Identity Evropa

>Identity Evropa
>filled with brown, soied up manlets

What did Americans mean by this?

Attached: LOPFGroup.jpg (5184x1800, 838K)

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what the fuck why are they so short

some absolute specimens in that photo ahahaha

so these are the manlets who call you a soyboy/cuck on the internet

Attached: 1512738336885.jpg (1375x749, 125K)

>not a single man over 6 ft

Attached: 1533942151439.png (500x480, 217K)

Imagine being a 195 cm nordic man with blonde hair there, would stand out like a sore thumb while the others being passive aggressive and pissy towards you.


>filled with

sin la luz

Why are americans heading a European identity movement?

cmon that has to be fake
no way they are all sub 6' and mixed that has to be a university band photo or something

>the ones that aren't manlets have bad facial features and fat/skelington
>the ones with good facial features are manlets

They aren't, it has French origins. They are quite active in Austria as well. And most European countries have factions.

Attached: GI.jpg (3872x2592, 854K)

It's on the front page if you scroll some

So what's their deal? Do they pretend to be European when most of them probably never even lived there for a longer period of time?

1,84m/6'+ guys are all working nice jobs and spending their free time with their family and friends. It's the sad little hobgoblins who sit around obsessed with some ancestral connection to another continent and blame the loss of 18th and 18th century customs and culture for their inability to get the things they feel entitled to by virtue of having an Irish great×4 grandad.

They descended from Europeans, what's hard to understand? The US European population is rapidly being replaced by Hispanics similar to how European population here is being replaced by Muslims.

Noticed most white nationalists movements have a lot of non-whites. Lots of Algerians and white men with beurette wives in the far-right French movements

>filled with brown, soied up manlets
Southern Europe is still Europe.

This is as far left as you can get on the right side of the political spectrum though.

oh my, it is
I figured that most a segment of the nationalist retards but this whole group, every one, is like you said. Damn. Pathetic.

>The US European population is rapidly being replaced by Hispanics
Judging by that picture, that's already happened

>southern europe is filled with mexicans

If my ancestors were Aborigines I wouldn't pretend to be one since I lived in Europe all my life and have literally no connection to these people except maybe through my blood. It just makes you look like a person who has nothing going on in their lives so you pretend to be something "special".

>not a single man over 6 ft
The one guy by the door.

>non of them are blonde

Attached: shutterstock_338992685[1].jpg (1000x667, 77K)

>southern europe is filled with mexicans
>t.never seen a Mexican

Mate, half of that picture is Mexicans

>t. mexican

Why are they all wearing khakis, suits. What's the projection here? Look at us, we're so clean cut, hard working, decent.
Looking like a corporate henchman is identical to being white now?

Attached: my wife is.png (64x254, 32K)

it's the american way

No I actually look like one of you fucks but I live around Mexicans. Most clearly have native ancestry it's not just that they are brown. These people most likely have southern Euro ancestry. Hell even the frogs and Irish can be swarthy.

Height aside they honestly don't look that bad. The larpware is cringey though.

I've noticed the same with Nordic far right movements.
picrel but they look more like Mormon missionaries.

im fine with them as long as they don't LARP as Aryans and ruin the image of my ancestors

t. 1.94 m aryan blooded male

forgot pic

Attached: nordfrontSAJT-LARGE.jpg (1080x720, 165K)

>absolute specimens

it's to look structured/organized, unlike the pseudo businessmen in the OP pic

>No I actually look like one of you fucks
>t. Juan Pablo de la Rosa Ramirez

>These people most likely have southern Euro ancestry
Yeah I'm sure you can find a 100% white European somewhere in their family tree but that doesn't mean they're not el horror

Re-branding, so they don't get associated with skinheads and pic related

Attached: national_socialist_movement_usa_desktop_background_by_themistrunsred-d4xdfkr.jpg (1000x663, 201K)

So this is pol

it would be like in that Russian bodybuilder video

Is this the ‘avenging my sisters black bf’ club?

Why are leftists itt so mentally ill and obsessed with race? GI/IE has nothing to do with being aryan or having blonde hair wtf.

What is it about then?

link to this video?

Third from the left is such a qt

if you look to the left you see a bowl full of what seems to be american US Dollar

t. Algerian

Identity lol. European identity.

>you don't have to be a european to identify as one

Attached: 1531089688164.png (744x851, 363K)

>Identity Evropa
2 girls out of 60 people, one of which is definitely someon's mum
4 girls out of 9 and one is a qt

Are skinheads the chads of dumbasses?

Only Dolph Lundgren is white

>picrel but they look more like Mormon missionaries.
Trying to distance themselves from the poor, backwoods, southern fried white trash.

So this is what manlets do to cope

Well I cannot deny he comes close to the most stereotypical superhuman

Why don’t they do so by becoming tall, buff and have succesful social lives and careers?

