Why are Norwegians such boring superficial normies while Finnish people are so autistic...

Why are Norwegians such boring superficial normies while Finnish people are so autistic? Shouldn't the cold make them both autistic?

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What do you think of Russians then?

>the cold
>make them both autistic
Are you retarded?

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finns are superior

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They are less smart Finns. But they are based.

Why not? I've noticed Norwegians are smug rich normies here, and Finns are autistic but funny.


>smug rich normies
That's because you only talk to tourists

You develop coping mechanisms.

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based egghead

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All Nordics, in fact, are huge normies and redditors.

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because you're a faggot

Danes are just as much normies as N*rges, and Finns are just as autistic as Japanese. Make of that as you will.


*downvotes thread*

If you were trying to say "Norwegians" in norwegian, the term is "nordmann" = "northman".

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No I quite clearly mean N*rge, the bane of Anglos worldwide

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In Swedish, it's Norrman or bög

hyll odin sæl odin
haha mm

In Danish, it's fjeldabe

>Why are Norwegians such boring superficial normies

Google jante law.


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>le finns are AUTISTIC lelele :) :P

You’d be surprised by the amount of turbo normies here. The average Jow Forums shitposter would be just as quiet shut in creep among Finnish freshmen as they were back in their school

even finnish normies are autists by scandinavian standards

t. autist

In that case it should be expanded to Sweden and Denmark aswell. They're just as poisoned by the jante law as we are, if not more.
dab one more time

but what if i bought euroshopper energy drinks and shared them with my friends?

And Scandinavians would be autists by normal standards

Only the northern parts of Norway is cold...

no, Scandinavian normies are extreme normies.

Norway isn't cold, we have too much coastline and we're right next to the gulf stream.
Too much rain though.

I didn't say Scandinavian normies, now did I? I meant Scandinavians on average not the more extroverted end of the bell curve

No, it's just that most of the world is really poor.

Danes are much more normies than us. There's a reason why there is no active Denmark general despite them having more people than Norway.

Only normies complain about "muh janteloven" thinking anyone still gives a shit.
Kill yourself garbage human shit for brains automaton.

100% of Finns who post on Jow Forums and severely autistic (including me ofc) but don’t let them fool you... this country is filled with normies to the core

>mfw midwest USA and interior Canada get down to -30C and people consider Scandinavians frost-resistant ubermensch

it hurts

>this country is filled with normies to the core
finnish normies are autists by scandinavian standards

I can smell your newness.

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Humidity is a bigger factor than most think.
It's active, just not as popular as norge- or sverigetrådene.

Not an argument that I came from Reddit

You're right, it means that you're a faggot who isn't welcome here, whose argument doesn't matter or hold any weight whatsoever.
Get lost.

Someone has autism

>Humidity is a bigger factor than most think.
don't remind me, it's 100% humidity right now
the air is pregnant with my suffering

I don’t know about that since I’ve never met scandinavian normies but to me they all seem the same regardless of nationality (extremely extroverted, loud, outgoing, active etc.)

We get -45 here in northern Sweden.
Also winters are 6-7 months long without daylight.


It's not the coldness which fucks you up during the winter; it's the eternal darkness

I can assure you that most Scandinavians aren't extroverted. Outgoing and active, perhaps western Norwegians could be generalised in such a manner. Nobody else that I'm aware of.

>We get -45 here in northern Sweden.
That would make me want to drink reindeer piss

As others have said, it's the months and months of 0 sun, even in the south, that fucks you up.


>tfw I live in Kurravaara
>almost 2 months of no sunrise
>remaining 5-6 months have like 1-4 hours of "daylight"


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Who the fuck cares?

>b-but the big boys in /b/ said that i'll finally become cool if I hate on reddit
stfu sheep

My intuition is that while Finland is the most introverted country in Europe (thus least normie-infested) on average, Scandis take the 2nd place, Russians, Germans, Poles, Balts and rest of V4 and UK are the intermediate, French and Southern Europeans are the extroverts of Europe and niggers/Arabs are the extroverts of the world.

