Be daughter Hungary's prime minister

>leave a bag of shit in Croatia

This is for 1848, you fuckers

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Other urls found in this thread:č_prst_skrz_krk

> "kći" is a word
The state of slavs


Is that the same as the Arab Sharmota?

You're like a little baby. Watch this:č_prst_skrz_krk

Attached: без гласных.png (1124x299, 16K)

why do all Slavs hate vowels?

Fuck consonant clusters

Eastern Slavs and Bulgarians don't. As you move further west, consonant autism intensifies with Czech language being the worst in this regard.

Sramota means shame.

ah ok

One would think Hungary would want Croatia on it's side, you know, because of the problems with the eu

The whole title reads:
A shame! Orban's daughter has thrown a garbage bag by the road in Croatia.

>A shame! Orban's daughter has thrown a garbage bag by the road in Croatia
Is it a literal bag of shit like OP implied?

No just a plastic bag with trash in it

It's funny how Janezes pretend that they don't understand Croatian at all yet suddenly they become almost like native speakers when it's necessary (especially when they can earn money).

That’s pretty hot

It's a diaper

>pick it up, horvátboy

Attached: orbanmafia.jpg (700x624, 68K)

Croatia should be in a personal union under an Árpad MAGYAR KANG

your indian heritage is showing, gypsy

>Prd krt skrz drn

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Wew lad.

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please vocaroo it

in slavic languages, consonants can play the part of vowels in specific situations


pelena = diaper
so not a literal bag of shit
1. arpads are all dead
2. hungary's not a monarchy
3. if anyone has a legit claim to a hypothetical croatian crown, its the von habsburgs

Pftuuu! Shame on her!

pretty sure all eastern euros do this

wait till they clone St. István, they already have his hand. It's just a matter of time until Orbán has access to black market chinese test-tube cloning technology

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>tfw you cuck the hungarian manlets out of their revolution and make them lose all relevance for the rest of european history in the aftermath

its KAISERLICHE und KONINGLICHE ok magyar? gott erhalte unser kaiser

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Hungarian is not a Slavic language, dumbass.
It's fucking alien.

hungarian shits better stay out of this lads way

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R is basically a vowel desu

a "kći" magyar szó? agyhalott fasz

t. Tvtrko Krvmljević

Based and redpilled


slavic languages are superior because you write it like you say it

simple as

Szarbán is a gipsy and so is his family.

I dont speak that shit.
Currently on a train to Bratislava and can't wait to leave the smelly shithole that is Hungary.
Fucking hell, I didn't know an open air near a river with a slight breeze can smell worse than a enclosed smoking room until I attended that holiday yesterday.

>implying you wouldn't drown in pussy if you had a chin like that

but how could that be, he has all of his teeth and doesn't smell like cigarettes, presumably

hvala vuku stefanoviću karadžiću za bazirano piši kao što govoriš, čitaj kao što je napisano



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oprosti, ali crpcka mitomanija i memepovijest me ne interesiraju

I suppose you're not slovak either because you would've recognized a slavic language in the op pic that is croatian

Lol he is still a gipsy.

t. madjarsko spisoslovlie korienskog harhvatskog jezika

>this is a language

what the fuck

>t. jezik mu je doslovno izmislio Ljudevit Gaj
tzv. "srpski" jezik ne postoji, ijekavica je hrvatski jezik standardiziran od strane Hrvata i vodja ilirskog narodnog preporoda (niti jedan smrdin nije sudjelovao) i (naravno) ukraden od strane nepismenih smrda
>tonguelets can't pronounce this

fucking hell sounds like some alien bug language.

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>starčević mu piše na ekavici

i refuse to believe this is a real language

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away with you vile alien

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aj daj sjedaj vise na traktorce i brm brm iz ovog konca

ne kuzim kaj ste tak opsjednuti hrvatima ne moze niti jedan konac koji iole ima veze sa hrvatima proci bez da se neki usrani smrdin ne zavali i pocne srat o svojoj govnjavoj povijesti i trulom raspalom narodu

samo se nadovezo na iskaz da su slovenski jezici usklađeni s pismom
šta ti se odmah guza razdrmala l0l

Igen vad?
Du beter dig väldigt konstigt

what a bunch of kurva anyatoks am i right or am i right???

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