android dominating cunt = poor iphone dominating cunt = rich
simple as that
Austin Hill
android is dominatiing many europe country stupid Jap
Lincoln Young
Android > IOS
Christopher Jenkins
It makes sense as there is nothing to see in Korea. amiright?
Nathaniel Rodriguez
You have to be rich if you like burning your money with Apple products. They make it so obvious in the way the manufacture their products are not made to function for several years.
Jackson Morgan
Lots of folks still use their iPhone 6s and what not
Apple makes good phones. I just can’t stand the fucking App Store and iTunes
Kayden Roberts
>one way ticket for Shinkansen bullet train from Tokyo to Osaka costs 140usd
yes, we are poor, but to travel to S.Korea from here: a return flight ticket costs just 55usd 2-day tour costs just 95usd including flight ticket and hotel
Japan GDP dropped by 30% a few years ago thanks to forced inflation, so its deceiving. Japanese net worth per capita is still twice that of SK. It's not a matter of wealth.
Japan has been wealthy for a long time now and people have already traveled. SK has been booming more recently so all the people who couldn't travel before are all traveling now. Tourism rates will decrease for Korea eventually too. I don't understand why you are trying to beat Japan on this front.
I'm traveling in Vietnam and a shocking number of the Asian tourists are Koreans. My best guess is that there are Korean friendly shops in the tourist traps.
Carson Hernandez
>English community site in Tokyo posted by typical stupid gaijins in Tokyo they think they can freely use illegal drugs and weeds here just kill all gaijins, problem solved
Probably because there's barely anything to see in Korea
Charles Rodriguez
Korea! I love Korea - Korea good fellows! You are decent people, you live well! It is a pity that in North Korea it is not so - there they live badly, not richly. I think they do not have enough rice there ... This is a big trouble. I think.
In addition to Korea, I still love LG - very good! I would like to buy a new one! Is this possible? What are honest sites that sell new phones? I really need LG v20. What are Korean websites selling new phones?
I already bought it in Hong Kong, but they sent me refurbished - I sent it back.
Oh yes - let's talk. What do you think about North Korea and the company LG?
pretty much this. it's pointless to visit a rip-off japan when you live in the genuine japan. and south korea lacks charm in terms of tourist attraction. most of what they can offer are cheap shopping, food (some of which still have third-worldish hygiene issues) and seoul's infrastructure (which isn't impressive to first worlders); korean tourists who visit japan themselves often lament this, and it's one of the reasons why so many south koreans are obsessed with outbound travels instead of domestic ones and flock to japan.
Benjamin Gutierrez
Pappa kines mamma japan stakars barn
Lincoln Foster
Because Japan is cheap, it is popular among Koreans.
Connor Lewis
North Korea is the object of unification and the same people.