Jow Forumssuomi has been based lately it feels more like Jow Forumsthe_donald than Jow Forumssweden

>tfw autist in normieland

I know the feeling
>going for lunch at 12:30 in the afternoon
>pitch black outside

But somehow I prefer winter over summer.

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>most people aren’t extroverted
>yet the term ”normie” is applied to extroverts only

They should be called ”abnormies”

Half of the population are girls and 95% of girls are extroverted

Redditors are human garbage. I don't browse /b/ though.

>more like Jow Forumsthe_donald than Jow Forumssweden
>Implying there's any difference
lol. Jow Forumssweden is just the swedish localiation. 90% SD:are. Might call it Jow Forumsthe_åkesson, with how obnoxious posters it has.

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I go to Jow Forumssweden every week to see what they have said about Finns and quite frankly they seem like a big bunch of cucks

>95% of girls are extroverted

This. W*men were a mistake

they are cucks and they have jannies who moderate that shit for 0 kr and 0 öre

Girls aren’t more extroverted, they are more agreeable and pursue social cohesion which makes it seem like they’re more sociable while men are disagreeable and stoic

in other words
>girls are more sociable and extroverted

I'm surprised the number is so low in other European countries. What year is this map from?

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In Finland men are actually more extroverted then women

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The absolute state of Australia

Every time I hear about Finland on the news it's always about how they're the smartest people in the world with a perfect education system and all that stuff, yet Finns here are the most autistic shitposters and memelords only rivaled by the Japanese.
My theory is that the decent people in Finland are actually working/studying/doing something meaningful with their lives and what we're left here is just NEET's and mentally ill individuals.

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>USA's scores similar to India, Nigeria, and Israel
ha...haaaa... we're in good company, ha

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Our own imageboard has 3.5 million monthly visitors but you are still kinda right.

>My theory is that the decent people in Finland are actually working/studying/doing something meaningful with their lives and what we're left here is just NEET's and mentally ill individuals.
Yeah no shit
Doesn't just apply to us either

That's how it is and besides the Finland education-system-mem is complete bs.

Relatively high rankings are due to low amount of POCs.

Monthly visitors doesn't mean shit

Yeah you can split that with 2 only by the fact same people visit with multiple devices like pc and phone but its still damn high for a country of 5.5 million people. Literally every male from age 15 to 30 knows that place.

Blatantly false

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The inlands/elavated areas are pretty fucking cold as well, but few live there.

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I only know about it from here otherwise I'd never heard about it
Back in my day there were just /b/tards

Assuming the numbers on Wikipedia are credible Oslo is also the fourth coldest capital in the world based on the average annual temperature after Ulaanbaatar, Astana and Reykjavik. It doesn't get the coldest temperatures, but it's average low in winters is one of the coldest recorded in any city with a sizable population.


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>34 degrees celsius this summer

Times have changed



Post watches

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We've got more normies, people don't hire you if you didn't serve for a reason that isn't medical and being a neet is impossible due to prices so everyone basically is a normie who works and is forced to socialize.
Suomi on suurin! :DDDDD

22+% of the population extroverted?? WHO WOULD'VE BELIEVED
Fuck this normie country.

Vad är ''Norrbagge'' på engelska? I think bokmål is the most kino language in the world also

Great argument


Norrbagge means norger in English? I dont think that word exsists in any other language then Swedish But that would the english translation of that wor mean? And is there any word for norweigan in Faroese/Danish?

Bokstavlig översättning blir 'north ram'. Vet ej om man kan översätta propert dock.

I heard Spain's so low because they have their own Spanish sites and stuff.

Very nice.

Most likely our language, it's the best lingo to be autistic with because everything is straightforward and brutish

hva faen betyr norrbagge i det hele tatt

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This thread reeks of people who've never been outside, nor in a social situation.

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>binland has demographically-adjusted pisa score jpg on his computer
what a magical country

But i really like Norweigans