>you don't have to be a european to identify as one
>All Europeans are blond and 6 foot tall
Your own country isn't all blond

>Dolph Lundgren
Damn I wish I looked like him, this nigga has the best genetics

>Your own country isn't all blond
Never said it was Juan, but its definitely not mexican lol

Yes, that's definitely gonna stop the complete change in demographics and culture that's happening in both the US and Europe.

>Why don’t they do so by becoming tall
Explain how that can happen
>, buff
Some do like gym rat buff
>and have succesful social lives
No clue but this is kind of an autistic social life. Similar to bronies.
> and careers?
Some obviously do.

They should stop identifying as goofy suit and Hitlerjugend hair losers

>it’s not white nationalism!!
>but their goal is stopping ethnic change of US population

>More blonde than you, ahmed

Attached: 9s8m51.jpg (758x746, 50K)

What? It's white nationalism but not similar to that of Hitler with his übermensch shit.

You said it was European identity like it’s some heritage club

>Never said it was Juan,
Yes I'm Mexican.

Yes European identity was created by white people.

these are the non whites in the pic
the others a just shitalians and stuff

Attached: file.png (1311x461, 731K)

>be black Frenchman
>rise to rank of General-in-chief of the French Army of the Alps
>Called the black devil, you are feared by the enemies of France on 3 continents
>Napoléon himself calls you Horatius Cocles (the Roman saviour) reborn
>Egyptian campaign is going poorly
>other French generals look to you for leadership
>you confront the emperor and tell him how to fix the problems
>Egyptians also refuse to believe that Napoléon is the leader, you must be the leader
>Napoléon's French ego can not take these insults
>banishes you
>Egypt goes south, you were right all along
>your descendents will be counted among Europe's greatest artistic and athletic minds, penning timeless classics of western literature and winning gold for the glory of France
>Your name is inscribed on the Arc de Triomphe
>thousands of Frenchmen sign a petition to award you the Légion d'honneur
>112 years after your death a Norwegian of no. merit and his friends on a Japanese cartoon board decide you aren't white enough to be truly European

Attached: 1503606322975.png (496x390, 33K)

Why are Americans so obsessed with race?

>>non of them are blonde
theres multiple blonde guys on the right

Attached: smh fam.jpg (534x300, 32K)

You said “Identity, European identity”
That means something very different from “white nationalism”

Why can’t you people just say what you mean

You have to be born and live in Europe to be European, brainlet


It's all they have

>a man of unrivalled skill, devotion and loyalty to his country that has done massive feats of honor for his country is on the same qualitative level as a bunch of larping incels in off the rack suits that they bought with their neetbux/allowance from mommy
Leafs truly are my favorite posters

This has got to be an American proxy

America has relatively little innovation or achievement on their own so they rely on the achievements of other members of the white race.
They also live in a country that has a dominant black entertainment and athletic industry despite only being 12% of the population. They worship celebrities more than anyone so white Americans need to find some way to feel superior.

the majority of european civilisation was created in southern europe you snownigger
stop acting like northern yuros created civilisation when all norway ever contributed to the world was a cheese slicer
>inb4 wog

Attached: costanza.jpg (250x250, 17K)

All I mean is if you have brown hair and brown eyes and don't look like Thor it doesn't mean you are excluded, you racist leftist.

Now you’re just being silly.
Why have an organisation devoted to reversing demographic trends in the USA and when people ask what it is you pretend to be a heritage club like a bunch of grannies practicing their German

You think you're using that word right but you're not

Nothing to do with muh heritage yanks. The Belgian said one need not be white to be European, you argued with him, I made a post about a black European of merit.

i've been in a lot of internet places and circles like that and it always attracts weirdos and misfits. not in the least surprised desu

>brown hair
since when did non-white people have brown hair?

Why do small-brains clump all European countries into one big vague "muh mutt heritage" ball? Europe isn't a monolith and will never be, you cultureless leaf.

>These are the people calling you a cuck/soiboi/faggot/bugman on the Internet

Yeah ok I thought you were unironically comparing the dudes in OP's pic related to one of the greatest generals of all time

Why are Americans so short?

Is it the Mexican food?

I have trouble comparing them to actual humans

imagine being so pathetic and cultureless that you have to LARP as a person from a country who's food you don't eat and language you don't speak just so you don't cry yourself to sleep every night

Go back to Mexico

Go back to China

>whiter than you

>Identity Evropa
>it's actually americans

>fake country trying to tell others off
i sleep

No they aren't. The fat bitch isn't even tan, just caked up to a yellow tint.

America is not your country. Mexico is your country.

Let's assume that the ones on the front are about 170 cm in average, the ones right behind would be like 180 cm on average, and.the ones in the bottom even taller. So the average height there doesn't seem short at first sight.
As for the color, most of them have light skin and light hair but they happen to be under poor lighting.
Seriously, this meme has gone too far. If they don't look like a 200 cm glowing albino despite poor lighting, they are not white?