can we have an Jow Forums foods thread?
Can we have an Jow Forums foods thread?
Is that sauteed liver?
meat and polenta veneta
that meat looks depressing.
thats what we traditionally eat on Sunday for some reson: pork cutlet and chicken soup
pork shank baked in sour kraut and red bell peppers paste.
Any lamb man in?
it's golaž, have you never had golaž before?
looks good
it doesn't resemble goulash. pic related looks more like goulash
Just ate some liver casserole
food of the gods
>shit with frozen pee
Is that a toad?
The finnish kitchen upsets me
nip' za'
what the FUCK is that
you should be outraged at this sight
typical lunch/dinner for me
Men altså, Karl-Ove...
unironically would
What's the yellow thing?
Rolled handmade corn tortilla, filled with tender chicken meat, gently fried in vegetable oil, served with fresh lettuce and acid soft cream, accompanied with a spicy dressing made of the finest green tomatoes and peppers from the summer harvest in the valleys of Western Mexico.
*Italian chef kiss*
sharp cheddar
>Berries, cheese, almonds and a bar of chocolate.
Not bad, somewhat healthy.
Is that yoghurt?
Is that raw meat?
every country has nice or at least interesting food and we just have this