Post you are hobbies

Post you are hobbies.

I'm a drawfag.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gardening, homebrewing, winemaking, vidya, language autism.

Videogames, guns, motorcycles, cars, and self sufficiency (e.g. preparing for the end of the world, but "prepper" has a bad connotation)

drawfag as well

Me too, Miguel, me too...

Anime watcher and Videogame Player.

I have no skills and my hobbies are all lame.

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YouTube and writing. What do you draw?

Hunting and fishing

I play chess

I literally have no other hobbies

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I play Exodus riffs in my basement when I'm bored and used to be good at drawing
Well it's something at least

Sounds like a zoomer.

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I like film a lot. Not mainstream normie films (though some are ok). Dont know if thats a hobby though.

That one yours?

I draw and paint

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amateur entomology

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videogames and Jow Forums only at the moment

Do you draw for pathology books?

i've been meaning to learn to draw but I'm worthless lazy trash so I haven't

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I read comics, books, play videogames, listen to music, travel overseas to go to concerts. I got into gunpla 3 years ago on my first trip to Tokyo, I don't like Gundam but I like to build model kits. I collect books and CDs. I like history, but that's part of reading books.

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post your work boys

Tried to draw Kafuru. Didn't go well.

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any advice on how to do bargue plates?
what should i be getting out of doing them?

hey, pretty decent

Any films you'd like to rec?
I wish.
I would fucking love to be able to afford GunPlas.

Used to be a drawfag too, until my PC turned to shit and university started.

Things I enjoy are first and foremost travelling, but also going to the gym, trying new food and reading non-fiction books. I write short stories that I self-publish and I like playing poker. My favorite sports are snowboarding, indoor football/futsal and table tennis.

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Thanks, Have a random waifu i never finished like anything else i do.

I really should buy B pencils.

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In Japan they are cheap as fuck. The average price is 1000 yens (10 dollars). I got hooked and I bought a lot.

have this unfinished fat japanese woman I drew

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Some big texture work

Nope it's just a bargue plate

You can get the whole course online, look up the da Vinci initiative site for a tldr lesson on it

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I draw, play the accordion, suck at guitar, work on/shitpost about cars and code, although the latter is more out of necessity than enjoyment at this point


Just trying to earn money and enjoy myself

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Fuck, I lost all the shit I drawn on Illustrator.

also drawfag
hello brother

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>tfw no hobby and never had any

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How do i learn drawing? I'm really bad at it, i have some ideas but my skills are on the level of q 8 year old little girl, probably worse.

art fag in general
I feel like when you're into drawing (whatever media it may be)
you tend to try other shit like sculpting or whatever.
some are lucky fucks who can even into music.

great fucking drawing btw

Vidya and I dabble in blacksmithing

Pirate Keys to Drawing and/or Drawing on the Right Side of Brain. Focus on the exercises.
Your big milestone is to learn to copy properly and get rid of symbol drawing. You'll notice a gigantic improvement. Then it's just the matter of gitting guder, bit by bit and very slowly.

Post channel


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Home brewing to.

Guns, and flying

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I like to run, actually trying to reach the goal of complete a marathon

Working out, firearms (historical and novel), home distilling

>Canadian who likes flying

No heroin or other better opiates avaible. So i have to inject this.

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Si pic related lo hiciste vos, sos un hijo de puta y te re envidio, como me gustaria tener ese talento lrptm.

Certified internet celebrity

Just finished a new project, releasing tomorrow. I've been in a slump. YouTube is unrewarding and annoying, but useful. I'll use my channel to promote my book, and I'll use my book to promote my channel. Trying to come up with a new format; my old style is tiring, and I'm losing my mind, so everything sounds autistic.

This, for example. How the hell can I make videos like these 1. Seriously, without sounding retarded 2. Consistently?
Rambling better suits my topics, but videos need POINTS. I can't just sit and ramble, but I've been ramble-thinking for months. Plus, every hour I spend staring at my editing software is an hour not spent finishing my fucking book, the only thing that could potentially make me ANY money. What the hell am I supposed to do?

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Gym and meme-making

A fucking GRID. Copy shit from a fucking grid. Goddamn, that was the most important thing i learned in my life at fourth grade in some god forsaken cheap book. Holy shit, i'm forever grateful with the based dude who included that lesson in said book.

Who would have thought that i could copy a complex drawing by simply copying smaller and simpler pieces of it each by each. I was amazed with the result, and every other thing i've ever done has been derivative from this technique.

To learn to draw, simply imagine a grid over an object you wish to draw. Start with real life simple objects. Once you know you can copy them, try to understand their depth and perspective, i.e, imagine the grid again, but angled. When you have something that looks more or less like what you want, look at the overall picture and the relation of some parts with others to make fixes.

I learn languages and make bo-ring videos

Nothing. I just browse all day and stifle through you tube recommended videos consuming the most mindless of media imaginable (top 10, biographies ect). Stay at home moms tuning into Jermery Kyle are consider intellectuals compared to me.

I am trying to get into reading as I enjoy history and just learning new things in general, but it is hard to have the motivation to finish a book despite having no issues reading. I enjoy the content once I get started too.

Grids are pretty much tracing
t. your average /ic/ crab

practicing drawfag, robotics (or electronic related stuff), coding, swimming, reading, vidya, sometimes math or physics.

videogames and listening to music
and reading online articles about anything really

draw a box has free drawing lessons and teaches art fundamentals (though you should think of the lessons as your launch into the art world so don't think you're done once you finish all lessons). afterwards, go for loomis.

That's it, I'm gonna start drawing again tomorrow

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Height, weight, bench, and length

>only 2 people here have language learning as a hobby


Nothing more relaxing and fun in the world. Keeps me in shape as well.

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I do puzzles in the 1000 - 2000 piece range. I play pool and snooker. Other than that I don't know. Video games maybe

Reading (currently 2/3 of the way with necromancer and 1/3 of the way with anathem), gyming, photography and working on my golf game.

Keepigg froggos and building vivarium. Sold all my frogs and took down my tank recently cuz im upgrading.

Also vidya

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Forgot about this desu. Feels more like studies but it is a hobby so

*neuromancer not necromancer

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my man. also what cyberpunk novels would you recommend? read do androids dream of electric sheep and didn't like the ending. necromancer was a great read for me.

pic related

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I like painting

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I like the first and fourth. Do you show or sell them?


1 and 4 are great.

Thank you. And yes I sell sometimes on local art gatherings etc.

Im not very deep into cyberpunk outside of the classics but
>the sprawl trilogy
Havent read the last two but have heard really good things about them. especially Mona Lisa overdrive
>Snowcrash + diamond age
most people either hate Stephenson or have read all his books. Snowcrash is somewhat a parody of cyberpunk and has no real characters but if you haven't read it id check it out as its a great page turner
>Hard scifi classic - Rama
I really liked Rama II and have the original on kindle but haven't popped it open yet. The problem with Clark is he will have chapters on his characters which arnt that well fleshed out when his strength is really great world building and abstract concepts.

>helping a g*Rman

THankfully your advice is sticky tier

Lifting weights, learning Spanish, learning touch typing, learning Ubuntu command line, metal vocals.

killing hitchhikers