Can we have an Jow Forums foods thread?

can we have an Jow Forums foods thread?

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Is that sauteed liver?

meat and polenta veneta

that meat looks depressing.

thats what we traditionally eat on Sunday for some reson: pork cutlet and chicken soup

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pork shank baked in sour kraut and red bell peppers paste.

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Any lamb man in?

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it's golaž, have you never had golaž before?

looks good

it doesn't resemble goulash. pic related looks more like goulash

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Just ate some liver casserole
food of the gods

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>shit with frozen pee

Is that a toad?


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The finnish kitchen upsets me

nip' za'

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what the FUCK is that
you should be outraged at this sight

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typical lunch/dinner for me

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Men altså, Karl-Ove...


unironically would

What's the yellow thing?

Rolled handmade corn tortilla, filled with tender chicken meat, gently fried in vegetable oil, served with fresh lettuce and acid soft cream, accompanied with a spicy dressing made of the finest green tomatoes and peppers from the summer harvest in the valleys of Western Mexico.

*Italian chef kiss*

Attached: Fried chicken tacos.jpg (1100x729, 82K)

sharp cheddar

>Berries, cheese, almonds and a bar of chocolate.

Not bad, somewhat healthy.

Is that yoghurt?

Is that raw meat?


every country has nice or at least interesting food and we just have this

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