I’ll just let the images speak for themselves

I’ll just let the images speak for themselves.
Because what they say is so fucking important.


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Plot twist: this all happened in Japan, they hate chinks the most


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"""Asian"""-Americans are the lowest of the lowest, they behave as butthurt as blacks about ~le racism~ but with 0 need for that.

They're just to American to care about their own heritage (it's just a gimmick in the US, after all) but they hate the fact that other people put in the hours to actually learn shit instead of crying.

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So the moral of the story is kids are savages.

>Get's tattoo
Confucious is rolling in his grave


Read it once. Twice. Three times.
Read it as many times as needed until you can really understand it. Feel it.
Until you can understand what it’s like for us. If you even can.
This is so immensely important and I will never stop sharing this.

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i'll just not read any of this shit lol

So whiny. Taxi drivers and friends always found my mother's accent funny when I lived in the US.

And so it is. Also I know these tweets are leading up to her praising that Asian-American rom-com that just got released, but really she could've been seeing those from the very start just by watching Korean movies.

I don't think text tattoos is considered degenerate to chinks

I died when her father runs the chinese take out

What kind of school orders Chinese takeout? Wtf

It's not even an Asian American movie, it's a Chinese American movie. They refused to cast a Korean actor because she wasn't the right race.
The eternal Han is never satisfied.

I genuinely hate non-white """people""".
Stay in Asia if you want to be Asian.

Asian girls go from best to worst the moment you infect them with western culture.

is this a canadian?

God damn it, all this for a movie promotion

It destroys the purity of the body according to confucian values. I'm sure modern Chinese don't care, but doing it for muh heritage reasons is dumb.

something I can agree upon with confucian ideas? astounding!

>Imagine measuring your self worth through a movie

It’s about representation.
It’s like Black Panther. Black people needed this. Black kids needed this.
They need role models of their own. Heros of their own kind. Just so they can see that being a black kid doesn’t stop you from being a superhero.
Minority representation in Hollywood is nonexistent and it must change. Now.

Anytime someone threw bants at me for being Vietnamese I'd just throw some bants back. Chinks are such psychotic bitches.
>Hurr durr someone made an eye joke im gonna hate myself now

It's not hard when you know a lot of libshits and progressives

t. Nguyen

Imagine being asian and demanding wypipo make movies about you despite you knowing it won't sell. The jews at Hollywood don't give a shit about you if you don't make money

Just be aware that also including shaving or cutting your hair

this reminds of when I saw grumpy old men, finally, I was proud to be minnesotan

>Black people lack father figures. The solution is to make fictional movies

why do you live in your enemies land?

Just threat that you will yell Vietcong callsigns at their grandpa

So, in they end, if she would end up in all white community again, she would end up hating her own culture again, is that what it's about?

ha, and then they went too far

next you'll tell me they banned the eating of shellfish and pork


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lots of Vietnamese left Communist upheaval and terror as they gloried in their victory over the southern peoples

I feel you. As a German it was always hard in america. Making fun of our accents, the way we dress, that we have no humor. "Go back to Germany, Fritz" they said. Than Schindlers list came out and it all changed. Finally I felt proud of being German

She moved to America because her family apparently though being Chinese sucks. If she's not gonna integrate, she should move back

Has she never watched a Stephen Chow or Jackie Chan movie or something

If she hates it so much she can go back to her chink shithole

She should shut the fuck up, she is American now. If she wants to be Chinese she can go to China.

Don't you know that America is our GREATEST ally?

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it's sad how jackie chan is full communist antiwestern these days :/

dios mio...
America corrupts all peoples who tread upon it...

As far as I know, most Vietnamese like USA now, they just fucking hate China, still.

>You don't want to be Chinese anymore

she wouldn't be special there

Fuck chinks

If they grow up in a liberal paradise like California.

>hang out with white people
i hate being chinese i wanna be white ;_;
>hang out with chinese people
i hate being a banana i wanna be chinese

I can sympathyze with feeling "alien", with not really belonging in the place you lived your whole life, with feeling like an outsider, specially when around retards (afterall, it's like the Master said: "里仁为美。择不处仁,焉得知?") but public whinning of this sort is just disgusting. Seriously.
I was watching an interview with a regular chink from an youtube channel about learning mandarim and when talking about things he dislikes about foreigners he cited westerners mocking their 小眼睛 (lit. "Small eyes") and their manlet-ness. I laughed my ass off.

