Save the white south Africans.
Save the white south Africans
Is this some kind of new meme on this board?
Africa is for black African.
Do you think white South African girls are begging black officials to let their family keep their land? Maybe, they are trying their hardest to convince them...
Who is America for?
But white south Africans have lived there for generations
You wouldn't say same about ainu
>go to africa
>genocide the natives
>enslave the rest for generations
>free them under international pressure
>natives exact revenge
>hurr durr pls save us wypipo
no lol
Meh, dont want to
Why are Americans so fucked in the head?
That's not at all what happened
You are pushing a false narrative
South africa has been built by whites therefore at the very least they have the right to stay live there freely
Fucking hell, the number of peiple in this thread using "white" instead of Afrikaner really reveals how little they actually know about the subject.
>white people built it
This is as cringy as roleplaying as your country. If you mean the "white people" as a ruling class, it sure as hell wasnt the ones that still live in South Africa, they all left the country long ago. Anf if you mean as a working class, you'd in complete delusions.
yeah its not like the natives were living in huts and runing around naked,and the reason its civilized nowadays is because white people arrived there and started building it up
Does it justified any of it ? And once again, the ones that stayed in SA sure as hell arent descendants of the wealthy and powerful.
Shitskin brainwashed by colonial theory
>Fucking hell, the number of peiple in this thread using "white" instead of Afrikaner really reveals how little they actually know about the subject.
>There are no whites of British stock in S.Africa
I agree that Africa should be for blacks and arabs,but the fact that whites from SA are being prosecuted and driven out of a land that they have inhabited for hundreds of years and that their ancestors have built is just wrong
i don't give a shit about whites but the indians in south africa are also rich and will become a target once SA is done with whites. our government should start telling them to move their assets here.
He's sort of right they average around 5% Sub-Saharan African DNA.
>that means they are black
basado y rojopildorado
I agree with that, my problem was mainly with the previous stuff that you posted. Im not going to act like there definitely isnt a discrimination that goes on the other way now.
>that means they are black
I said sort of you fucking retard and did you forget you live in one drop land.
Zimbabwe 2.0?
Are you mocking your own language?
This. They unironically brought it upon themselves.
Well the b*ntu genocided the natives first. So they deserved it as well desu
Chinks are laughing at both. Just curious what American sjws are saying about this.
They should have learned from you americans and putt the bantus on an african trail of tears
When I was in America I told people I was from Johannesburg. Got a lot of racist people telling me how much they sympathized with me, and asking me how bad it was in South Africa for whites.
America should accept the white south African refugees
no fuck whites
Only good post itt
Italians are white
only germanic rapebabbies
All Italians are white
Yes even Sicilians, neopolitans, and Sardinians
America should accept refugees period. Not just take in an island nation tier number each year, like fucking Australia or Japan.
That's a jew from Israel
No only white south Africans
We get to pick and choose Mr cuckold swede
jews are italians
No they are not
yes it's been proven by genetics
Ill reiterate no they are not
They are are however flooding your countries with shitskin invaders
but its a white world misha
Hope you like famine too, then.
Retards that can't even take care of themselves shouldn't ask for power.
The white south africans will be just fine, they can go back to Europe or whatever.
The real question is who the farmland will go to--corrupt govt crony shits, or actual competent black farmers? My money is on the corrupt govt crony shits. But hey, I've been surprised before.
No. They will pay for colonization crimes.
>bringing the banter about colonization, after all they've done to their neightbours
>competent black farmers
No such thing.
Right after we save the black Europeans.