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International #938
Guess ethnicity
You have 10 seconds to act as Canadian as possible
Why haven't you embraced white western culture?
Neanderthal general
Tell me about Kerala?
/Drache/, /deutsch/
Down from 124kg to 93kg
ITT: Jow Forumsergalactic
Russia-UK Friendship
Your cunt
ITT: brown gfs
1. Country
Sverigetråden - /Jimmie boys/
All countries who currently suffer from immigrants used to be imperialists whove had colonies which they usually abused
Your honest Opinion on southern italians?
It's another "go to university and not say a single word to anybody or interact with anybody" episode
When will Krauts pay reparations?
/carib/ + island friends
How do i get a latina gf?
Why are Russians so evil?
I've been moving calm don't start no trouble with me
Americans, please explain
Dear euros of Jow Forums
Still waiting for j*Pan to apologize
/luso/ - edição: joinha
How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan?
How can you possibly compete with me?
Yesterday's thread was pretty nice
Why aren't you a liberal yet? They have the freshest memes
It's another WWII movie, book, documentary, or video game about the D-Day Landings
*appears in your comment section*
Please never try to race-mixing with Japanese
How did they go from being leader of the world to being the fuck bitch of europe?
/fr/ - le francofil
Are black people a problem in Burgerland
Last night I've noticed a lot of MENA posters are up late
Is it gay to cum on another man's cum in your country?
God fucking damn you, Iceland
I want a crazy tumblr gf
Why are russians so terrible at debating?
Americans make a new coca cola: Finland gets it first in EU
Sooo... are they really white??
What is the best place to get my DNA tested? 23andme is not that precise and I don't know how accurate ancestryDNA is...
Calling all australians! Get in here and watch the show
I will never ever ever ever forgive whitoids for this
Any brazilians here? Are they Japanese Brazilian...
/hell/ - /gr/
Why are there so few indians here compared to shit tons of immigrant workers from their neighboring countries in korea?
What do they even contribute to the rest of the united states
Why Islam Is A Part Of European Culture
Kurva anyátok
/balk/ - Balkans Thread
I hate Russia
Meanwhile in South Africa
"Come home white man"
Why do first worlders love dogs more than humans?
Germany and Japan fought like warrior
Why is it that when a child is from parents of 2 different ethnic groups he resembles the swarthier ethnicity more?
Is this the new "Argentina is White" meme?
Welcome to the new white America!
/v4/ + friends
Tfw post BLACKED webms on Jow Forums
I really miss when I was a rare flag
Is this based or not?
Every day goes by and I think “Ha my country can’t ever be dumber than today...
Are you afraid of death
The USA should unironically declare war on Mexico
Muslims brothers the day is very near. Most of the signs have checked out already
Latinas are for _______
/dixie/ Southern US & friends
Why aren't they one country?
Spokane, Washington residents want to fan wildfire smoke back to Canada
Least Westernized East Asian countries
How come the Australian accent sounds so much more retarded than the English accent? What went so wrong?
Learning Spanish
What happens here?
Whiter than you muhamm-
Why is America so bullied here, especially by latinxs and Europeans?
Hilo hispano /hisp/
What race is this
British Accent
I was under the impression that Australia did not like the Chinese...
ITT We say nice things about the USA
Why are there tons of chinese girls in kpop groups but no japanese girls
Why are they so brown and miserable?
What are Polynesian girls like?
We're about to have the coolest president currently in charge on the planet IF we don't fuck up in the elections
Your cunt
Mandatory military service
Why do people still consider this sport?
11% of America's population is Mexican
What's the best country for enjoying the divine majesty of the ocean
Why is it that Southeast Asians aren't so concerned with history and seem to love Japan but East Asians are mega salty...
How is it possible for an entire country to LARP as Aztecs?
How do we fix Japan's fertility rate?
We must free the Caucasians from Russian oppression
/nachtschicht/ regelmäßig auch /deutsch/
What went wrong in your life and ended up coming here??
Is this an accurate representation of the Dominican population?
Question to fellow Muslims:
>yfw this is what the average girl looks like in jordan
Tfw Jamaica and Haiti could've been Hispanic countries instead of the dindu filled poopholes they are today if Spain...
ITT: where your brown gf comes from
2008 was unironically ten years ago
Sverigetråden - Tumenuppupplagan
/ita/ - il filo
Why do right wingers lack basic human empathy?
