Do Japanese have souls?

Do Japanese have souls?

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fucking chinos.



They just take the old "fresh is better" to a whole new level.

more soul than germans desu

Oh no, they are killing a cold blooded reptile


Yes and demons souls is the best in the series no matter what redditors say

Yes, it's called 大和魂 (yamatodamashii)

Nothing wrong with this, the weak should fear the strong

No, I sold mine long ago to capitalism

Could you define the meaning of the word 'soul" first of all?

who cares about a stupid frog lmao

but why eat frogs? and why does it look like a balloon?

Mongoloids don't have souls.

Who cares about some stupids homo sapiens who are destroying the Earth?

Shut up secret weaboo

No, they don't. We should have conquered them like Filipinos when we had the chance.

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As expected from a frog.

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What's wrong with eating frogs?

You're only good at conquering half naked tribesmen

That's why.

what is wrong is not to eat frog, is to eat frog when it has pain.
The japanes girl seem to like it when the animal is in pain, thus she must be sadistic.

>this dog eater


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i wanna rip off ur sk*n

not no, hell no


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I wish this happened to MAGA frog posters

Nuke them

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>this kills the frog.