Great movies edition
Other urls found in this thread:
anime edition
>leaf editions
speaking of which..
>gayniggers edition
>posted by a leaf
>t. Gaynigger from outer space
my dad implied that i watch people fuck eachother online but the jokes on him because i only watch solo trannies
why leafs on /cum/ unironically think they're funny?
I hate niggers and you should too
what a nice face :)
>t. Gaynigger from outerspace
still better than anime editions
it's a special form of autism
>296 posts
she looks lazy
>still better than anime editions
want some??
from the planet anus
daincuck btfo
inaccurate picture
Yeah I'm racist
So what
>tfw you singlehandedly stopped a half dozen mexican, """dane""" and anime editions
Very important question: are you white?
No. I am a nigger
Kill yourself spic
I don't actually like anime.
didn't realize it was you
I actually like anime
i have various forms of your picture on my hard-drive
Your picture suggests the opposite is true.
i don't watch anime but i like saving anime pics
someone please give me a (You)
truly a BASED black man
Pretty much all of anime is garbage. 99%. Only watch the wholesome ones.
...and that would be?...
never found orentiations to be orienting
Why are animefags so racist?
W-what picture are you talking about
post your favorite anime reaction pics so i can steal them
ive never watched an anime tv show but i liked my neighbor totoro
fantastic movie narrated by disney in english
となりのトトロ ^_^
Extremist ideologies tend to attract societal outcasts, while anime tends to be popular among losers.
*plans to give Denny a (You)*
i like this one
>Pretty much all of anime is garbage. 99%. Only watch the wholesome ones.
film's literally unwatchable.
>The film follows a group of intergalactic homosexual black men from the planet Anus, who discover the presence of female creatures on planet Earth. Using rayguns, they proceed to eliminate females one by one from Earth, eliciting gratitude from the previously oppressed male population.[1] Before leaving the planet, they leave behind a "Gay Ambassador" to educate the Earthlings about their new way of life.
i was surpise to research this film is real!
Is she from Love Live?
It's Danish what do you expect
Truly a great plot from our friend Denmark
Nothing to do.
what were you doing one hour ago?
sitting on a bench
sitting on the floor
Drying in the cold sun
sitting far away from that spot because a bunch of poos invaded
unironically racist against pajeets
why are dravidians so ugly? punjabs look ok
Yeah I hate niggers too
>punjabs look ok
Pajeet plz, you all look terrible
i'm white, and i said ok compared to dravidians, who don't really even look human
>i'm white
Yeah sure
Is Ryan here?...
Received 2 filtered (You)s and yes they are from love live
Jews? No, not a fan
Nothing wrong in being black
>Nothing wrong in being black
And yet blacks are always wrong
Have something I want to show Ryan...
Niggers look and smell like poopy
Want to be a prepper but I don't have any money or even a job
When I was in University most of my gook friends wouldn't sit next to niggers for this reason.
you dont have to be lonely
at gaijin only dot com
Based Asians. Wish I didn't have to those poopskins every time I walk outside my home desu
And niggers are really fucking racist
Yes I never realized how racist slants are until I dated one
I've heard niggers say some pretty racist things about whites and Asians to their faces, and none of them chimped out.
>nigger noises in the other room
i want urkel to leave
>autistic grunting coming from my room
I want urkel to stay
God I hate when niggers blast their chimp music from their car.
oh my fucking got i really have to take a dump
ill let you be my pepper omnomnomnomnom
i want all tripfags to die
This but also namefags too
el...... atrocidad
I sure do love me some of that nigger "music" been listening to this for a while
Damn it's good
I want Ryan to come!
Negro melodies? no, not a fan
la creatura..............
Don't understand how anyone could like nigger "music"