Enter the kitchen
ITT: post your phenotype
Hilo hispano /hisp/
/fr/ - le francofil
How far can you ejaculate?
The Dominican is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer...
Savage Brit assaults a French woman after cutting a roundabout in half
/nachtschicht/, ehemals /deutsch/
What do you hate most about being a virgin?
Is there a bigger succes story than this?
Am i white?
Reminder that russia is unironically more cucked than france or any other european country
Culture Pals /cp/
My wife? She's Asian
American Puppet
The most Russian picture you have
How do you say "CHECKMATE!" in your language, Jow Forums?
So we agree that New York pizza is the best?
1. Your country
Why are they so universally loved? What are they doing right?
Spent 1000bucks on a slag
1. Your cunt
Wh*te "men" btfo
Beards of Jow Forums
What's your favorite african ethnic group?
French "men"
/feuer/ ehemals /deutsch/
Post ur cunt's navy
/ís/ Iceland general
This is a 16 yo mexican girl
Ugh, what could have been
A real jap here, I need to practice English for national English examination. ask me anything
What’s your view on brother/sister incest Jow Forums?
Name a cooler legendary
The best film about Wild West
Yank on vacation here. Seen a lot of people in Munich wearing traditional outfits. Can anyone explain it?
Why are muslims so powerful?
C++ written test tomorrow
The only democracy in the Middle East
Post pics of QT girls wearing a national/cultural dress
Lazy Town actor robbie rotten(stefen karl) died
25% of your country now consists of British immigrants
Sverigetråden - Israeliska vänskapsupplagan
Finnish soldiers will attack your country
Move to America, the land of freedom
What happens here?
How do non-Nordics cope with being non-Nordic?
I love Russia. Do you love Russia?
Why are you not speaking finnish? it's an exclusive club
What's wrong with London?
1) you're a fucking cunt
/fr/ - le francofil
Do you consider French people as southern European ?
/ITA/ - il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is it true that Southern Euros and Nordics are best frens?
Indian is unironically used as an insult between central asian nations.kirgizs use that towards uzbeks...
/v4/ + friends
Why is everyone so racist to us southern Europeans?
Why do some Native Americans look so Spanish?
In this world, there's only enough space for ONE (1) brown race
The SWEDISH BVLL is the epitome of masculinity
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Why do humans have to do this? There is literally a giant garbage island just floating around
I don't see anything wrong with race mixing as long as you aren't breeding with a Mexican or a Negro
What does Jow Forums think of us?
Nobita has finally lost his shit, he is TIRED OF GAIJIN. What the fuck happened?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1981
Brzezinski used to say "America has to destroy any alliance between China and Russia"
One chance at life
Is Jesus retard? Why the fuck did he create human beings?
There is a big scary spider on my stairs
Hitler you fool
How do you say "Okay, this is epic" in your language?
Why won't Japan apologise for Nanjing massacre? Why won't they admit they did it?
Kurva anyátok
The absolute state of white nationalists
1. Your country
Political compass
Alizee is 34 today. Say something nice about her
Cigany gyspies
India is a BLACK nation
What should we do to solve this problem?
A year passed since the last Game of Thrones season
Why don't Italians assimilate?
Hi, Jow Forums. Have you ever thought about committing suicide? If yes, what made you stop?
What is it about Indian culture that makes them lie all the time, about everything...
What do Europeans really think about Latinxs?
We are the bikey bikey boys!
Why are Russians so good at literature/vidya but utterly shit at making films/music
Manlet (178cm)
/navy/ general
Why are Norwegians such boring superficial normies while Finnish people are so autistic...
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Identity Evropa
/hell/ ελληνιkό νήμα
Sverigetråden - MY
Is there a country or culture besides yours that you feel a real affinity towards?
Group of Portuguese girls blocks your path
Be daughter Hungary's prime minister
Hi there, I'm going to Stockholm in mid Octobre for about a week. Do you have any recommendations for me, sights to see...
/ita/ il filo
Turkey will join the EU sooner or later, and that's a good thing
Ugh... I can't believe women don't value ARYAN genes ... whores.. the lot of them
Is there any European language worth learning?
Swedish question
I just ate a burger from mcdonalds and now I'm going to play vidya
How do you call this in your country?
