Be first worlder

>be first worlder
>live in perfect conditions
>never experience danger, hunger or pain
>have no problems whatsoever since all of them are solved by your perfect utopian government that is ready to wipe your ass on every turn
>still find arrogance to pretend that you suffer in any way, mostly by puny cases of “loneliness” and “no gf”
Geez, why are f*rsties so pathetic? They are born with silver spoon in their mouths, but they are still being just a bunch of pussies

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I love you so much, Russia. Your threads make me happy

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Whatever, my thirdie brother, tag along. F*rstie menace will soon be defeated

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I'm from Latvia so I'm not firstie

Latvia is first world by design, every country that is in EU is first world

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russia is first world at this point

>north Nigeria
>first world
Lmao, a GERMAN, from the f*rstiemost country in the world thinks that third world countries can compare. Lmao

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“El monstro de lachlano punishes nurse” 1988 decolorized

The same goes for you Ivan.

Based, fuck f*rstoids

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that's right, i am literally like a nobleman and you are a peasant

hey here is a little food for thought : yesterday i could have done extra hours, which are worth millions to my 1st world employer, the kind of money that is worth more than your entire life
but it happened that i had to take my dog out for a shit instead
it means, mathematically speaking, your life is worth less than dogshit
you are literally below dogshit and this is not even an insult, simply a fact, how do you feel about this ?

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>we're first world
First time I've seen someone saying that

What's the point in having all the material items you want, if you have nobody to share them with

You can have my iphones, computers, cars, etc if you give me a gf

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>be first worlder
>live in perfect conditions
>never experience danger, hunger or pain
>have no problems whatsoever since all of them are solved by your perfect utopian government that is ready to wipe your ass on every turn
damn right i am arrogant
i don't pretend i suffer, i don't, unlike you miserable fuck
suck my dick thirdling

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How do I feel? I feel pity towards you, pathetic f*rstoid. You can't even play evil evil right, lmao
You are tho

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I don't suffer myself though, I'm the lucky one not to experience f*rstoid menace that tries to bring everyones dreams and aspirations down on me. I will keep fighting for my brothers in worlds, whose lives were destroyed by evil firstoids.

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at least we don’t have to deal with big boy country problems

Depends on how you define "first world". We're better off than some of our neighbours and the Balkans but westerners still think Romania is a shithole.

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>I don't suffer myself though
how are you credible then ? rich 3rd worlders are exactly like us
anyways are you like an oligarch ? reminder that your children will immigrate to southern france or london, and they will become first worlders
it's inevitable, it happens to all the rich 3rd worlders, making us richer and you more miserable in the process

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I'm rich enough not to suffer, and have everything I need. But not rich enough to be called an oligarch.
>immigrating to f*rstoid countries
Sorry, I'm not malevolent and heartless sadist, so I won't enjoy presence of f*rstoids

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yes i'd much rather be a malevolent and heartless sadist than a filthy diseased retarded peasant working to death in the mud somewhere in a shithole for 50 euro a month, doing heroine and catching aids
it takes a special kind of retard to glorify misery and i'm happy i don't have your shit lives, keep crying

What if I live in a firstie country but my ancestral homeland is a thirdie country

>f*rstoid once again proved that he's no more than an animal
Not surprising at this point
Still f*rstie

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F*rstoids btfo

tfw no gf

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>23 year old incel with no friends
>Mixed-raced in USA
>My own family doesn't love me, and my white dad actively works against me to hold me down to keep me as labor
>Knows I'm biologically lazy and is using my blood against me
>Every time I have to work I start to contemplate suicide, will probably do it in 2 or 3 years if nothing changes

I hate living with Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Mexicans. Elliot Rodger was right to kill himself. He was never going to have anything good.

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Greetings my third world brothers

la creatura...

god i wish that would be me

I'd kill myself if i had Subsaharan African or Australian Abbo blood tbqh

Russian user please breed my boipussy

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It didn't hurt my brain.
I hover around 120 IQ when I exercise and eat-well. I can hit 126 IQ right after I work-out, and I'm 116 IQ when I'm sedentary and inactive.

but the true winners of life are first-world African Americans.

They are 85 IQ and piggybacking off of the misery and pain of 95-105 IQ. They even have communities packed with niggers in this country, so they've got plenty of company.

They're the happiest people in America.

Post it then
What are you even talking about? America is third world country

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Breed my boipussy with your huge Russian cock user

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Ewwww, look at this non-first world russian roach, fucking disgusting.

Its time we gas all the third and second worlders for sure.

Second world doesn’t exist you disgusting f*rstoid menace

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I think your idea of the first world is highly fantasized

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Of course it does. It uncludes roaches like you and the chinks. You all deserve to be gased.

The only good world is when all the firstlets get killed.

>be jealous of 1st worlders
>make continuesly threads whining how jealous user is about it
>black people

>he still lives 30 years ago
Are you some kind of 50 y/o boomer? Pathetic either way.

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Look at this roach, he can't even count to two. So absolutly pathetic.

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fuck an*Me

third world russian boi pussy is the best

Look at this roach living in a country that tried so hard to be like the first world and failed hard.

Absolutly holarious.