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Agreed my fellow Finngoloid.

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Why is it always germans and these threads? I can never tell if you people are being serious or if this is all some elaborate bait.

He wants no trabble but the bourgeois have stripped every hitehro noble profession of its halo

Its him against the bourgeois in their ladder factory

He's holding a baby in one hand and a rope the bourgeois sold him in the other

Jackie Chan is the Trabblemaker

She’s a Cantonese monkey

Very sad story and everything, but stay in Asia if you want to be asian.

Entirely missing the point.

Severely underrated

She...she does realize that there's thriving film industries in East Asian nations, right? That make good films with not one whitoid in sight?

I imagine working in Hollywood specifically and urban California in general is an exemplary way for foreigners to develop an intense hatred of Western culture and mores very quickly.

Aren't all chinks who gtfo china from the south anyway?

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whatever his problems, he got them from himself

Swap the asian crap with ‘muslim’ and you see now why these kids become terrorists. Kids being mean is inevitable. We need to make sure these idiots don’t get the opportunity to LARP muh heritage.

>films with not one whitoid in sight

Better yet: films where the only wh*tes are the villains

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>move back to ching-chong land
>no more discrimination
It's just that easy!

America and Americans are generally hated here. American is usually a pejorative.

that's interesting, are you perhaps a d*neoid?

>She...she does realize that there's thriving film industries in East Asian nations, right? That make good films with not one whitoid in sight?

But she wants one in America though and I don't blame her. It's basically impossible for minority/"any white not in the special circle or from certain parts of the Us." writers to have a chance to prove their writing chops and being an actor us even worse. One famous actor had to suck dick once to get a role.

The movie industry is cancerous in general as a rule.

Chinks hate ABC's tho

So she's fucked anywhere she goes to

She isn't American cuz she's Chinese
She isn't Chinese cuz she's American

There is no escaping from this hell

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>life is competitive and people don't get the roles that copypaste people with the same skills get


These two are just kids being assholes. Anything beyond the age of 15 is a consciously racist act, though.

Muslims are the ones bullying white kids here

This is unironically hilarious bravo whichever kids pulled that one off

>One famous actor had to suck dick once to get a role.
That's like all of them

This so much

all the buuthurt just to promote shitty books/movie.
this is the power of chinese X jew colab

A summary of confused American heritagefaggotry in 8 acts. Nice.

we are so based and redpilled.

They become terrorists because their sand religion demands it.

doubt you folks can even point us out on a map

No. I'm from the crown jewel of the world, Uppland. I hate the so*throns across the strait with a passion. Fuck sc*nians too. 1676 will happen again.

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I mean, I don't think any minority's access to film-making should require unnecessary hurdel jumping or degradation, but the Asian-American population is still only 5% or so. Barring a huge demographic shift or a (highly improbable) power grab in the media/society in general then projects like Crazy Rich Asians are going to be rare, due to relative numbers and the market imperative to cater to as wide an audience as possible.

I can't be the only one who shed a tear.

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wtf even is this ching chong bullshit


not strange that sweden has been conquered by muslims, you basically think alike


Asian kid gets tattoo, muslim kid goes radical so there definitely is a qualitative difference.

That happens when your parents dont discuss your culture with you and just hope you learn it on your own. You end up questioning your identity later in life. Also its a choice to feel marginalized in a country that's multicultural.

That's because management says it's not gonna work which works against many aspiring writers and scripts because it doesn't fit the mold.

your culture is that of the nation you belong to

You were conquered by us countless times. You have lost more wars to Sweden than any country has lost wars. Maybe you should take your swarthy southern fingers off of that keyboard and focus on not losing even more territory.

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More east asian represented=more chance of SE asians being represented.

I support her

>Also its a choice to feel marginalized in a country that's multicultural.

How so?


Why would want to be chinese in the first place?

Nation, culture and ethnicity don't neatly align fior most people.

I'm really interested in seeing how America goes if this weird race obsession shit keeps on boiling with no leader to keep it in check.