Save the white south Africans
Ugandans getting cucked by based chinks
Ur cunt
Wish we could turn back time
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Do you browse any other imageboards, Jow Forums?
The good thing about being diaspora to a mutt new world country like Australia is I can be the son of Arab immigrants...
Sverigetråden - Cosplayupplagan
Why do zoomers like to put usb keys inside their mouth?
Go on pornhub
Do you use wireless earphones?
Wake up
Does the fleshlight feel like a real vagina?
If you support special programs for immigration concerning white south africans but complained about economic migrants...
/Hispania/ general
Why do Brits call Europeans, continentals?
I really love snow countries
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I would love to have friends from other Country, we could talk by massanger and shit. Maybe meet after 5 years...
Kurva anyátok
Are you or your family wogs?
I am just watching Asian games...
If the majority of your country isn't forest, then you aren't white
Delhi girls are considered the best looking in all of India
Why is Italian food so unhealthy?
Is it socially acceptable in your habitat to live with your mummy past the age of 30?
Where's their general?
I literally and unironically don't give a shit about South African whites...
This is the future queen of Spain
/fr/ - Fil francophone et francophile
ITT: t. namecalling
/hell/-έξω οι βάρβαροι
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
End of white people's era
Seriously, Why do so many White girls do piercing?? When i asked them the why...
Why do serial killers receive tons of letters written by women?
Why are they so poor?
Why is she so perfect?
Why is jpop so shitty(especially idol songs) but anime songs are decent?
Am I white?
I just realized I don't recall where I put my passport
Why are browns so obsessed with white people? Seriously...
This kills the pajeet
Jordan is a shitter country, please never come here if you know what is best for you
Normimentes kurva anyátok
Cat thread
One chance in life
Unironic muttposters
Why is it so hard for people to accept the fact that the majority of ancient Egyptians looked like modern ones
This is a real language
Jag undrar hur länge det skulle ta för Ryssland att ta över Sverige helt och hållet
Hi i'm an anglo and my opinion of québec is that blahblablablah
Why is he not represented as one of the biggest villains in modern history?
How do you say 'fuck you' in a way that the bongs understand?
Is your country democratic?
Your cunt
Ur cuntry
Why is it so hard for Brits to understand "no"?
Osaka > Tokyo
Why do they have no culture?
Why does he hate Asians so much?
/lang/ Language Learning General - Canada on Fire Edition
Have you ever been beaten up?
Does your country have a tradition of cooking stockfish? what are some regional recipes?
I never understood this, why didn't someone just shoot him? He seemed unpopular
1. Your cunt
Are they insects?
Asian insects:
If this thread has a majority yes vote then japan gets rangebanned
Americans are stupi-
Why is there not a single succesful non-white society in the history of mankind? Why are they so subhuman...
Asian insects:
If you're not blue, you're not white
Oh no no no
Why is japan a safe country?
/dshs/ bivši /ex-yu/
White countries are for everybody(^^
Californians forbid the use of sugary bewerages on restaurants
Why are Indian men so creepy?
Asian insects:
Help me muzzies
Kurva anyátok
/brit/ - The Historian
Why you is the remove kebab meme so popular?
Wow Poland looks like THAT?
This board is fucking trash, the mod team won't hand out permabans to the retarded spammers that are pestering it...
What is your general opinion of Australia?
Aaaand noooow, the end is neeeeaar
Why do white people keep killing their own families?
Ok, this is epic
What went wrong in your life??
I just woke up
Hilo hispano /hisp/
French doesn't have a word for "fluent"
Let's say you were born a girl
I fucking HATE white people
Are korean boys the most handsome and classy boys in the world?
Jow Forums only allows respectful discussion of other cultures
Fuck Jordan
What is it like to live in a black majority city? I'm going to work 3 months in Baltimore
@ White people
Are exchange students common in your country?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
White americans of Jow Forums, what's your background? Are you Meds, Slavs, Nordics, or Euro mutts?
What was their endgame?
How did Brazil become so hardcore?
So this is the power of the American education
In jail
So how can I pick up middle eastern chicks/find a middle eastern escort?
Cyberpunk cities when
Quel est le meilleur pays d'Europe et pourquoi c'est la France?
Sverigetråden - Christer Pettersons upplaga
What happens at your country's borders?
Hilo hispano /hisp/
Tfw you realize that America is a figurative Noah's Ark that preserved White civilization and culture in the New World...