> lives in third world shitholes
> shits on first worlders for not suffering
> gets ebola
> dies


> His country gets help in form of medicin after he dies from the first world


>first worlder
>still thinks second world exists after collapse of SU
Woah, I thought f*rstoids had free education or something? Seems not lmao
Also imagine being a fucking loser in FIRST WORLD when all doors are wide open to you yet you go crying and weeping about how “ignorant thirdie” bullies you on anonymous Indonesian board lmao

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post boy pussy faggies

You first, faglord

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Look at this roach. He tries to cover up his mistake of saying that the second world doesnt exist by berading the exellent education system and the first world that tought me that the second world even exist.


You are the most embarassing creature to ever walk there earth.

Imagine beeing such a faggot. You deserve death by fire, NOW.

Making fun of thirdies like you is the most fun thing.

Both are fucking disgusting.

>Ooga Booga second world exists!
>making fun of thirdies like you
Absolute state or redditspacing f*rstoid retard, imagine being INFERIOR to a third worlder morally and mentally.
>boo hoo hoo! I got bullied better call him a name.... uuuggh a... a roach !!! That’ll show em!
F*rstoids truly have no skin

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Are you showing your true colours now third world rathuman?
Hows inferior here? Obviously the faggot that got corrected and tries so hard to be in the right now. Absolutly pathetic.
Look at yourself.

> morally inferior
Shitskins like you kill eatchother at higher rates that any genocides could. You are not morally right in the first place your a third worlder
> mentally inferior
Yeah, sure you thirdskin subhuman. You are so mentally more advanced that you did not know of the second world

Truly a further reason to gas you all.

McDonalds cashiers here earn more than doctors in Russia LMFAOOO

Are you retarded by any chance? Second world doesn’t exist anymore, you idiot. It should really be illegal to be as stupid as you are in f*rst world country.
Back to Jow Forums schoolboy lmao
Which one of you f*rstoids linked this thread to Jow Forums, eh?

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Doctors is a low paying job by Russian standards, our McDicks employees earn as much as them, f*rstie

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Why would anyone want to be a doctor then? Is that why russian men die at 55 on average? No doctors?

Hey 1st worlder. Have you ever felt scary or been in a dangerous situation?

Im truly asking

this desu, its absolutely pathetic seeing these people bitch and moan despite having all the bloody opportunity to fix their lives easily. Any 1st worlder who cries about their life has only themself to blame. The only exception are the unfortunate fucks who are born crippled or get disabled by some accident

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No, there’s a lot of doctors, who work selflessly on this shitty and hard job. But also it gives you some social benefits and stuff.
Men die at 55 because of alcoholism and general disregard for health

> doesnt exist anymore ooga booga

Yes is does. Your shitholes still exist, do they? Of course it would be better if they where whiped out already.
To be as retardes as you and still be allowed to live is truly the meaning of arrogance.

> ooga booga I so dumb that i dismiss someone calling me a subhuman (witch ive shown to truly am) for beeing from Jow Forums and kid.
> ooga booga reddit spacing makes people invalid and from reditt

How does it feel to have a brain the size of a crocodiles? Truly, the third world athmosphere in your shithole made you shrink.


>another batch of Jow Forumstard autism dropped on the floor
Alright, not gonna give any more (You)s to the child, but will clarify at last: second world stopped existing after collapse of SU, now it’s part 1, part 3 world. Now back to Jow Forums and never come here again, might literally kill someone off the cringe overdose

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You are doing gods work user. Keep it up



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That's not you.
It's an old pic


And where is your pic? You only posted some gay anime shit, huh?

Awwwwww, did the poor dumb shitholer get so hurt that he cant give (You)s anymore?
Awww, did your dumb shithole get so assblasted that we had to stop calling it that. Awwwwwww, such a poor little shit.
Let me tell you something you assblasted monkey.
You are what it means to unworthy of life.
And your still wrong.

> would kill someone from to much cringe
the third world shitholers true colours showing eh?

Get fucked. Thirdies like you deserve to die.

Not going to share my butt here.
At most I'll share my thighs.

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So true russsianbro

Westerners have no idea how hard the life is. They are like children's.

I asked first
that's not you, post boy pussy

You faggots are also too shy to post anything so fuck off.

Holy shit, the cringe, the edge, the Jow Forumsshitness. Is everyone alright after that mess? I’m even worried about other f*rsties, this level of edginess might be too much for this simple blue board

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> muh cringe

I know, shitholers like you are cringy as fuck.

He's likely a NEET as well

>Jow Forumsspeech underage keeps baiting for (You)s
Not gonna give one out, unless the cringe and edge levels are dropped severely. Those who try to talk from position of false superiority are disregarded as underaged and rightfully so.

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Of course I’m not, third worlders like you and me can’t afford to be retarded useless leeches to society, I though someone from third world like you would understand

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Oh no you can definitely get NEET bucks in the US

I don't have a boy pussy to post because I have something called self respect and I wouldn't sissify myself unlike you, now post boy pussy

>thirdie anime addicted NEETs haven't killed themselves yet

You can’t be a NEET in third world

Trust me third world shitholer.
Im am superior to you on every term.

That fact that you replied at every turn to shitposts prooves it. ;3

>he will never know the suffering of the White Man's Burden
We are the Atlas of this world

>He gets a gf
>He gives his iphones, computers and cars to Ivan
>gf leaves for Ivan as you are now a poorfag

This lmao