Why are they the best posters on Jow Forums?

Why are they the best posters on Jow Forums?

Attached: nordic-scandinavian-flags-counties-state-44878892.jpg (800x525, 46K)

Danish posters are assholes and Finnish posters are just retards. The others are good posters.

Why are other Nordic countries such crosslets?

Norwegian posters are arrogant and Swedish posters are gay. The others are good posters.

What others?

Nordic countries are the ones that shitpost the most because they have actually decent countries unlike the rest of us.


good one

finns are boring, obsessed, self absorbed, and autistic

d*nes? ha!

norweigans are mild and unassuming enough, a good quality to have when there's nothing to brag about

icelander posters are about the same

Glorious Christianity, best civilization.

You left out Swedes

>Finnish bosters are just redards

Attached: spurdo-sparde-bushs-beans-july-23-at-10-13-pm-i-1668660.png (500x389, 61K)

Danes are not good posters.

Attached: 1517582505585.png (1052x613, 572K)

the Ineffable need no introduction

you could only be so lucky to be a satellite in their sphere

Fug yea :DD

Attached: wmxytCc_d.jpg (640x550, 40K)

They are the gayest posters on Jow Forums.

I'm glad they're being replaced by my black brothers

You're Asian with zero black admixture if you're Northern Italian and Turkish Black (one drop rule) if you're from Southern Italy. I guess it's the latter?

Attached: One-Drop-Rule-Onyx-Truth-620x400.jpg (620x400, 54K)

fuck the danes but otherwise idk but i love em

Attached: copenhagenpls.png (856x409, 618K)

Redpill me on Latvian flag, what was the idea? Why the colours?

quite literally the same backstory as the austrian flag

You'd love to choke on some Nordic cock till you fainted.

most swedes are funny
norwegians are ok
finns are annoying as fuck

Can't handle Finnish banter?

he's put to sleep by it