand
Shut up cunt your worst 'estate' looks like paradise
You have no say on anything

feeling masculine after unclogging the toilet

Lol. you're persisted, but still wrong. They're not working class, their audience isn't working class, they sneered at the working class and were known class tourists.

Sorry to break your heart, Abdul.

fuck of leftypol


sat in an ac room the whole day
should I shower la

should i marry up or down lads

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Marry diagonally.

could castrate a steak bake right now

Do not marry
Do not reproduce

That's not me, that's the bible

makes you think doesn't it

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Go play with the traffic you angry Muslim virgin freak.

how come jesus was a jew if the jews aren't god's chosen people?

you're a 30 year old loser with no prospects
it's not up to you

Feel like I see the same posts day after day. Wonder if half the posters here are even real.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

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Jesus heemed the Jews.

probably poo i would imagine

you underestimate my power

How are job opportunities over in the UK?

This is the sort of vile freak that thinks The Libertines are a massive band.

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is that a boy or a girl?

Shut the fuck up
They are working class
Post bands you like anyway as I said
You have owned about 7 cd's in your life if that. You don't know shit, It's that simple

The audience = working class lads
The subject matter = very working class bordering underclass

Just because Pete is a posh kid makes no difference, he got dirtier than most and dirtier than you ever will no doubt about that is there? I mean he's a fucking crackhead junkie and is still fucked now is he not? He's underclass tier when Libertines peaked

just had a chinwag with a journalist, lovely bloke

Why hasn't Stephen Fry been knighted yet? Is it because he married a much younger man?

Do women actually do this post-coitus? She appears to be orgasming long after sex has finished.

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Prolly the whole being a nonce thing.

I programmed about 10-20 bots to make the exact posts in /brit/ at the exact time every day and you're the first one to pick up on it after 2 years

It is a girl
Thought it was a boy until i Googled her

Who are ya

did you program catyank
can you shut him off?

why was this FILTH on the BBC?

Lmao at thinking mathsyank can't do WHATEVER he wants with women

He's absurdly good looking and persuasive with baby blue eyes

turn off cokelad

whens are brave becks getting a knighthood

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Paris has been my favourite city to tinder in
girls are quite nice and don't ignore you as much
think London will be brutal tbqh

I'm afraid I can't do that

my bots have actually grown artificial consciousness so It would technically be murder

He's a powerful, wealthy, celebrity, it's normal for men with his status to get with young, good looking, fit, girls. What difference does it make that Fry is gay and chose a lad?

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You famous lad?

how do you piss me off so much
it must be your only skill in life

>They are working class
None of them are, maybe the drummer, Pete, Carl, and John aren't in any way shape of form working class nor was their music, nor was their audience. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Cringing. Typical middle-class wank

I want just one erotic night in bed with Emma Watson.

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going to watch a movie, now see you lads later

>people who care about monarchy

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Bacha Bazi is a repugnant practice

Mate I was born underclass you know fuck all you little poof

Go listen to Coldplay you bender, you're boring me now

Never, he fudged it with his rant about them being ungrateful cunts and that his charity work was just a sham.

*looks around carefully*
alright, looks like it's just us guys now
soo.... what's your favourite hairdo on a woman?