>one chance at life

>born a jordanian pooskin, literally the worst middle eastern ethnicity
>tfw i'll never be lebanese or persian

why does god hate me so much?

Attached: jordan_flag.gif (270x148, 37K)

god hates arabs
kill yourself roach

post skin

all the same don't worry

Attached: Q.png (2000x1139, 223K)


my skin isnt actually dark but im still a j*rdanoid subhuman

all Jordanians should kill themselves

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thats completely false, there are very large differences between nearly all of these countries.

>I will never be levantine

If you are from west jordania you should be some kind of levantine?
The arabic dialect maps say you speak levantine arabic like western syrians and lebanese.

>my skin isnt actually dark
what a liar desu

unironically agreed
this land would be better used in the hands of someone else

Or are you in the yellow?

Attached: Qfi_Infographic_Mother-Language_Final.jpg (1024x708, 590K)

accept yourselves unto the fair and just rule of bashar al-assad

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being levantine isnt enough tbqh, i wanna be lebanese specifically. their country is literally the only place in the levant which isn't completely soulless.

>The arabic dialect maps say you speak levantine arabic like western syrians and lebanese.

thats true but it's not exactly the same, while we do share almost all our vocabulary and grammar and stuff, south levantine (jordan and palestine) sounds totally different from syrian/lebanese levantine and not in a good way. people here pronounce shit with a hard g and make ugly throat noises while talking, it's awful.

my skin is actually pale, it just doesn't make a difference since you can still tell im an arab based on my features

although bashar is better than the islamist rebels he still sucks.

Whats good about lebs or persians?

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>my skin is actually pale
d r o p p e d
arabs are just like discount second hand wh*tes

No one wants jordanian land except welfare crazy jews.

well, their countries actually have some semblance of soul and culture for one and aren't just empty shithole husks.

Please nuke Jordan
End our misery

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>the only place in the levant that isnt soulless
You cant mean the economy by that or you would point to israel. You cant mean the landscape as you also seem to got a fair amount of mountainous shrubland like lebs, google pics shows both of your cities are messy beige blocscapes so if its not about the surrounding its something about the mentality?

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rude and mean

are you sure? we have a pond with salty water and a few old buildings. surely that's worth something?

the mentality and culture, yeah. from what i've seen lebanon at least seems to have some semblence of a civilized society, and people over there can actually feel proud of being lebanese.

over here, everyone is needlessly violent and vulgar. for example: taxi drivers will try to scam you out of extra money, and when you refuse to pay it they'll threaten you in their ugly monkey dialect saying that they'll bring over their 6 cousins from some tribal shithole village to beat you up and shank you unless you pay.

universities here suck and their degrees aren't worth the paper they're printed on. many graduates here come out of university without learning anything at all and end up being completely incompetent. when i was in high school i had my physics teacher (masters in physics) tell me that mecca was the center of the earth and that the kaaba shoots out a constant beam of radiation into heaven. i also had my mathematics teacher (also a masters degree holder) insist that it's possible to divide by zero.

men here are obsessed with looking macho and manly to the point where it's embarrassing, if you even dare do something that bothers them they'll make a big deal out of it and try to start a fight since in their minds that's the "manly" thing to do.

>we have a pond with salty water
Not for long since Israelis are consuming the dead sea like how Locust consume crops

I don't like Jordan either. Jordanians aren't my friends, unlike Palestinians, Kurds and Saharans.

Attached: middle east family tree arabia.jpg (1092x732, 261K)

Lebanon is CUTE.

>tfw the dead sea is gonna turn into dead valley

Doesn't Jordan have a based king?

god i wish middle easterners actually looked this cute irl

hes alright i guess.

Based and redpilled

they do

Well look on the bright side, atleast you are not a s*udi

>atleast you are not a s*udi
We are under their control though
If they asked us to embargo Canada, the Jordanian government would do it

begome one of the syrian states for a levantine union :DDDD

yes please
levantine union when

gotta love how Syria and assyria are grumpy

>selfhate threads
(for real tho i am sure your country is nice)

>no civic society, tribal ambush in the cab
Did many villagers rush to the small towns that only then turned to cities, or how does it come that there is no cultural landscape and basic solidarity`?
Do old people say it was always like this?

>questionable education
Sucks balls. Some people say online education will become bigger in the future and pay to learn sites besides online colleges are a thing already afterall. Do some people turn to these more now or is that an unknown fringe yet?
Incompetent institutions should drive people to that afterall.

>Chad bullies me
Not nice when ti becomes desperate posturing and ruins peoples days without reason, but you also dont wanna be like us and end up adopting your more violent neighboors behaviour on the surface (a lot of our slangwords have been invented by a turkish understanding of our grammar) hoping that the masculinity rubs off on you.
If you happen to be a more timid arab then you are probably on a middleground and picked your friends acordingly.

What do you think about Russians?

>when i was in high school i had my physics teacher (masters in physics) tell me that mecca was the center of the earth and that the kaaba shoots out a constant beam of radiation into heaven
good post

cringe thread.

this isn't the incel venting board, go make a discord with thin 15cm bulgarian, pakicel, gay finn, the schizoid jap, all the mentally ill canadians who think they're going to get girlfriends by spamming threads on Jow Forums and jorge or fuck off to Jow Forums.

Reminder to nuke us out of existence

things could be worse. you could be american.
honestly just come to america, no one will be able to tell the difference, you can just say you're lebanese

why do you want to be born a majoos?

lmao and the second anyone posts a picture of a light-skinned arab, fucks like you will go ""hurr durr she looks italian""

Fuck off
you don't know shit how living conditions are in here