/nachtschicht/ periodisch auch /deutsch/
$15 an hour? say hello to your replacement
Why do white men go sexpatting in Asia instead of Latin America?
Make American become independent
Why are British women so ugly?
For this alone, we must destroy Britain
Tell a dominican they’re black
/polska/ nocna
Post you are hobbies
My paternal grandmother was German (Surname was Stein)
Reddit is down
Daily reminder that it's a white world, you're just living in it
You can delete one (one) city/town from your cunt
>Why yes I'm from the Russian Khaganate, how can I be of service?
US isn't considered part of Scandanavia
God save our gracious Queen!
1. Your country
Why do Latinos in Quebec blend in with the Maghrebis and try to act like them? cringe
Family computer's psu has a switch for switching between different voltages
What are the most commom male names in your country?
What's going on with Europe?
Why do they have Spanish names if the last people to colonize them was us? Shouldn't they have American names?
Can hardcore porn be shown on European television?
Why do Americans do this?
/ita/ - il filo
Say something nice about the UK!
Tell me about Russians. Are they European, Asiatic, or a combination of both?
>one chance at life
Do you enjoy your empty purposeless life as an atheist?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
>"Hey, you! Get the fuck out of my country hajji! Go back to Ay-raq you fucking Muzlum terrorist!"
/leberschwimmbecken/ ehemals /deutsch/
I have never kissed a girl i was not related to
Why are they so shit?
What do you think about this Polish version of Battlefield?
/fr/ - Fil francophone et francophile
/fr/ - le francofil
45 yo
Here's your next POTUS and FLOTUS, Ameribros
American woman fired for rushing her son to hospital instead of going to work
One of the most successful shows of all time on French TV is a dwarf playing an angel...
Culture Pals - /cp/
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Any other ex-Muslims here? How are ex-Muslims treated in your country?
Why does everyone says this guy looks mexican? He seems like an average 56% murican for me
Uni starting in 41 days
/Drachenlord/, /Ruiner/, /Wingel/, /Herr Winkler/, /Schanzenfest/, /deutsch/: TEIL 2
European languages
My fucking sides...
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Your country
Do Latin American countries respect Spain?
The poster below you is where your future bf/gf will be from
Can any Spanish/Portuguese post some pictures of average people in your country...
/Drachenlord/, /Herr Winkler/, /Schanzenfest/, /deutsch/
I am 203cm, 104kg all muscles
/hell/ - Άkρως Ελληνιkόν
Why did god make girls ten years younger than me so attractive? I was born in the wrong generation
Which language would you choose to be the global language BESIDES English
Why is it that other Nordic countries have an inferiority complex towards Sweden...
Wh*tes btfo
Your cunt
Can we have an Jow Forums foods thread?
Why are Brazilians so evil?
Why are you all so anti Slav? They're wonderful people!
No I dont want to fuck that 13 year old
Human Extension Events
Does your cunt has friend?
/ita/ - il filo
Whats the forgotten war of your country?
Why the West of the USA is so superior to the East?
Is it worth going overseas to lose my virginity in a brothel?
Sverigetråden - SDupplagan
Can your country even compete with Norway?
/deutsch/ oder heute auch /Schanzensturm/
ITT: Jow Forums in 1960
What are your thoughts on Pakistani women
/fr/ - Le fil Français
My first time with a foreign escort, she speaks english. If you have 30 minutes to lose, it can be interesting...
Never. End
Why doesn't USA give girls cute school uniforms like in Japan? Especially the white ones
He saved our nation
ITT: Jow Forums writes a story. Every user gets to write one sentence each
How do we make America a White nation again?
How do we prevent the US from becoming a Latin American country?
What's a country where the average population looks like this?
On this site, first worlders daily pretend to suffer, knowing full well that they just can’t experience it...
Why are they the best posters on Jow Forums?
London looks like a nice place
Could this young Italian man pass as a local in your country?
British """""people"""""
What happened to these Germans?
/baltic/ not /balt/ this is completely different
(SERIOUS) help plz. I had a brawl with my history teacher on campus today
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Spanish girls are for ____
Olive skin is just an euphemism for self-hating sh*tskins to not say they have brown skin
I'm not racist, but I hate niggers
A Perfect World
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Did you country had equivalent of cossacks?
