Why the West of the USA is so superior to the East?

Why the West of the USA is so superior to the East?

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they are only significantly superior in one respect, being fags, oh, and catching fire

they're fucking not

Because we're more liberal.

better weather, but it's so expensive here bro let me tell you

It's more sparsely populated and they have mountains (actual mountains, not shitty meme hills)

The more civilized society the more fags it has, nothing special here. Also they do things. What produce East? Shitty rap?

Yes, i know it, but it's a "price" of being developed

Finances from across the world channel through the centers of business of the east coast to name only one thing of vital importance to the nation, industries are too many count out this way, every kind of manufacturing exists, and you don't have to steal water from across three states to feed them

So the East create National Debt?

english you good not

Yes i'm not do indeed correct. What are you good at tho?

Let's get this straight, the west coast is NOT better than the east coast. And the east coast is better than the interior east. HOWEVER, the interior west is by far the best place to live in the entire world.

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This house is crooked

its on a hill

It does not change the fact

The interior west is geographically gorgeous but filled with backwards ass yokels.

Isn't the same for whole America?

They keep to themselves so why does it matter

that's a backward way of thinking, they often enjoy a standard of living far above that of the average uncouth slob in southern california

spoiler that shit

Is it really? I thought Arizona for example isn’t anywhere near as bad as Tennessee

Depends on where in Arizona I guess but I was thinking more like Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, etc.

Also Tennessee is a little less shitty than some other southern states. Not much but a little.

Arizona isn't what I think he's trying to refer to, that state is a gem of a travel destination. Interesting fact, one of the bridges that sat over the Thames hundreds of years ago now lives in Arizona

Tennessee isn't a southern state, do you know anything about this country?

I wasn't talking about the West coast but states like Montana or Idaho, they look really comfy. I had to live in America I'd probably live there.

Of course Tennessee is southern you bellend. Kentucky is the one people often call southern but isn't.

Why? You could live in the safest, whitest, most French, most rural, and among the most beautiful state.

You'd get bored and lonely and off yourself. I don't know why Jow Forums romanticizes living in the middle of nowhere so much but there's a reason most people don't do it.

Maine? Idaho and Montana are much prettier than Maine

Attached: idaho county.jpg (1500x972, 227K)

>American education

Why would you get bored? There's tons of stuff to do. The only thing to do in a city is pay someone else to do things for you. What a miserable way to live.

A lot of rich people live in northern Idaho. There's a lot of lakes here, tons of offroading, cool small towns with subcultures etc.

Attached: Priest_Lake_in_Idaho.jpg (1200x545, 480K)

The Canadians on here all have huge hard-ons for Maine, I've noticed. I've never been there so I couldn't say why.

>tfw the west is only superior because the American population there is still sparse, and a growing population will inevitably ruin it because Americans have no respect for the environment

It's all protected land, you can't live on federal property.

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Like the white power subculture? I know the Aryan Nations compound in Hayden is no longer active but a bunch of the people are surely still there.

Tennessee, Kentucky, what's the difference?

I really like Idaho and Montana but no landlocked state can be the most beautiful. Different people like different types of scenery. I like the foggy old growth forest meeting the iron-bound cliffs of the coast with wild dark seas crashing below. Mountains and rolling prairies are a poor substitute. Although Maine has mountains too and rolling barrens.

One is southern. The other is not.

But you can still produce pollution on it. Whenever Americans go to enjoy nature, they can't just tent, they need to pull a house sized camper trailer somewhere; and they can't just hike, they must dirtbike or offroad; and they can't just row or sail, they must motorboat. Everything you dicks do for recreation uses up resources, makes noise and produces pollution.

Yeah we've got those, but nobody likes them. I'm talking about towns like Sandpoint, a city stuck in the 1970s. Everybody there dresses like hippies and drives old cars, the streets are filled with skateboard, snowboard, and bike shops. Or down to Coeur D' alene, which is basically the miami of the northwest.

you're insufferable

Yeah, maybe we should autistically whine about nature causing pollution too. Did you know that our forests are severely prone to wildfires? It's a shame that if we don't pollute with our loud chainsaws and log them then it'll look like this. 20 dirt bikes in a 300 mile radius is nothing man, let them have fun.

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to each their own i guess. For me it's the mountains

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You are aware of the difference between trees and fossil fuels, right?

yeah, one comes out the back of my muffler and goes way up into the atmosphere, the other blocks out the sun and causes health issues. Why does it matter if i ride my motorycle in the woods? the CO2 isn't going to stick around, it's no worse than driving a car back in the city, both pollutants go to the same place. Smoke however is heavy and it sticks around.

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No, the difference is one is composed of carbon that's only been bound into plants in the last few decades, and is therefore part of the atmospheric and therefore climatic conditions of the recent past, and the other is composed of carbon that's been bound underground for millions of years and is disrupting the atmospheric composition now. Wildfires happen every year regardless of human presence. Burning fossil oil however is completely unintended in the natural cycles of the world.

Yes but we burn fossil fuels in the form of chainsaws and logging equipment when we prevent forest fires, some recreational vehichles in the area do nothing compared to what logging companies do. But it has to be done, otherwise we get dangerous fires. For you to complain about something as little as maybe 5000 people in an area the size of your country riding around on dirt bikes is simply autistic.

I know, that's why I said "If I had to move". The best thing about America is all of the almost untouched nature, although i'm afraid that they will ruin it with their urban sprawl and fast population growth.

I live in the suburbs of Paris, it's quite depressing here. And idk how you could get bored to the point of killing yourself.

Why is the coast of California owned by the bureau of land management ?

The entire California coast is protected because it's pretty. The harbors of LA and SF are in bays and those are not protected.

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hey mister european, this is the east coast, you can stop worrying your tits about our nature, thanks

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Yeah it is autistic, but the low number doesn't make it right. Somebody's gotta complain. Also the dirtbikes are only of many things. There's also motorboats, jetskis, beach buggies, mud trucks, ATVs, and then there's the endless road traffic, you guys seem incapable of doing anything without engines attached.

Both are pretty nice imo, though the East coast contains a lot more flyovers.

It makes sense to complain in germany because you have limited nature but here it's basically infinite so stop complaining please

Attached: California dirt bike.jpg (2048x1365, 392K)

>but here it's basically infinite
That's what you think, but the next moment it might be ruined. Also climate concerns the entire world. Atmospheric emissions produced by selfish cunts in the US don't stay in the US.

If you care about the environment so much, then why don't you stop using electricity. That comes from fossil fuels

Not always, and it doesn't need to ever.

The trucks that fix the powelines are using fossil fuels, there's a reason to stop using electricity.

They can't ruin much of it. It's federally protected

Did you know that over 50% of Americans hate California?