ITT: post “countries” you hate
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2038
/deutsch/ - /schanzenfest/
Why did Germany turn into such complete cucks after WW2 while Japan remained nationalist...
ITT: t. namecalling
Why do Romanians love Italy so much?
Is it true that they are white?
Muh sexual abuse, i was 17yo!!
Why whites do this?
/dixie/ - The South and Acquaintances
Why Spain is not Europe
Why do people larp as if their ancestors were not peasants and they had any say in their countries?
What has made CHI rappers explode in popularity lately?
ITT: You have 30 seconds to act as American as possible
This is my cock
What is the worst smelling country Jow Forums?
/schlacht am altschauerberg/ ehemals /deutsch/
Mediterranean men
/balk/ - Did you fuck your teacher? edition
Why are they so miserable?
I want to go to Russia but I'm scared of getting beat up by krokodil abusing neo-Nazis
How to find dads for unborn Finnish babbys?
The "white" race isn't just one collective thing
/fr/ - Le fil Français
What do you see?
Would you date a girl with visible self harm scars?
Is it unfixable?
Why does Jow Forums sexualises Finland and Portugal posters?
Dutch railroads issue alarm
ITT: Post your cunt's worst leaders (hard mode: no current head of state please)
/schanzenfest/ vormals /deutsch/
Pashtunwali, meaning "the way of Pashtun"...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does your country contribute to UN peace keeping missions
How is this called in your country?
Why are f*nns gay?
/ITA/ - il filo
Investing in your cunt
Absolue state of cuck island
Which is the best?
Lol fuck you germany
Do Japanese have souls?
Nose hair
Your favorite asian country?
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
Wage rage detected
Russian leader Vladimir Putin has joined forces with Germany against the US over a new gas pipeline
These are the living members of the Osmanoglu family, the family that ruled the Ottoman empire
Wow... africa is big
I’ll just let the images speak for themselves
/hisp/ - Hilo hispanosfera
Is the UK actually the 1984 surveillance state that Jow Forums says it is?
Why is Canada such a joke country? Have they always been this way? What are they even?
Slavs actually believe this
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
How are you preparing Chinese Ages?
Can anyone explain why 70 thousand people on reddit found this photo of a vodka aisle interesting? I don't get it
/schanzenfest/ - /deutsch/
Fact: Poland is the Christ of Nations
To me this girl has white skin, but she isn't ''white'' she's Asian
Your cunt
What went wrong?
Finnish sounds like autists mumbling
Dutch engineering
The language of Spain should be called castillian just like the language of Britain is called English since it...
Your cunt
Does Africa have a future?
What is the country with the most blood on the hand?
Your country
You may only post here if you have brown eyes
I'm from *first-world country* and want to move to Russia because it's BASED
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico & friends
I heard that many white guys dream of korean bf, is it true?
Oh yeah i'm bilingual
If you clone a gay person, will the clone be gay as well?
Does Jow Forums have the least amount of Jow Forumstards?
Why doesn't the US government just put multiple sentry guns at places where they illegals try to cross over?
Why are African genes so hard to dilute?
Look outside
Koreans travel abroad more than Jap
Kurva anyátok
Can Koreans read historical Korean documents?
The EU is a bad, evil organization taking away your freedom and we have to Brexit from i
The future looks beautiful :)
Tfw about to start college at 24, a community college at that
Do you want to die?
Now that was music
Well son, you're 18. Get out. See you at Christmas!
RIP Pvt Jessica Carter. Afghanistan. DOD 19-08-18
/v4/ + friends
How do people possibly like this country's food?
How do you cope with being really ugly...
What are the sexiest accents to you?
Hilo Latino - /lat/
What do you guys think of my new tattoo?
I want to move to Russia and be an English teacher
Pakistanis are the same people as Indians
Based and redpilled fellow magapedes. Christianity is based
Europeans actually boil water instead of microwaving it
Ban on usury and moneylending which is the cause of all modern financial crises
/hell/ - Αλβαναριό edition
/cum/ & friends
What is your opinion of Native Americans?
Expat thread
Do you like German women?
Australia and Canada are two countries that are vaguely similar
Is it true that the upper class in India and Pakistan look more European than average pakis/pajeets?
What happens if you don't tip in the US...
Wildfires are fucking awful: my lungs and throat hurt, and everything has this ugly orange mist that smells like shit
Black hair
Do exercise
/brit/ + /birt/
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship